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Xhemin had prepared for this. She knew what it meant to become a student from Rivendell and what it entails. But as much as she wanted to hide away from the fact and play a low profile, something just don't go that way. For years she had avoided getting her awards, in fact all her awards in the conferences were taken personally by coach Gem to avoid her getting noticed by the media. However, this is her last camp and the last award she will be receiving before she leaves Rivendell. For once, she wanted to received it personally and know how it felt like. She thought, after all these years, she kind of deserved it. There's no picture to be afraid of anyway so why not enjoy the fact?

Besides, she will be leaving Rivendell soon and would need to find a job or a name for herself, sooner then, people will know about her existence as the only girl from Rivendell High. So why not announced her existence a little early? It's not as if everyone will knew her identity anyway, everyone will just know that some insignificant girl got admitted into Rivendell after all these years.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked the announcer to wake him up from his incredulity. She thought his reaction was normal but a bit exaggerated.

Instantly the announcer asked the girl "Are you Xhemin Lae Dugmoch?"

"Yes" Xhemin confirmed.

"Are you from Rivendell Academy?" He asked almost not believing everything that was going on even though the scene came in clear succession in front of his eyes.

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"Yes" Xhemin confirmed again.

"Are you sure? Or this is some kind of a mistake" He asked and turned to ask confirmation from the other people that he thought was more credible than Xhemin. [This-novel-belongs-133-to-Zijay-and-is-under-webnovel-dot-com's-contract]The things the occurred before him was totally impossible, how can everyone miss the fact that a girl had been admitted to Rivendell High all these years. News like this gets to the national television and he could not believe something like this had been missed out for so long.

"She is Xhemin Lae Dugmoch and yes she's from Rivendell. I'm with the same class as she" Ziggy answered and slashed away everyone's suspicion "Rivendell is not a boy's school, it just happen that girls rarely gets admitted. You can check on Rivendell's history on the net, it's all in there…"

Everyone understood what Ziggy said. But still, how could they treat this information as if the matter was of no value at all?

"I'm sorry miss… Miss Dugmoch from Rivendell" The announcer's voice came in cracking as he had not recovered fully from his shock. "Everyone, we have Miss Xhemin Lae Dugmoch from Rivendell Academy"

The crowd gave Xhemin a forced clap, because just like the announcer they hadn't fully recovered from the shock. All these time everyone thought there was only two students from this country who got an admission from Rivendell High and so Xhemin's entrance came quiet a big surprise. Or was she from this country?

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"Dugmoch? Has anyone heard of that last name before?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Not me. Does anyone knew?"

"I guess she's a foreigner. I don't know anyone from the elite family having that kind of last name" Someone answered and guesses popped out endlessly with regard to Xhemin's nationality.

"Never heard of her last name. She's a foreigner for sure since only the Montreal's and Montarini's have heirs in Rivendell."

"Oh yes she looks foreign anyway" Someone assumed.

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Xhemin right then was very thankful that all kinds of gadgets were banned and so no one would be able to get a picture of her and sell it to the media. [The-author-123-of-this-nove-is-Zijay-and-this-novel-is-under-webnovel-dot-com's-contract-policy]She had already anticipated this moment and she was just thankful that her school, Rivendell Academy, values their privacy so much that they take extra effort to hide the identity of their students.

Leonardo Auclair was in the crowd, so was Lauren and Collet. Their circle was the one who had the most shock amongst the others.

So the one who defeated Leonardo and made Collet cry was from Rivendell high?

And so when everyone thought she was just some random cheap fan, she was actually somebody else's heir? Of course they had already realized right now that she was somehow rich because you can't go to Rivendell without a fortune. Aside from the brain requirement, the school also requires huge bank deposits.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

But to what family did the girl belong to? Perhaps when they are in station zero they can make calls to know who are the Dugmoch family—if that family does existed in this country.

"I can't believe it Collet" Lauren gave the CGC heir an exasperated look. Collet on the other hand remained quiet. "No wonder why Darryl liked her—"

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"Darryl do not like her!" Collet screamed at her face. "Didn't Huzey Montarini said she was his woman? That girl belonged to the Diamond Prince, they're classmate after all in Rivendell, so please strike out Darryl from the narrative"

"Okay. Okay fine" Lauren hollered back at the CGC heir who was having some serious attitude. "I was wrong. It was the Diamond Prince who liked her and not Darryl" She corrected.

She had noticed that Collet had been utterly sensitive about little talks about Darryl's love affairs but instead of comforting her for whatever was bothering her, she was enjoying pissing the girl off. Collet was such a cry baby and she enjoyed making her feel upset.

"So Leonardo, seemed that the girl had some serious background" Lauren shifted her gaze to Leonardo who became quiet when the news about Xhemin being from Rivendell flared in. "She was from Rivendell Academy and she also happened to belong the ever famous Diamond Prince"

Leonardo only gave Lauren a shrug. He had enough and after that incident he had with Darryl, he had learned his lesson and swore not to have anything to do with the girl.

"Being an enrollee in Rivendell proves nothing Lauren" Collet said bitterly, trying to discredit Xhemin's profile. "It's not as if she was worn a golden tiara in her head. We are not even sure yet if she's elite. Someone could have just took pity on her and paid her tuition fee"

"On that note, I kind of agree with you" Lauren settled "Perhaps back home we can go and search about her and let's see if she's somebody that we should watch over with"

"Certainly not" Collet said with confidence making a cross arms while watching the recognition ceremony of the Rivendell Academy. No matter what, her status as the CGC heir will not be moved even by an enrollee from that weird school. Foreign or not, that girl is nothing compared to her. In this country, she's the CGC's only heir and being the CGC heir means she's the queen of them all.

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