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"You know him?" Her comrades asked the girl who just asked Darryl his identity. "Whose young master is he?

"Isn't he the Lagdameo's heir?" Someone whispered to the other girls when Darryl's face became clear right before them.

"I'm not entirely sure about that, I've only seen the Lagdameo's heir in magazines" Another one admitted amazed of the possibility of having the Lagdameo's heir as a guest.

"It's him. I'm sure of that" Someone confirmed. They were all flabbergasted with Darryl's unannounced appearance so it took them few seconds to recover from their incredulity.

"Cough. Cough. Cough." Xhemin's rough coughing woke up everyone's propriety and only then they had noticed that Xhemin's cloth although dry wasn't enough to cover her entirely from the chillness of the night.

 "She had a sprained ankle" Darryl announced over the girls as he carried her to sit beside the campfire to warm herself "Also, she needed a hot bath and some clean clothes"

Hearing Darryl's ragged raw voice sent every girl's sanity entrapped under his charms, except for Xhemin who cared nothing at the moment but snatched some heat from the campfire to lessen her chills. She was used to seeing girls run insane at the sight of Darryl so the view of girl salivating in front of Darryl don't bother her anymore. Besides, she still resent him and his charms can do nothing to make her less upset.

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"I'll prepare the bath for her" Someone volunteered and ran through the old cabin wasting no time at all.

"I'm so sorry newbie, swear I told them not to do it" One of the girls instantly defended herself knowing that Darryl was there and that they might probably in trouble with this. She sat beside Xhemin and attempted to comfort her.

Xhemin gave the girl a force smile in response to her comforting words. Now that Darryl was here, everyone seemed to be friendly.

"Me too. I even pleaded with them not to take your clothes away" Another one insisted and Xhemin thought how easy was it for people to betray each other. Instead to confronting the girls, Xhemin opted to play along with their pretend kindness because she was too tired to make a mess.

"This is all but Dulcet and her minions fault. We should have warned you about her but everything happened so fast that we didn't even got the time to tell you"

Just then, the cabin door banged hard and Dulcet with her minions came out annoyed as if they knew that someone was backstabbing them near the campfire "What's all this fuss about and who—"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Seeing Darryl beside Xhemin made Dulcet shut her mouth, her eyes almost bulged out of shock. Of course she knew Darryl, how can she not know the famous Lagdameo's heir when she herself was Lauren's cousin.  She had some encounters with the boy on some of the elite's party and gatherings, and although she was not a class A socialite, being Lauren's cousin gave her some privilege to have access to the latter's circle.

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"Young master Darryl. What a surprise! What made you come to this part of the camp?" She welcomed Darryl with the sweetest smile she could ever afford. However Darryl just only gave her a cold look and turned his attention to Xhemin again, seemingly annoyed that his attention was caught by nothing important at all.

Seeing Darryl's display of concern for Xhemin, Dulcet asked faking a worried face "Newbie what happened to you?"

Instead of responding, Xhemin just like Darryl only gave Dulcet a look with blank expression on her face.  Xhemin give no slightest hint of expression at all that Dulcet couldn't recognize whether Xhemin was afraid, mad or threatened by her.

"Young master. The hot bath is ready!" Someone called from behind Dulcet and right after the announcement everyone saw how Darryl carried Xhemin in his arms and walked pass through Dulcet and her minions.

"Darryl I can walk. You don't have to carry me" Xhemin protested, feeling a little reluctant because everyone's stares wasn't that approving when they witness how Darryl was treating her. She thought, Darryl and her had enough public display of affection in the lake, bringing the same scenery and mood at the east camp was a little too much for her.

Darryl of course ignore Xhemin's plea and carried her with care as if she was some kind of an expensive giant vase that cost millions in the market.

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Flabbergasted, all Dulcet could do was watched the scenario unfold before her with so much envy for the newbie that she just prank off in the lake.

"What's happening?" Dulcet asked everyone when Darryl and Xhemin entered the cabin. When no one answered she demanded again "What has just happened? Are you all deaf?"

What's with the newbie and the Lagdameo's heir?

"To be honest Dulcet, none of us knew. They just showed up together, on how and why they were together, nobody knew" Someone was kind enough to give her the answer she needed but the answers only confused her even more.

"They showed up together?" Dulcet raised a brow at the fact. "You mean they were together in the lake?"

"As I said Dulcet, none of us knew" The same girl answered "Go an asked the newbie instead"

"Did no one of you ask the newbie?" She instigated hoping to get some more information that she could use for her own benefit.

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"No one of us dared. You see, the young master was here too, so how can we asked her?" Another girl sitting on the campfire answered Dulcet which only made the girl's interest over the two surged high.

"There's something fishy round here" Dulcet settled curiously.

Was Xhemin and Darryl's meeting just a coincidence or did they really knew each other?

Didn't she left the girl naked in the lake? How lucky of her to turn up back in the camp with no serious injury and came in with a high profiled body guard?

How important was this girl that Darryl himself brought her back?

Now that Darryl was here, will she be in trouble for playing pranks and bullying the girl?

Thinking it thought, Dulcet's head ached. Any moment from her head will probably explode being flooded with too many questions she had for the newbie and the Lagdameo heir's connection with each other.

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