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Huzey woke up to the pungent smell of hospital disinfectant running through his nostrils. He tried to open his heavy eyes but the light was too bright that too much exposure to it felt like he was having a severe migraine. Grunting with the sudden pain that welcomed him, he touched his head only to find that his whole face had been bandaged.

"What's this? Where am I?" He said confused about what was happening. He squinted in attempt to search the place without hurting his eyes, but despite the effort, all he saw was blurred images. He shut his eyes in frustration, trying to remember what exactly happened. Then everything hit on him as the fragments of memory came back to him—there was an explosion at the mine and he succumb to darkness after that.

When he remembered it all, a panic rushed onto him. Was that explosion the reason why his face was bandaged? What else did he lose with the explosion?

He tried to move his body expecting every part of him to ached, and it did except for his legs. His legs! Why can't he feel his legs?

With all the strength he had, Huzey reached for his legs and realized that he was still intact. However, he felt nothing on them—not even the warmth of his hand.

What is happening?

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What did the explosion cost him?

Aside from the panic that was slowly filling his insides, frustration also found its way to his system that made Huzey's emotions juggled together with the physical pain that he had. He felt like there was a cluster of spark plugs in his abdomen. In hysteria, he sat slowly in his bed, breathing hard and mustering all the strength he had to move his two feet but it didn't.

Desperate and agitated by his numb feet, he pulled every wire that was attached to his body and tried to get his feet into motion once more. The pulled out wires that Huzey disconnected from his body made the machines beeped out chaotically, making loud noises in the room. With all the chaos and with Huzey's eagerness, he fell from his bed—the sound of his body tumbling to some metals added to his room's disarray.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Huzey screeched, feeling so much pain in his body as his body crawled on the floor. Searching for something to help him get back to his bed, he stumbled upon a flawless metal that mirrors him. Seeing that, he realized that he can see things a little better in a short distance. However that realization did not give him any relief but only made his feeling worse because he was able to get a glimpse of his face—his long hair was gone and what's left was a white stained bandage that was wrapped around it.

"My face…" Huzey mumbled trying to touch and feel it. His once clear face was gone and all that's left to remind him of his previous face was his ocean blue eyes. Not wanting to see unpleasant figure he just saw, he closed his eyes back and had his cold, spidery fingers crawled up and down his spine before he cried in devastation.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"My face!" Something inside him curled up like a hurricane making him loose it all. Screaming, he scraped off the bandage to see how damaged his skin was.

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While Huzey was hysterical and was acting wild on the hospital floor, his room's door flew oen and Dr. Miles came in and the view of Huzey hurting himself welcomed him in horror.

"Huzey!" Dr. Miles came to Huzey's side, stopping his attempt to take off his bandage. "Boy, what are you thinking?"

The loud noise from Huzey's room alerted the nurse station and that made the hospital staff came running to his room.

"Grandad!"Huzey clung to him as if he had found some comfort "My legs. Grandad I can't feel my legs!"

"Oh dear prince, what have you done to yourself" The Doctor  worriedly chided him and tried to pick him heavy body up "Help me get him up" He instructed the male nurse who came with him, which the latter obeyed immediately.

"Grandad my legs. What happened to my legs granddad?" He looked at Dr. Miles, his eyes had a terrible bleakness on them.

"Huzey, calm down. You are still recovering, everything's fine" Dr. Miles lied, trying to hide away the emotions in his face.

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"My legs… my legs… I can still walk, can't I? tell me…" Huzey sobbed violently as he pleaded for answers.

"You'll be fine. Right now please calm down and rest" The doctor attempted to comfort the prince whose devastation and fear had taken over him.

Huzey is not stupid, judging from Dr. Miles answers, he knew the answer to his question is no.

"No!" he screamed again with a ferocity that took him by surprise. His mind went spinning so fast that made him mad not able to hold on the thoughts that was fitting in and out. His hysteria aggravated and he became wild like a beast, almost impossible for Dr. Miles to control.

"Hold him!" Dr. Miles instructed to the nurses and it took three male nurses to make him still. Right then, Dr. Miles injected something on him to make him calm down. The fluid from the injection went through Huzey's system right away knocking him down to sleep.

Dr. Miles held a deep sighed. He had never seen Huzey lose it all like this, never before. He had always been calm and composed and the view of how this tragedy have changed him made Dr. Miles heart sunk into despair.

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How will Huzey live a life like this?

A life without his feet, a defective sight and a damaged face?

Although he was able to save his life, he wasn't able to save all of him. Now, Huzey had to suffer the consequences of the explosion which he thought was worse than dying.

Ziggy cannot hold his tears as he listened to all the commotion inside Huzey's room. He cannot bear to see Huzey in that kind of state so he didn't went with Dr. Miles. He stayed outside and listened to Huzey's cries. Every shriek from the prince was like arrows that pinched his heart. He was so mad and devastated on how everything went this bad, how cruel was fate with them.

Ziggy can't help but cursed himself so bad for not being able to help Huzey. He and Dr. Miles did everything they can do, but Huzey's condition was so something only God can heal. The explosion injured him severely, he was lucky to have survived that state.

How did everything turn this way?

They were still so happy the fast few days. Who would have thought something like this will happen?

Huzey didn't deserve this kind of fate.

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