The Genius' First Love

Chapter 189: 189

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The sky was nothing but a matt black canvass with no stars to be looked upon. The darkness was soo thick and the gasoline lantern the girls carried could hardly light the lake deck where the girls gathered in.

Xhemin was at the far end of the deck, taking her clothes off one by one. When she was completely naked, she instantly felt the bite of the wind in her skin and it ran cold through her veins and bones. She was chilling and small bumps formed tingling on her skin. The heat from the lantern they brought hardly reached her skin.

Seeing Xhemin completely naked and chilling before them, the girls embraced themselves as if feeling the cold she felt under their thick coats. It was such a cold night and Xhemin would be a lucky one if she won't end up getting a cold after this one.

"Ready your highness?" Dulcet mocked at Xhemin and laugh inwardly. Too bad the girl lost the game. Now the newbie end up how bitch she was. Perhaps the poor girl would learn not to cross a line with her next time "Don't worry there's no alligators round the lake, just water snakes"

"Water snakes?" Xhemin asked. She was not afraid of any creeping animals at all but knowing that it's too dark and she might not be able to see one moving from under water, she shook her a bit. She swallowed a lump in her throat thinking about the possibility of her stepping on that crawling monster.

"Yeah, water snakes. Don't worry they only bite a little" Dulcet told her, trying to frightened the girl more. If no one was around, she could have laughed her heart out seeing Xhemin's expression.

"I'm not really afraid of water snakes or anything that crawls" Xhemin narrated trying to straighten a face up to hide her emotions. She knew Dulcet was just bluffing on her to frighten her, unfortunately a water snake can't make her run home crying.

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Annoyed over Xhemin's answer, Dulcet hurried. "Are you ready? We don't have all night for this"

"Okay fine. I'm gonna go and jump now" Xhemin rolled an eye at the girl who was being such a bratty impatient bitch.

Xhemin get herself ready for a jump. She braced herself and breathed deep before she made a plunge. One minute more and she was under the water and the coldness down below froze almost all of her veins. The heavy force brought by her jump made her toppled into the lake ground as the lake wasn't that deep.

Seeing how Xhemin was swallowed by the water Dulcet grinned. How easy was it to fool the newbie?

"Get her clothes and let's go" She announced as she took hold of the gasoline lantern that they brought in haste.

"What?" One of the girls exclaimed in surprise "But the newbie is still out there"

"We can't just leave her there" Someone worriedly seconded "The cabin is far from here and it's too dark, she might lose her way back"

"Do you think I care about her being lost in the woods? You can stay here if you want nobody's forcing you anyway to come with us " Dulcet answered and started walking away. The other girls followed her, some hesitated but knowing how Dulcet run the east camp they opted to follow her than subject themselves to her fury later.

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"Can we at least not take her clothes with us?" Someone pleaded, worried that they might get in trouble because of what they are about to do.

"No! Her clothes comes with us!" Dulcet answered overly annoyed about some of the girls concern over Xhemin "If anybody comes to her aid again, I'll make sure she'll suffer the same fate she did"

Dulcet's made everyone shut their mouths. Of course no one can go against Dulcet, she's the east camp queen and she can easily make or break one camper that go against her. Xhemin for example.

"Hurry slowpokes before the girl catches us leaving" One of Dulcet's minions hollered off.


Xhem swam to the top of the water, only to be welcomed with nothing but darkness, the light from the gasoline lantern was gone. What happened to the girls? Did they run out of gasoline perhaps?

"Hey guys, I'm done can you light my way up?" She called for them but no one answered.

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"Are you still there? Hello? Hello?" Xhemin shouted but moments passed on and there was no sign of anyone there. Only then that Xhemin realized that the girls had fooled her and left without her.

They didn't took her clothes with them right? That's what usually happens in movies when mean girls asked their victim to jump off the lake naked. She hoped not, she doesn't want to end up running naked in the woods.

Freezing, Xhemin find her way back to the deck and tried to climb up. It was too dark that it almost rendered impossible for her to reach the platform, her wet skin also made the process slippery.

Moments passed on but Xhemin was still at the foot at the deck, unable to climb back. Knowing which part of the deck she put her clothes on, she tried to reach for it only to find that it wasn't there anymore. Her expectations didn't fail her, the girls did took her clothes away. Soo mean!

"Sh*t" She cursed in annoyance.

What did she do to deserve this mess?

 Was this her karma for tagging out Leonardo Auclair?

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Those girls were very unmerciful!

Cold licked at Xhemin's face and with purple lips and chattering teeth she wrapped her arms around her hoping to shield herself from the coldness that crept within her body. She braced her arms tighter while still in the water trying to figure out the best thing to do. She knew she couldn't stay there until sunrise because somebody might see her and that's a bad thing considering she was naked. She thought of running naked back to the east camp before sunrise so instead of climbing up, she walked her way slowly to the lake bank to start her marathon.

Xhemin advances toward the end of the lake, her foot was heavy as it sunk into the lake soil after every steps. Like her steps, her heart was heavy too. She was exhausted, sad and confused and tears were already rounding her eyes but she never let a single drop fall. She thought crying wasn't the wisest thing to do at the moment.

Xhemin was already at the end of the lake when she heard a shriek from the trees and twigs twisting and cracking—someone's in the woods! Her conclusion was confirmed when she saw a light being directed at the deck, someone has a flashlight and they were coming to her direction!

In panic and afraid to be seen naked, Xhemin ran back to the water as fast as she could. She could only think of nothing but submerging her naked body back to the water to cover her bareness. Who could be out in the woods this time of the night?

They had curfews right?

Xhemin went further and further into the water blindly when suddenly she bumped into something, something hard. She thought it was some log that floated above the water so she pushed it right away but it was heavy and surprisingly warm.

Warm? Is there anything warm that floats in the lake?

She didn't stumble in an alligator, did she?

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