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Ziggy gazed out through the large wind-screen before him, watching the outskirts of the camp shrink below them, then sooner a blanket of white covered his view, dotted by the occasional cluster of green pine trees.

He sat with Xhemin in the backseat while Darryl, who by the way wasn't invited by them in this mission but they can't shoo away provided with fact that he own the helicopter they were on, was sitting up front with the pilot.

No words were uttered during their flight and the only sound that kept their flight busy was the pounding of the propeller blades. When they all entered in the helicopter, no one was expected to say anything until they landed on greenery not far from the mining site.

"This is as far as we could get" The pilot said though the voice-activated microphone attached to the headphone he wore. "Nowhere else to land on, everywhere else is full, if not with other choppers then with smoke."

The three as if on cue, jumped out of the chopper right away and travelled by feet to the mining site. When they reached the entrance of the mining—a horrible view welcomed them. The place was all covered with dirt and smoke and the wailing of the injured victims that were given first aids lingered around, giving the place a more chaotic and unruly vibe.

Authorities guarded the entrance blocking reporters and any other unwelcomed visitors that was planning to get their noses in the place. Medics and rescuers run off to and fro with exhausted faces brought by the long hours of rescue operation.

Xhemin attempted to pass through the security pressing herself inside the crowd of reporters prying in.

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"Let me pass" She insisted when the security blocked her entrance. "I'm not a reporter, let me pass"

"I'm sorry but no one is allowed, reporter or not" the man answered, he was so big that Xhemin stand no chance of knocking him down at all.

"I'm Huzey's friend" She reasoned, Ziggy who was behind her was thankful that Xhemin was noncombative provided the consequences.

"Huzey who?" The security retorted in the face that says no one can ever fool him. He had enough of all these paparazzi's and intruders who had been rummaging the place.

"Huzey Montarini" Xhemin answered impatiently. "Let me pass!"

"Oh the Diamond Prince. We'll I've been hearing everyone telling me the prince is their friends this morning" He snapped, not believing Xhemin's words.

"Hey… You know me right?" Ziggy intervened knowing that he was a little popular than Xhemin. The security's face look up to Ziggy and with his reaction, it can be implied that he recognized who Ziggy was right away.  "Let us pass…"

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However, even before the security could allow them, the media took notice of them.

"Isn't that the Ziggorioh Montreal?" One of the reporters who just noticed the new comers shouted. When Ziggy's name was mentioned, instead of the entrance, the reporters run toward him.

"Young sire, do you have news about the Diamond Prince"

"What is the cause of the explosion?"

"Young sire did Senior Hans Montarini contacted you the moment the incident hit the news?"

"Are you here to join the rescuers?"

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All the paparazzi's attention was shifted to Ziggy who wasn't expecting to be stormed by them to get a chance of interview. They went here out of Xhemin's impulsiveness and so they had no time to think of the possible consequences, they weren't expecting this kind of welcome. Ziggy didn't answer the reporters' questions but tried to get away from them.

"Please this is not the right time for interviews" Ziggy pleaded, trying to hid his face from the cameras and was trying to squeeze himself out from the crowd. Xhemin who was there with him struggled to free herself too when almost everyone seemed to have blocked their way with no escape.

Darryl was glad that somehow no one noticed him. Although he was as quiet popular as Ziggy being the Lagdameo heir, he don't usually appear in televisions so his face wasn't as recognizable as Ziggy's. When he saw that the two friends were in trouble he instructed the securities to help Xhemin and Ziggy which they headed right away.

"No interviews please" Ziggy refused and his distress about the reporters were relieved when the security pulled both him and Xhemin out from crowd. It was quiet a struggle but eventually they were freed out. To get away from the media's reach, both of them were brought to a tent inside the mine site where the medics used as storage.

"You should have thought twice before coming here young sire" The lead security scolded him "We can't have extra baggage at these time"

"Were sorry. I just want to personally see what's going on round here" Ziggy said, running a hand through his hair. "Is there any news about Huzey?"

"None at the moment. I know you are worried but all we can do in this situation is to wait and perhaps… pray" The lead security told him, looking almost sympathetic. He was about to say something more when Darryl entered into the tent, his previous clean clothes was all covered with dirt and so was his hair.

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"Xhemin…"He called his eyes were digging through her worried ink eyes "Go and see Senior Hans, he needed you both now"

"Where have you been?" Only then did Xhemin remember that Darryl was with them and that he was gone for a couple of minutes already. Her mind was too occupied that he forgot about the boy.

"Senior Hans?" Ziggy asked right away when he caught the senior's name "When did he came back from his trip?"

"I don't know. But you guys should go to him right now" He repeated trying to dust off his clothing. "He's there waiting at the corner with the ambulance. He wants you to come with him"

"Ambulance?" Xhemin asked. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Huzey has been found" Darryl revealed "Dr. Hans wants you to come with them to the hospital"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

As soon as the two heard the news, they immediately went out the storage tent to see the man without minding to say goodbye to Darryl.

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