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Alligators and water snakes, could she have encountered one of it tonight?

The night was soo dark as the sky hid away the moon and the stars that should have been Xhemin's saving glory in the dark. There was nothing in the nature that could help her see whatever was surrounding her so she could only rely on her other senses apart from her eyes that had proved useless at the blank canvass that succumb her.

But that girl Dulcet said there was no alligator round this area?

Was the girl only bluffing her?

Did she really mean to get her eaten up alive by a flesh eating monster?

Xhemin didn't dare to move and her breathing became heavy, almost terrified upon the fact that she might end up being eaten by an alligator.

Slowly and slowly Xhemin retreated back, hoping the alligator was sleeping and that it won't woke up not until she's farther away. She froze her breathing and made no single sound but only after two steps, the thing moved toward her and grabbed her by the hand.

"Who are you?" The one before her called, it was a man's voice and it made Xhemin's inside twisted and jumped! There's a man in the lake, just few inches from her naked body!

"Pervert!" Xhemin exclaimed and charged everything she could to pull her hand away from the man's grip. However, the man was too strong for Xhemin so her fleeing attempt wasn't successful the first time. She had to bite him after her first charge in order to free herself.

"Ouch!" The man shouted as a sharp pain lance through his arm caused by Xhemin's bite. "Hey!" he called on her when he realized she was running away but Xhemin didn't heed him and she run back to the lake end as fast as she could.

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Xhemin breathe heavily when she reached the end of lake.

"Gosh! Who was that?" She asked to her own self. She tried to look for something to cover her body when the possibility of her getting caught naked was becoming inevitable but then the place was too dark. She was having hard time looking for things.

While searching the place in haste, Xhemin noticed a spark nearby and just then she saw sparkles of light dancing in the woods, coming closer to where she was followed by dogs barking and people chattering.

"Whose there?" Someone called and Xhemin's brain stuttered for a moment, caught in the middle of the situation with no escape.

The lights that the people brought with them lighted the place making every creature and plants beside Xhemin visible, so was her naked body that glowed vibrantly when reflected by the light.

"My Gosh! My Gosh! I'm gonna get caught naked!"

When everyone was about to caught Xhemin roaming around naked in the lake end, someone grabbed her back into the water. The thing happened in a quick succession that Xhemin was not able to defend herself against her taker. The person dragged her swiftly and held her in a way that she had no chance to escape.

"Let me go. HELP—" Xhemin attempted to shout but the person instantly covered her mouth. The person brought her deeper into the water and soon to the lake deck's direction. Few minutes of dragging and they both were under the deck, hidden away from the people who had flashlights and dogs with them.

"Shhhhhh!" The man told her and even when his voice came in gentle, she did not let her guard fall and readied herself for what was about to come. No matter what, she had to defend herself against her capturer.

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"I'll take my hands off your mouth so long as you promise to keep it shut" The man told her and just then Xhemin thought his voice was becoming familiar to her. Does she know this particular man?

Yes she does.

She was certain that she knew him.

But who could it be?

"Will you?..." The man asked her again and Xhemin nodded in response, curious as to hell who his capture was.

 "…Good, stay quiet milady" The man's last words answered Xhemin's question and right away everything in her stomach flipped out in nervousness when the realization of the man's identity hit her.

"Darryl?" She asked, her eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of a stunned surprise. If one could see her right now, they could tell she had gone white as a chalk.

"Shhhhh" Darryl whispered in her ears again. "I say shut your mouth up"

The place by then was filled by dogs barking and hollering at the lake end. The once dark place glowered and had become well lighted because of the flashlights the people from the woods brought with them.

"I thought I see someone" Xhemin heard one of them hollered. Only then did Xhemin realize they were patrollers who were rummaging the campsite, making sure everyone's safe and sound. They were checking out the place and soon Xhemin heard their footsteps thumping against the wood deck and knowing how close they were, she panic a bit.

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What if they saw Darryl and her right here?

That would be a huge scandal especially with the fact that she with no single clothing at all.

Coming closer and closer to where they were hiding, Xhemin flinched worriedly and because Darryl was beside her, he felt it.

"Are you cold?" He whispered in her ears. His nose unintentionally tickled Xhemin's ears and the girl instantly turned red. Good thing it was dark, her redness didn't came obvious in front of Darryl.

Xhemin did not respond, she had no strength to do so especially at this point when her naked body was peculiarly conscious of the man beside her, his hands still pressed tightly against her other arm.

"There's really no one in here" Another patroller said at the top of the deck walking in circles following his sniffing dog. "What do you have right there buddy?" he asked his dog who seemed to have smelt something from down below.

"Hey!" The patroller called for his fellow and instructed "Can you check down below?"

Hearing what has been said; Darryl immediately pulled Xhemin again deeper into the deck, in a portion where they can hide even if the patrollers will look down below. However that part was a little tight so he pressed Xhemin's body into his as he force both of their bodies into the gap. Having Darryl too close, Xhemin let out a tiny gasped and squirmed uncomfortably.

"What are you doing?" She glared at the boy trying to make a space between them. She can't stand their position—she might end up devouring Darryl's raging hot muscles. She swallowed upon the thought and tried to be as calm as possible supressing every desire that was surging in.

"Keep quiet or we'll get caught" Darryl reminded her once again.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Xhemin was pressed in way that her naked body was feeling every bit of Darryl Lagdameo's flesh—his strong arms, bold thighs and calves and a firm chest and abdomen. All Xhemin could do was gaped open in front of chest, trying to steady her tensing nerves and breathing. Every part of Darryl was hard and warm because like her, the boy was naked too—well his upper body was since he was shirtless.

Lights were directed in the lower deck but the patrollers found nothing unusual. However, they lingered in the lake deck a little longer which made Darryl and Xhemin stay on the same hiding place for quite a while.

While hiding intimately with Darryl, Xhemin's thoughts lingered on how her attraction for him had remained constant despite the fact that so many things had happened past between them, good and bad. Not even distance can break the knot that brought them together because no matter where she's at and how far she had been, there was this force that pulled her back to Darryl's arms. There was something about the two of them that matches, something that she herself cannot comprehend. At times when she thought of giving up what they had, she always end up getting back to him and right then she realized that her attraction for him runs deep into her core.

But could she still withstand it all?

All that was about to come and all that was at stake.

Can they both get through it all?

Perhaps yes, perhaps not.

But there's only one thing she was certain.

She like the Darryl.

A lot.

And there's nothing in the world that can change that fact.

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