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Xhemin bit her lip as her body become frigid. She thought her reaction was a bit ironic because before the camp, she had always looked forward to their meeting but now, it seemed that she don't want to mingle with Darryl at all—not yet.

Now that he confessed, everything seemed so awkward for Xhemin. The event that took place in the hot tub few days ago forced its way to her head no matter how much she tried to shoo them away. Darryl's face, his voice and even the taste of his lips refreshed in her memory that she couldn't help but feel totally defenseless against his charisma.

Darryl always had that effect on her and after his confession, the effect seemed to be too unbearable for her. The feelings that came with it was soo heavenly and she thought a mere mortal like her cannot survive through it.

Not wanting to get Darryl's attention, Xhemin pretended not to have seen the new comers and busied herself with her tasks. She pulled her arm up to look at the watch resting on her wrist, only then that he realized that it was almost noontime and that probably was the reason why everyone was starting to show up in the dining hall— they are here for their meals.

One of the Darryl's companion turned the television on before their team dispersed individually, filling every corner of the dining hall while waiting for the lunches to be served. Some of them watched the television while some went to the corner either to play board games or have a little conversations.

Xhemin on the other hand continued her work, trying to dismiss the fact that Darryl was nearby. She narrowed her eyes and focused on her work although the her brain was not in the mood for data and numbers that were before her, it was quiet rather interested on checking on what the Lagdameo's heir was up to.

"Hi milady" Xhemin almost fell from her seat when she heard him. She didn't expect his sudden approach so it came as a surprise.

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He gave the boy a weird look before she said in a straight face "What?"

"Wow, what a frosty greeting" Darryl said as he seated himself in the same table with her totally ignoring the obvious fact that Xhemin's mood isn't friendly at the moment.

Realizing that Darryl was making himself comfortable beside her, she panicked a bit and tried to pull off excuses to make him leave. She wasn't ready to have a conversation with him yet.  

"Darryl I'm busy. Can you please go away?" Pleaded by Xhemin. Her task came in like a dumpsite and she should really shoo him away so that she can do actual work, because Darryl came in as a total distraction.

"So I'm not allowed to sit her if you are busy?" The Lagdameo's heir snapped back as his jaw relaxed and gave Xhemin's face a look before he let go of a nasty smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xhemin questioned, pressing her lips together and crossing her ankles.

"Because I had to see you" He said sweetly and the light streaming behind Xhemin's eyes when she heard him lit his hazel eyes. Her expression whenever he teased the girl never fail to amuse Darryl.

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"Well, now you see me," Xhemin murmured, dropping her gaze away from his face. "Can you leave now?"

"No…" he said flatly, his hazel eyes still fixated on her face.

Tired of his petty games, Xhemin confronted him "Darryl seriously, I've got no time for jokes. Why do want and why are you here?"

"As I said, I came to see you. If you are asking why, it's because I wanted to" He said, as if it was simple as his name.

Hearing those words, Xhemin leaned on her chair in defeat. Crossed armed, she flashed an annoyed look to Darryl surveying every inch of the Lagdameo heir's face. Her expression was stern and grave to give an impression that she don't want to play with any of his games—only then did she realize that the boy was hiding something at his back.

Xhemin's brow arced. What is it that he is hiding? A gift perhaps?

"If you are planning to give me something, forget it" Xhemin warned him. Truth was that she was getting a little uncomfortable with him right then and all she could do was act annoyed so he would just let her off. "I'm not into gifts or so"

"You sure about that?" He said with a wide grin. "I got you something pretty special"

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"Just leave, okay. As I said I'm not going to accept anything you will give me" Xhemin concluded and it sounded final that whatever flowers, or jewels, or chocolates that he had prepared for her—she will never ever begged for it.

"Okay" Darryl retorted back, pulling his hand from his behind revealing a pack of fresh strawberries.

Xhemin's swallowed all her words when she saw her favorite fruit displayed in front of her. Her mouth started to water, salivating over the fact that sweet strawberries was just an inch away.

"I'll probably just throw it away" Darryl teased and he got up from his seat with an intention of searching for a trash bin which he found right away.

He was ready to discharge the fruit when Xhemin hollered over "Don't!"

With a smile Darryl turned back to the met Xhemin's gaze "What did you say?"

Xhemin uttered slowly "I want to have it. I can I please have it?"

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Darryl laughed at Xhemin's expression. Up until now, he can't believe how vulnerable she is when it comes to strawberries—It's like you can easily puppet her around with strawberries as a bait.

Darryl went back to their table more than willing to give Xhemin of the pack of fruit he had specifically requested for her.  He opened the pack of fruit and gave Xhemin one.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Hesitantly the girl reached out for it and slowly pushed the fruit into her mouth as if a child who was very shy to eat in front of a stranger. The strawberry filled her mouth and released a sweet liquid that she was very familiar with. She smiled at how delicious they were.

Darryl looked at his woman, amused of his demeanor. "How cute" he say, staring at her face as if he might hug her any minute. Instead he tapped her head and say "Eat it all. Have as much as you want"

Xhemin nodded as she reached for another fruit. There was no strawberries in the camp and just a week of not tasting it felt like all her veins dried up and she needed to eat a lot to fill them up again. The taste of the fresh strawberries made her forget everything, including the documents that was dumped in her table.

However, her appetite for the fruit didn't last long when something in the news caught up not only her attention but everyone who was in the dining hall. Out of curiosity, almost everyone gathered in front the television as someone heightened its volume.

The screen flashed a site that was all covered in black smoke and the next scene were people and medics running around rescuing people who were injured.

"Flash Report: Just this morning, the Montarini mining site had a serious explosion!"

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