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"The cause of the explosion had not been determined yet. As of the moment, we have tallied at least 356 people injured, 110 deaths and 276 missing including the Diamond Prince­—Huzey Montarini. Investigation about the explosion had already been ordered by authorities and rescuers are still on the site hoping to rescue the missing persons. The Montarini Incorporated has not issued any statement about the explosion…"

The words after that came as fragments of sentences Xhemin's couldn't anymore understand. The news came in as a horror that emptied her soul and as she watched the reporter's lips moved, she heard nothing further. Everything became blurry and she felt so weak that she fell on her knees in an instant. Good thing Darryl was there to catch her back before she fell hard on the ground.

"No!" Xhemin muttered, panic lacing her voice when everything sank in. "Huzey, no no, my prince!"

"Xhemin hey..." Darryl aware how terrified she was on Huzey's disappearance tried to calm her down. He felt her body shaking as her tears started flooding her once bright face. "He's just missing, they'll find him soon"

"No God please! Not my Huzey! Please no… please" Xhemin muttered endlessly, her prayers came in as a begging cry for mercy that flooded the whole dining hall.

Right then Ziggy came running in, he was in fresh set of new clothes but his curly hair was left a mess and still dripping wet—he was in the process of tidying it up when someone informed him about the news. His first reaction was to go and find Xhemin right away.

"Lil' thug!" He first called for her and found the girl under Darryl's arms. "O my God Xhemin!"

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Xhemin lifted her tear-stained face when she heard the young sire's call. "Please tell me it isn't true!" She pleaded, her voice weak.

Swallowing down the fear and panic clawing its way up to his throat, Ziggy went to kneel in front of the girl, clasped Xhemin's face with his two hands and assured her "It's okay. Huzey's fine. You know him, his one big fighter. They'll find him and he'll be fine"

"No Ziggy!" Xhemin hissed, she clung to one of Ziggy's arms tightly and said "We will find him. We will go the mines and find him"

"Xhemin we can't. The mines had been closed down. Also it is not safe—"

"I don't care!" Xhemin screamed, brushing Ziggy's arms away from her face "I won't stay here doing nothing. Huzey's out there… he's hurt… and he… he needs me… he needs us" Xhemin continued, her voiced anguished.

"Xhemin be reasonable!" Darryl who was listening to both of them begged. "You can't go to the mines. It's not safe—"

Darryl didn't finished his own words because right then, Xhemin stood and head to the door as fast as she could. The girl's eyes was full of desperation and both Ziggy and Darryl knew by then that she cannot be stopped.

"Xhemin please!" Ziggy called for her, following her from behind. "Just please stop this! Huzey won't like this idea ever!"

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Xhemin didn't acknowledge Ziggy's reasoning and just went on her way. She don't care what will it take her to go to the mines. She will go there and find Huzey herself and no one can stop her. She'll hike miles if it is what it needed for her to find Huzey.

"How could you ask me to do nothing?" Ever annoyed of Ziggy's protest, Xhemin confronted his lack of care for their best friend "Huzey is out there and he needed us, and you are here asking me to wait? What kind of a best friend you are?"

"A best friend who cares for you both!" He snapped and then took a deep breath as he tried to get his spiraling emotions under control "Huzey's already missing and I can't take the risk of the possibility of you getting hurt! I can't lose both of you in this tragedy!"

"Nobody's losing someone" Xhemin rebuked him, her face clenching in frustration.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I know" Ziggy whispered and reached over to Xhemin and held her. "Please just calm down. Let's think this over"

"I can't stay here doing nothing. Ziggy please… let's go to the mines" Her tears started falling endlessly again as if they had been refilled. She can't stand waiting in the camp. She felt like she's going to lose her mind waiting for some news.

"Okay. If that is what you want" Ziggy settled, knowing how desperate she was and was on the verge of losing it completely "But please promise me you'll calm down. I can't take you to the mines acting recklessly like that"

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"I promise. Just please… please… let's go to the mines" She pleaded again trying to compose her own emotions as she could. She needed to be strong for Huzey—they'll find him and he'll be fine. She hoped for it so much.

"Hold on. I'll make calls" Ziggy let go of the girl and went to get his phone. He dialed a couple of numbers and waited in the line before someone picked it up. "Hello Ellie, send me a chopper over here"

The voice from the other line paused a bit before he answered. "I'm sorry young sire but your request cannot be granted"

"What are you talking about?" Ziggy frowned upon what he have heard. "Ellie, I'm in a hurry so please just send me a chopper now and let's talk about whatever you want to tell me later"

"As I said young sire, I cannot send you a chopper" Ellie repeated, although he sounded as the usual butler that Ziggy knew, there was something in his voice that Ziggy could not discern.


"Young sire. Director Zhanglou instructed all of us to keep you away from the Montarini's when the news broke out. He specifically told everyone to keep you in the camp for the moment" Ellie blurted out. He knew Ziggy wouldn't understand his father's intentions, but he being a Montreal's servant for long knew how Director Zhanglou Montreal's mind works—now that the Montarini's are in a serious mess, he wouldn't want Ziggy getting involved.

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Ziggy couldn't believe what he had just heard. His mouth fell open in disbelief about his father's instructions—Was he seriously planning to get him away from Huzey's ordeal?

Mad as he was, he threw his phone right then in frustration and shouted "Arrrrrrrrrghhhhhh!"

What will he do now?

He promised to bring Xhemin to the mines. What will she tell the girl now? Should they just hike back to station zero and prayed they find a ride in there?

"Ziggorioh" Someone called for his attention while he was still in the process of resolving his failed telephone call. It was the Lagdameo heir, calling his name for the first time. He gave him a tiresome look and realized he too was making calls.

"Get Xhemin, the chopper will be here in ten minutes" Darryl informed him before he continued making calls.

The view of Darryl finishing some calls got Ziggy thinking. Did he meant he will be giving Xhemin and he a ride to the mining site? Did Darryl knew he failed to get a chopper?

As the situations become obvious, he dare not asked anymore but just went to inform Xhemin— who at the moment don't care whose chopper was she going to ride as long as she reached the mining site as fast as she could.

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