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Darryl's words sucked something out of Xhemin. How could he say something like that in situations like this?

"Darryl Lagdamoe you are such a pervert!" Xhemin instantly pushed Darryl away and started walking her way out of the deck. She planned on getting back to the lake end, find something to cover herself then go back to east camp.

"Hey, I was just kidding" Darryl called laughing his heart out. "Come back here, somebody might see you there"

"In your face! I'd rather be seen naked than be with you!" She shouted back at the boy who was following at her back.

"I'm sorry okay?" He said still laughing hard.

"You are soo unsincere!" She blurted out.

Xhemin thought how jerk Darryl was. After everything that had happened and with so many things to discuss, how could he choose to mock her size? He was the jerkiest person she had ever met. The beast inside him had never change.

Xhemin was almost at the lake end when suddenly she noticed a two glittering circles looking at her from the wood together with a growling sound that was becoming heavy as each seconds passed.

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Stunned in surprise Xhemin was caught unable to move as the small beast appeared walking slowly to her and prepared to devour her flesh.

"Bark ... bark ... bark.." The beastly dog barked at the naked girl whom he found in the middle of the night.

"What is it buddy?" Someone called for the dog nearby and just then lights started to emerge one by one and footsteps started to flood the place.

"O my God!" Xhemin exclaimed inwardly knowing that the people coming was already too close to her she had no more chance of escape.

The patrollers came with their flashlight and they caught a silhouette running toward the lake.

"There's someone on that side!" One of them shouted.

"Hey stop! Stop!" The patrollers ran back to the lake expecting to see some student campers who might have some night escapade only to find a more shocking scene.

Charging their flashlights into the lake, they saw an image of a man covering a woman, enclosing his body around hers and the most surprisingly scandalous about the fact is that they were both naked.

What are these two doing in the lake, in the middle of the night and with clothes off?

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"What are you two doing here? And from which camp did you come from?" The patrollers started questioning the two, charging their flashlights into their heads as their faces were hidden — the man was on his back while he pressed the girl's head to his chest hiding her face away.

"Take your lights away from me" Darryl said and his beastly serious aura suddenly filled the place, making the patrollers recognized who he was.

"Young master is that you?" The team lead patroller came forward trying to confirm if it was really the Lagdameo heir they found naked with a girl in the lake.

"I said take those lights away from me!" Darryl repeated. His jaw tightened and his voice became stern and stony.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Charge your lights away!" The team lead instantly chided his members when they refused to withdraw their lights the first time Darryl requested "It's the young master, idiots!"

Xhemin didn't move at all not because she wanted to —because to be honest she wanted to run fast away at the time— but because Darryl pinned her down with his arms as he tried to cover every skin of hers that was flaunting vulnerably.

"I'm sorry young master; we thought there are some student campers who were rummaging around here. We didn't think you and… ahmm … your lover will be out here…." The lead patroller apologized, trying to dismiss all the other patrollers back to the woods to give the young master and his woman some privacy they needed.

"… don't worry young master we will just leave and we'll make sure no one else come to disturb you round this area" the lead patroller added.

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Did they just saw the Lagdameo heir making out with a girl?

On a lake?

Who would have thought the great Lagdameo heir had this kind of passionate raw needs?

"No need" Darryl answered him, speaking while his back was on the patrollers who were hoping to at least see the face of the girl he was with. "Just get me something to cover milady from cold"

Hearing Darryl's request, the lead patroller asked for some dry cloth they had with team that was meant for some emergencies and gave it to Darryl.

"Here young master, we have some dry cloth with us" He announced and opted to go near the couple but Darryl halted him.

"Just leave it in the ground and get back to the woods together with your team" Darryl instructed not giving anyone a chance to be near them and have a chance to see clearly any of Xhemin's skin.

"Okay Young Master" The lead patroller obeyed and put the cloth in the ground before he asked his comrades to go "Let's go. Hurry, hurry!"

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Minutes past and Darryl and Xhemin were alone again. There were no more signs of patrollers and any other human being nearby.

"Are you alright?" The Lagdamoe heir asked Xhemin as he let her loose from his arms.

"Thank you," Xhemin answered. If not for Darryl, the patrollers could have seen her naked. Apart from that she was also worried about Darryl's reputation being caught naked with a girl in the lake.

Darryl tapped the girl head and brushed her hair lightly, "Come, let's get you back to east camp"

Even though she can't resist the boy, Xhemin wasn't really in the mood to be with Darryl. She still resent him and she could not dare to pretend that everything was good with them.

"I can go back alone " Xhemin said with a heavy heart and rushed her way to the lake end, grabbed the dry cloth on the ground and covered herself. Now fully covered, she bowed her head to the Lagdameo heir who followed her into the dry ground and said "Thank you again. You had help me a lot tonight"


Again, this novel will not be dropped because it is contracted. The author just recently graduated from lawschool and had to undergo some legal process to get her license. That's why her schedule is messed up. According to her, it might take her until December to clear her schedule so updates will not be regular for October and November. However, this novel will her priority in December since the author is scheduuled to release a new novel by next year. Thus, before the new novel comes out, this novel will be finished.

She sends her regards and apologies. 


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