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Everyone gathered in the camp ground of the main camp as the closing ceremony was to be held. It had been a tradition that before campers were sent home, they bid them a small get together gathering. Tables were set in each corner of the camp with food and some refreshments while campers scattered around bidding goodbyes to each other, writing their mobile numbers on a pieces of paper, ready to give to their newly found friends.

In the heart of the camp, a little center isle was built for the recognition ceremony. Officers who graduates this year — meaning those who won't be coming back to the camp for the next school year – will be given a token of gratitude.

When the program began, everybody gathered around the center isle to give honor to the officers who had made sure that the camp was well managed and who had made sure everyone was safe.

Each officers were called and every camper gave out their claps to acknowledge their efforts. Also, this particular ceremony was one of the events that every campers anticipated because during this time, campers will learn who amongst the officers were from Rivendell High.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Everyone was aware that Rivendell Academy was the one who funded and managed the camp and because it is an A-list school and a very exclusive one, everyone was dying to get a glimpse of their students and their lifestyles. [this-novel's-author-is-Zijay-and-this-221-novel-is-contracted-under-webnovel-dot-com] It was known already that Rivendell students had great profiles so they kind of adored them even before they met them.

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Right now the only thing campers knew is that the Montarini prince and the Montreal's youngest sire were the only amongst so many in their country who were admitted to such school. So they hoped to see the foreign students who were also the school attendees since it was rumored that they were sons and daughters of royalties. For sure many of the officers they encountered in the camp were from Rivendell, they just couldn't tell which was which and so the recognition ceremony will be the one to tell that.

"Everyone it is time. I know you had been anticipating this event for long and here we are now. In a moment we will be bidding goodbye to the officers who had rendered their services to make this camp possible. Their sacrifice and services we shall acknowledge today. To them, we give today the plaque of recognition to honor all the things they had done to serve us" The announcement was welcomed with so much hype from the crowd. Everyone was excited and was eagerly following every progress of the program. Everyone grabbed the flowers and gifts they prepared to throw into their favorite officers.

"First let me call on those officers from San Sebastian high" The calling of names were announced by school and so every officers from the same school gets a plaque at the same time. "We have Carlos Sux, Adelina Bell, Susane Bartolomeo…."

As their names were called, that particular student comes to the center aisle and receives his or her plaque. The San Sebastian officers were given a loud clap and cheering. Everybody tried to memorize their faces and names so they can congratulate them later because no picture taking occurred since all the camper's gadget were left at station zero. Although of course, there was a camera owned by the camp administration but the copies of the pictures will be exclusive only to them. Being a very exclusive and confidential school with very prominent students, Rivendell had always made sure that none of their students gets exposed to so much publicity so they made sure all the pictures in the camp were contained and will never be available to the media.

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When it was time for Rivendell Academy's officers, the crowd become frantic. Not only that they'll get a glimpse of the Rivendell's students, they'll also anticipated Ziggorioh Montreal's appearance, so with the Diamond Prince.

"From Rivendell Academy we have Santino Mossec," When the name was called, a young vibrant and well-mannered boy appeared. Everyone looked at each other looking for confirmation whether someone had seen the boy roaming around the camp because it was the first time they had seen the boy.

"He was assigned at the kitchen. He was the main cook." Somebody told everyone and right then so many of them regret not going to the kitchen and made friends with him.

"He looked like Russian" The crowd discussed amongst each other.

"I think he has some relevance with Seban Mossec, the scientist." Someone concluded "Perhaps he is his son!"

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"Possibly as everyone from Rivendell had some serious background!" The whispering and talks started when each Rivendell officers were revealed.

Five names were called after the first one and what the audience realized was that all their tasks were something that campers will not be able to socialize with them all the time — Cook, schedulers, technicians and supplies checker. [This-nove-belongs-to-Zijay-and-is-contracted-under-webnovel-dot-com] Perhaps Rivendell administration put them on the tasks where they won't be notice by campers as they do not get to see them in public except from the Montreal's young sire who was assigned in the camp clinic.

"Next is Ziggorioh Montreal," Ziggy's name was called and so he stepped in the center isle waiving. Of course, his entrance was sponsored by a loud cheer and some even threw flowers for him. Ziggy was one heck of a popular heir so no wonder he got so many admirers unlike the others. The staged was flooded with so much flowers and confetti that Ziggy's fandom threw off the moment he stepped in.

"Next we have the Huzey Montarini" The announcer paused before he added "Unfortunately the Diamond Prince is not here today to receive his plaque because of some important matters"

"What? That's a bummer!" The news made a lot of campers a little upset. They hoped to send the Diamond Price some honor for his services and throw him flowers just like they did to Ziggy, but he was not here today.

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"Easy people. If you want to give the prince some gifts or flowers, we will reveal where his cabin is later so you can leave it there for him" The announcer tried to comforted the crowd. "Shall we move on?"

"Lastly we have… Xhemin Lae Dugmoch" the announcer said and paused when he realized the name was a bit off.

Does it not sound like a girl's name?

He scrutinized the paper guide he had in his hand and realized that he had read it right. Perhaps that's really the name of the next student. His parents could have given him a girl's name. Even the crowd wondered why the last Rivendell student's name sounded like a girl's name.

And right then, Xhemin entered the stage, her once messy bun was neatly laid on and there was a sense of steadiness when she walked in, as if all the storms in the world were just a whispering breeze before her and her deep ink eyes spoke of souls one could drown into. One look and everyone could tell, she equipped herself with too much courage to step out, as if she had been hiding for a long time.

When Xhemin entered the stage. Every dropped jawed. They were left stunned upon the fact that indeed the last name that was called belonged to a girl.

Xhemin noticed everyone's indifference, so was the shock that flashed before the announcer's face.

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