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Darryl carried Xhemin until the bathroom where a hot bath was waiting for them. Surprisingly in an old camp cabin, there was a wooden bathtub which the campers used to clean themselves up. Right now, it was steaming with hot water in it.

"Just put me right there and leave" Xhemin told the boy pointing to the bathtub.

Darryl hesitated, not wanting to let the Xhemin go completely, however he headed her request. He dipped the girl's body in the hot water while she was still wearing the dry cloth that was the only thing that covered her whole body.

The hot water against Xhemin's skin give her a soothing feeling that was easing all the aching pain she had with her body especially the one in her ankle that had given her some serious sting since earlier. To make herself more comfortable, she took off the clothing that she wore to cover her body and threw the same to the floor. Now, there's nothing between her skin and the water.

"Xhemin" Darryl called her attention, only then she did realize that the boy didn't leave yet. Suddenly some panick surged into her knowing she was all naked. Why did she undress without securing that he left already? Her back was facing the bathroom door so she missed out checking on whether the boy was still there or if he walked away already.

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What was the Lagdameo heir still here? Was he planning to watch her get a bath? The thought brought back the redness in her face, the same redness she glowed on the lake. She instantly remember the things and the feelings she had to deal with the moment he showed up in the lake earlier.

The heck! The hairs at the back of her neck stood up, as an intense feeling run down her stomach.

"Darryl I need to take a bath. Please leave" She dismissed him immediately without daring to look at her back, because to be honest, his presence in the bathroom with her will only bring so much scandal and talks amongst the girls who saw Darryl in the place.

"Just let me linger a bit" He pleaded and unknown to Xhemin, the boy was watching her slender neck from the back wishing he could give it a second kiss. It was just so tantalizing and irresistible that he was having hard time not to look at it.

"What else do you want from me?" She opted to ask him since he wanted to say. Perhaps by now, Darryl has something in mind. Something with a lot more sense.

There was some serious silence after she asked the question and the silence lingered a little longer that Xhemin though perhaps Darryl went away already.

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"I want you to trust me" He said, hinting out his presence.  

"Trust is a very fragile thing. I had given you one before and you had chosen to break it" She answered. She didn't know how she summoned all courage to talk to him like that but with the annoyance she had with Darryl, she was thankful for all those indiscernible guts she had to meet him head on.

"I know that I am asking too much from you and that this probably is hard for you but..." Darryl paused a bit and held a deep breath before he continued, or more like before he pleaded "..but I also know that you are the type of girl who knew what she wants and would fight for what she wanted"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xhemin bluffed him "How sure are you about that?"

"Well at the dining hall …  the day that you kissed me. You said that —"

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"That was uncalled for" Xhemin hollered totally not expecting how their recent conversation was turning into.

"I know, I know" He answered right away. From standing at Xhemin's back after he put her in the tub, Darryl went to kneel beside the tub, facing Xhemin to level her gaze. Now his tantalizing hazel eyes were glimmering in front of the girl.

 "Xhem please just wait for me" Darryl's hazel eyes sparkled begging in front of her "I'll find the culprit then I'll settle things out in my family. Until then, please wait for me"

Xhemin looked back at Darryl quietly. They stared each other in an odd way as if a silent argument was taking place. Truth was Xhemin herself cannot decide over it. L Empire was one heck of a nemesis and she can't risk her family just because he fell for the Lagdameo heir. But could she forget him?

Could she wake up tomorrow and erase him completely from her memory?

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Can she ask her heart to stop beating for the boy who made it leap?

Xhemin was trying to ease herself up when suddenly and unexpectedly, she felt Darryl lips against hers.

Darryl's unannounced kiss made her body heated up in an instant, even warmer than the water in her tub. In a moment she felt her body loosened up as Darryl's arms touched her shoulders, their foreheads brushing against each other. He kissed her in a way that Xhemin's world fell away. It was soft and slow and comforting than the world will ever be. Their breathes mingled as Darryl deepened the kiss, drowning Xhemin into the pits of wonderland she hoped she hand never known, now she'll always wondered how to get back to it again and right then Xhemin remembered why he fell for him.

Their lips fit like two puzzle pieces, each specifically crafted for the other like it was meant to be. The kiss obliterated every thought and for the first time in soo many days, Xhemin's mind was locked into the present, into Darryl's kiss. All the worries and fear she had for her family paused and was set aside in one corner on her mind disappearing like the world before them.  Darryl made her feel like none mattered — only him and her.

The kiss last for ages and they both gasped for air when it broke. Darryl looked at Xhemin lovingly as he caressed her lips that he just tasted and her soft warm cheeks that were all crimson after.

"I love you" Darryl said slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savour them. And the words that he said came in as a trap that Xhemin would freely fall into.

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