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"Senior Hans where's Huzey?" Xhemin asked the old man even before they halted in front of him. The old man's expression was heavy but he appeared calm and composed in front of them.

"Let's leave immediately. Huzey needs Dr. Miles" He ignored the children's question and climbed up the SUV that was waiting for them. Senior Hans' response give them a clue that Huzey's condition was bad—the picture of the mining site alone could tell how terrible the situation was.

Ziggy and Xhemin followed Senior Hans without a word and they headed out of the mining site passing through the same entrance they entered earlier. When the car moved, Xhemin noticed that their car was following an ambulance and concluded that Huzey was probably in there.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Is he okay?" Ziggy asked not able to hold the worry inside him.

"I'm not sure of it yet. Let's asked Dr. Miles" Senior Hans answered the boy before he held a deep sighed.

Few meters from the entrance, after the car pass through the crowd of reporters, Xhemin saw the Lagdameo heir standing on the roadside as if waiting for someone to pass. Guilt hit her right away knowing she wasn't able to attend to him, it was just that she was too worried and too occupied at the moment that she had not time to think of other things aside from Huzey.

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"Mister, can you please pull over for a minute" She asked the driver politely which the latter acknowledged and pulled immediately. She rolled her side of window to where Darryl was standing.

"Go ahead. I need to get back to the chopper" Darryl said to her trying to mean that he's fine and that she need not to worry about him.

"Thank you" She replied before she closed back her window. When the car hit the road back, Xhemin thought about how Darryl had been so considerate with her this time but with all the things that had happened today, she felt like there was something that was pulling them off apart.

She fervently hoped that the mine incident had nothing to do with both of them. Or else, she might not be able to forgive herself for Huzey's fate.


Twelve hours had passed since Huzey was brought to the emergency room. Since the ambulance head right to the emergency area, she wasn't able to catch a glance of Huzey. All she knew was that the moment they arrived, it seemed that the whole Hampshire hospital became intensely busy.

Now, she was right in front of the emergency room together with Senior Hans who, despite of what was happening, remained as composed as he always was. Unlike Xhemin, the old man had more patience brought by his age and his long years of experience.

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Twelve hours of agony—that was how long Xhemin's family had to fear for Huzey's life. Since Ziggy and Dr. Miles were both busy, Xhemin was left to sat down next to Senior Hans and constantly assured the old man that the prince will be all right. Although she wasn't certain herself, she thought she had to be strong and to think positive despite it all.

"Senior Hans, why don't you go and rest," Xhemin said. "I'll keep watch"

"I'm okay dear. Don't worry about this old man," Senior Han's reached for Xhemin's hand and tapped it twice. Although it was obvious that he was exhausted, he kept awake all night just to attend to his grandson's operation "I couldn't sleep anyway, with this"

Just then, the emergency room's door opened and Dr. Miles stepped out.

"Grandpa, how's Huzey?" Xhemin asked right away but Dr. Miles only gave her a glance that she could not comprehend, he then pulled off his green mask and turned to Senior Hans, who stood from his seat when he saw the doctor.

"Let's talk" Dr. Miles told his friend and walk into the corner of the hall, Senior Hans followed him. Xhemin could do nothing but just watch the adults talk. Their expressions were so grave that Xhemin had to look away afraid that she might get the wrong impression.

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"Huzey is fine. He has to be" She murmured alone to cheer herself up.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Xhemin attention turned to her grandfather who was calling for help. Then she saw how Dr. Miles assisted Senior Hans who suddenly was having hard time to breathe.

"What happened?" Xhemin run to their side.

"Xhemin moved away" Dr. Miles instructed in a doctor-like behavior. A couple of nurse came to help Senior Hans who was struggling for air.

"Bring him to room 301" He said to the nurse who brought a wheelchair and turned to the other nurse. You, call Dr. Stevan right now"

When Senior Hans was carried away by the wheelchair, Dr. Miles walked his way to washing room to disinfect, but before he could, Xhemin blocked her way.

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"Tell me what's happening right now!" Xhemin pleaded.

"Xhemin go home and wait till all of this is over" Dr. Miles patiently said, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"No grandpa! How could you ask that from me?" Xhemin hollered, for once, her tears started falling again. She didn't knew how many times she cried to herself for the last twelve hours, all she knew was that no matter how much her eyes ached for pain, it was nothing compared to how her heart was suffering.

Xhemin's fit didn't came as a surprise to Dr. Miles. He knew how her granddaughter cared for Huzey and just like him, she will fight her way just to make sure he was fine—but he failed on fully restoring him today and the doctor thought Xhemin was not strong enough to bear it all.

When her grandfather didn't answer, Xhemin's tears aggravated and she wailed helplessly that all Dr. Miles could do was embrace her granddaughter.

"I can't lose Huzey. Grandpa please, please tell me he is fine!" She said thought her tears.

"I'm so sorry dear… I really am" Dr. Miles pressed her harder to his chest, trying to share with her agony.

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