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A light on summer when the breeze is cooler

After the time the night sky shed its tears

The moment the universe I painted

was shattered,



swept away by the doubts I created

Then you held her hand and sang the hymn

It was like romance was perfect on the first rhythm

She became your fantasy,

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your music;

your sweet melody,

the end to the labyrinths complexity

I was there watching our fading lights

Watching your new smile while losing mine

You target a gold arrow in her heart

But it was mine that broke apart

The girl's handwriting was shaking as she made a stroke on the last paragraph. She closed her old journal and give it a warm embrace. The cold wind was blowing her red hair messily into the air and her heart was heavy, just like it had always been. So many lonely days had passed by after the day she let go and planted the Camilla. Since then, loneliness had become a vice in her heart.

"Life without you 'da is lonely" She murmured under her breathe. With tears, she directed her phoenix red eyes to the moon above her. She cried slowly, with tears dripping down her temples and the constant pain in her heart reminds her that she existed and breathe yet she meant nothing to anyone. "Perhaps I don't really belong here"


Two days after the lake incident, Xhemin was released from exiled. Now she's back to the main camp. Missing and worried about her best friends whom she had no communication over, she opted to search for them upon her arrival. First place to look was the camp clinic but she wasn't able to find them there. She found nothing, not even a hint of Ziggy's presence who was assigned in that cabin. Disappointed with the fact that the boys seemed to be oblivious of the fact of her arrival, she tried her luck of looking for them in their shared sleeping cabin.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Their cabin was particularly quiet when Xhemin arrived and she almost thought that the boys were not there too. However, opening the door she saw the diamond prince doing something. But as much as she was happy seeing him, her brows formed a distressed arch when she saw the prince packing up his things.

"Hey…" Xhemin called to get his attention which the prince acknowledge right away with a warm smile. "Where's my warm welcome? This is so disappointing" Xhemin displayed the most upset face she could in front of him which only widened Huzey's smile.

"Your warm welcome is right here…" Huzey announced and opened up his arms for a hug. He went to squeeze Xhemin in his embrace and kissed the girl's hair.

Xhemin returned Huzey's embrace with a lame one, obviously trying to tell the prince that she wasn't please at all with his effortless 'welcome home' hug and added " I demand a gift"

"Am I not enough?" Huzey retorted, the smile on his face didn't fade that only made his pair of blue eyes glimmer more beautiful. The radiance he glowed was contagious that just after saying those words, Xhemin let go of a wide smile before him.

Just then Xhemin notice the haul of clothes that was laid neatly on the bed waiting to be pack up to the luggage bag and the brightness in her face faded in an instant.

"You're leaving?" She confronted him with a frown.

"Yeah…" Huzey smiled at her sweetly as if telling the girl that it was nothing unusual and that his absence was just a little compromise in their camping trip.

 "….My Abuelo, Senior Hans needs to go abroad for some emergency conference. So I had to go to the mines to attend some guests. We had some scheduled visit that cannot be postponed"

Huzey was the only heir of the Montarini's and the boy had always been dragged into their family business despite the fact that he was still studying in Rivendell. He had been brought up in a way that he can steadily succeed to their family's business if the time comes. [This-novel-is-012-written-by-Zijay-Qui-and-is-contracted-in-webnovel-dot-com]Also, aside from his grandfather Senior Hans, they had no other relative in the country to help them in their business.

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"I see. So you won't be here tomorrow at the closing ceremony?" Xhemin told him seemingly frustrated with the fact that Huzey won't be there when it was their last year in the camp.

"Who shall receive your token then?" She asked the second time, not noticing that she had already been flooding the boy with too many questions that he had patiently answered.

Huzey only smiled at her and nodded yes before he added "You can get it in behalf of me"

"Such a shame. So, only I and Ziggy will be here tomorrow?" She asked again even though she knew the answer to her question already.

"I'll be back before you know it" He said and went to tap her head "For now, make sure you won't get in trouble again. I'm not here to sort things for you and Ziggy's still acting soo childish"

"Okay" She answered back at the boy while she watched him tidied his bed and put in his business cloak. Seeing him in full attire only made Xhemin frowned deeper.

"Why are you in business suit? Are you seriously going to wear that while hiking back to station zero?" She asked of him amused with the fact.

"I'm not hiking back to station zero" Huzey said.

"But that's the only way out of the camp"

"A chopper was sent to fetch me. I need to reach Montarini Mining Corporation right on time" Huzey explained as he checked himself in the mirror and tightened his hair that had been pulled back highlighting his perfectly chiseled face. [This-novel-is-112-written-by-Zijay-Qui-and-is-contracted-in-webnovel-dot-com]The view of his handsome façade on the mirror caught Xhemin off guard that her eyes unconsciously fixated on Huzey for a little while.

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Noticing Xhemin's indifference, Huzey added "Anything wrong?"

"Nothing" As if ashamed, Xhemin turned her head away instantly confused as to what had just happened to her. She directed her glance to the door to avoid Huzey's eyes and sighed with relief when she noticed a Montarini butler heading to the cabin where they were lingering. "I mean, someone's coming" She added to change Huzey's focus.

"Good day to you Little Miss, Seniorito Huzey" The butler came in and greeted them both with a bow, straightened himself up before he added "The chopper is waiting for you Seniorito"

"Xhemin, take care of yourself and stay away from trouble as much as you can" He said unto her before he kissed the girl goodbye, grabbed his bag and leave in a hurry.

Xhemin was left in the cabin alone and as Huzey was leaving, she watched him. Seeing Huzey leave suddenly made her feel sad and emotional which was quiet unnatural because she knew he always come back on time.

But something was different they way he left this time.

Time slowed down, as if Xhemin's brain needed a "photohraph" of him. As if he'll be gone for a long time that suddenly made the girl long for him even before he disappeared right before her.

Few steps away and Huzey turned on his back to give Xhemin a wave of goodbye and Xhemin forced a smile on her face to give him an impression that she was fine.

But her smile faded when Huzey's silhouette disappeared and a tear suddenly dropped out from her eye.

Shocked to feel the teardrops falling on her cheeks, Xhemin washed her face with her two hands. Why was she crying?

[Poem is taken from]

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