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"Are you sure?" Darryl gave Xhemin an unbelieving look before he had remarked gravely. "Because the last time I check, trouble seemed to be following you everywhere. Something might happen to you along the way"

"Don't worry I can take care of myself completely" Xhemin didn't wait for Darryl's answer and in a haste, she started her way through the dark thick woods, following the path that she traversed with the east camp girls earlier.

Before she faded into dark, she turned to Darryl and shouted while waiving her hands to him "I'm sorry by the way for what happened this morning. Have a good night!"

After she bade the boy farewell, she ran fast into the woods as if she was running away from someone not giving any slight chance for Darryl to catch up on her speed. But unluckily, just few meters away, she stumbled upon something which made her lost her balance.

"Ouch!" She screeched in pain. " Omigosh Xhemin how could you be so careless!" She chided upon her own self as she tried to pick herself up. Sitting on the ground, she checked her own aching feet but it was too dark. She forced herself to stand, but the pain that was striking in her flesh made her hard to do so.

Whew! How did she end up being so unlucky today?

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"Didn't you say you can take care of yourself completely?" Someone from behind her uttered and Xhemin knew it was the Lagdameo's young master. Knowing Darryl, Xhemin was certain that he had followed her through when she left.

Darryl had a flashlight with him now and he charged it to the girl who was on the ground looking so pitiful "Not even five minutes have passed and you had already hurt yourself"

Darryl went toward Xhemin and kneeled to level the girl who was still in pain and with his flashlight, he went to check the part that she had an injury. Just one glance on it and he knew that the girl's attempt to walk back the east camp was hopeless.

"Ride in my back" Darryl directed to Xhemin's pitiful face. Obviously she was feeling so helplessly defeated by the fact that she had to endure being with the boy for more than the time she anticipated and in the worst case scenario that she could ever imagine.

"Darryl I'm really fine. Just go..." Xhemin said and as much as she wanted to hold her tears off, they fell without permission in her delicate face. She was feeling so frustrated about herself, her slip-ups and all that had happened that lead her to being exiled to the east camp without the boys.

To add to her frustration, her feelings for Darryl was not only getting real, it was also running pretty intense that she feared it might be too hard for her to let him go while the Lagdameo heir was just so cool about moving on without her.

She was too disheartened about her unlabeled affair with Darryl, if only she could forget everything and get back to the once uncaring Xhemin she once was. But Darryl came and robbed her heart without notice and the worst part of all these was, he was so unwilling to give her heart back.

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How could he be that cruel to her?

He started out as her happy pill now he was one of the reason for her tears.

Why did she had to fall for him?

Of all people, why did it had to be him?

Can he just turn back to being a simple arrogant coach?


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Even without words, Darryl understood Xhemin's tears. He knew there was no word enough to comfort the girl. If only he could turn back time, he would chose to have not met her so she won't have to suffer the fate of being the Lagdameo heir's woman.  But here they are both, trying a little taste of their guilty pleasure.

How could it taste soo bitterly delicious?

Hurtful but addicting.

For a while, Xhemin's glimmering tears was the only thing that Darryl saw and although it was falling lightly and freely on Xhemin's cheeks, every drop of it was like a bomb exploding chaotically inside him. He wanted to wipe them off from Xhemin's beautiful delicate face but he opted not to, because it seemed that the girl was only holding on to her tears for comfort. The comfort and relief that he wasn't able to give her for the last few days that he was too coward to face the whole ordeal that they have.

Darryl's mouth dried up, it seemed that he can't find any words to comfort the girl.

"C'mon now and don't cry anymore" Darryl lamely cheered her up. He picked the girl from the ground and carefully carried her to his back. Xhemin, who was tired and helpless clung onto him without protest.

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Soon the two were walking quietly back to the east camp with Darryl's flashlight as their only light on the way. Xhemin was sobbing on Darryl's back while the boy listened to her sobs hating the fact that there was nothing he can do to make her stop.

So he just let her. She let Xhemin cry her heart out loud until she's done with it, because sometimes one only needs to cry to be okay.

As Darryl hoped for, Xhemin stopped crying a little later and ended catching on her breathing, only then did Darryl had enough guts to talk.

"I understand that you are mad at me because I had been a jerk" He started out, tilting his head to his back, rubbing his head to her wet cheeks while Xhemin was at his back.

"But I just hope you understand that I did it for your own good." Just then, Darryl's voice reflected his own hurt. It took a couple of minutes before he let out another set of words "I was at your party and I saw it all"

Darryl's last words caught Xhemin's attention.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You were at my party?" She asked in surprise, there was a crack in her voice because of her recent sobbing "How come you didn't show up?"

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