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Dannah Samuelle received an instruction to guard Ziggy closely. It was only today that she learned about the incident and the fact that Ziggy had returned to Hampshire, but no one seemed to have seen the young sire for days. Ziggy didn't even show up at Huzey's ward and she wondered what happened to him. Ellie, the Montreal's butler told her that Ziggy was at his apartment and hadn't left ever since, which was rather odd because Ziggy was not that kind of person.

What could have happened to him? Did he take Huzey's accident so bad that he decided to isolate himself?

Sam reached Ziggy's apartment and she frowned at the things that welcome her. Opening the lock with her own copy of keys—the once neat apartment was all a mess. Dirty dishes had filed up, books scattered everywhere and the stench of rotten potatoes and sausage lingered throughout the whole room making Sammuelle wanted to puke.

"Wew, this place is a one hell of a disaster" Samuelle whispered to herself as she pinched close her nose to escape the stinging smell. "Young Sire, are you here?"

No one answered and Sam had to tiptoe her way deeper into the room to avoid all the books and litter that strewn on the floor. She first went to the kitchen, which she instantly regretted because the stench she was trying to avoid was so strong in that part of the house.

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"Where could the young sire be?" She asked herself, running a list in her mind of all the possible places where Ziggy must have went. With the kind of disaster his apartment had been, she was pretty sure the boy wasn't in there. Ziggy was a master of cleanliness and there's no way he could have made that mess. But who's the culprit behind all this?

Running her gaze throughout the whole house, Sam thought of cleaning before leaving but her mind was having hard time deciding where to start—every part of the house was a mess as if somebody came in and ransacked the place, leaving everything in chaos. She finally decided to start cleaning the kitchen which she thought was the dirtiest, but on her way to looking some cleaners and disinfectant, she heard thuds coming from Ziggy's library.

"Is someone in there?" She called. No one answered her but another sound of a chair being moved made Sam realized that she wasn't alone in the house. Pulling her guard up, she went to where the sound originated and slowly pushed the door, only to find her master digging on some books.

"Young sire, I had been calling you since I arrived" Samuelle confronted her boss and it only took the girl few seconds before she realized that Ziggy, just like his apartment was—was a total  mess. He had eye bags under his big grey eyes, he's unshowered, unshaven and he looked like a person who had a flu—hiding his chilling body under a robe and whose eyes were sullen red.

"Young sire what happened to you?" Samuelle gasped in incredulity. The youngest Montreal sire she once knew was a total opposite of the one she was seeing now.

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Ignoring Sam's comment, Ziggy blurted out, "Sam do you know that stem cells can be used to revived another damaged cell in a human body? I've studied this before but I didn't put much effort on it because you know, I was stupid and one heck of a party goer and I was so damned lazy. Xhemin was the one who always makes my homework you know… and Huzey too… that Diamond Prince had always been tolerating my laziness…."

"Young sire…I'm sorry about…"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

" Don't be sorry Sam. You don't need to be sorry about me or Huzey. I can heal him. I'll finish my study in these stem cells then I'll make him get back on his feet again…that's just easy…it's just a matter of time…" he sounded so sure but his eyes reflected all his frustration.

"Young sire…" Sam said weakly, her voice contain a deep concern for the boy whose eyes never departed from the book he was holding as if afraid to miss some information contained in that book. Did he spend all these days reading hi books to find something to cure Huzey?

"It's no in here" Ziggy threw that book and took another, then started scanning through it the way he did on the previous one. "I'm pretty sure I've read it somewhere"

"Aha! Right here!" Ziggy gasped when he found the thing that he was looking for and for the first time he glanced at Sam, seemingly proud of the book he was holding " See Sam? It's right here I've found the article about stem cells. Stems cells are true…."

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"But young sire, stems cells are still under research" Sam answered, trying not to give Ziggy any false hopes. "There's no tested procedure that had been done yet on that research and —

"You are right" Ziggy cut in quickly "So I'll be the first one to do it, on Huzey. I can conduct my own research about it and once I'm successful on it I'll treat Huzey. I can make it Sam, you see I'm the great Ziggorioh Montreal. Dr. Miles even said I'm one of a kind and that my skills are extraordinary. I can make it, all I need is some focus and that book—" He added pointing to an empty table. "Hey where's that book I've put here"

Ziggy ran to the table he was pointing and started looking for something as the last color in his face drained "It's just right here…"

"…Where was it?" He hollered again, frustrated "I'm pretty sure I've put in here… Did you took it?"

"Young sire I just came in" Sam defended and she knew that Ziggy was not himself then.

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"Well, then where is it?" Ziggy asked in hysteria, as if losing that book was a life and death situation. He looked for the book in panic, rummaging every corner of the room and the littered floor.

"Young sire stop that," Sam chided on him gently, knowing that Ziggy was out of his mind. Huzey' s accident seemed to have affected him so much that made him so obsessed with finding ways to treat his best friend—even putting his hopes on procedure with no proven success.

"Sam it's just right here!" Ziggy pointed again to the table, his eyes were pleading Sam to believe him. There was desperation and helplessness in his voice as his eyes started watering and his fingers trembling. Seconds after his panic attack which weakened his feet, Ziggy fell into the floor and sobbed terribly as if he was stuck in a nightmare and he needed some help to get out of it.

"Young sire, I'm so sorry" Sam slowly walked to her master's side; pressing her gentle hands to his shoulders as he broke lose.

Right then, as Sam witnessed Ziggy's misery, she felt something clogged in her heart as if she felt the same pain he had. She was never sure of Huzey's condition, not until now when she saw how depressed the youngest sire was.

It seemed that the explosion did not only affect Huzey, it changed Ziggy too, and perhaps everyone in their family.

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