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Huzey's room was gloomy. The bandaged on his face was taken off after the restoration surgery that was done to alleviate the damage but the moment he laid eyes on it, he swore not to look at it again. There was still a part on his face that was restored, but half the portion of it was distorted—it was like he was wearing a mask on his face, the other half belonged to a handsome prince and the other to an ugly monster.

Today, after several weeks of staying the hospital, he was given permission to continue recovering at the Montarini Mansion which he had requested since day one. However, it was only now that Dr. Miles cleared him and allowed him to go home.

"When are we leaving Abuelo?" Huzey asked in a cold voice impatiently. There was still politeness in his in but it lacked any glint of life.

"Just few minutes son" Senior Hans assured him and turned to the lady servant that was packing up Huzey's things. "Are you done with that dear?"

"Almost Senior Hans" She answered politely, lowering her head seemingly afraid to look at Huzey's face. Of course Huzey noticed it and he can't help but gritted his teeth with that. Ever since the accident took place, Huzey ran out of patience suddenly that little things annoyed him much.

Just then, there was a small knock on the door which brought everyone's eyes on the entrance. The moment it opened, Xhemin came in trying to fake a smile on her face.

The moment Huzey's saw Xhemin, he turned sideways to hide his face and frustration run through his spine that he shouted right away to dismiss the girl "Do not look at me! Get out!"

His loud voiced echoed throughout the room that sent some serious chills to Xhemin. It came as a surprise to her because Huzey had never treated her like that. Huzey although aloof and quiet, was always calm and composed—and he had never been rude to anyone especially to Xhemin.

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Xhemin's shock sent some of her nerves trembling with fear of Huzey. His furious approach stroke her with boulder, it was so loud and threatening. For the first time in her life, she suddenly became afraid with Huzey—not because of his face, but because of his unruly welcome.

"I just want to check on you," She said softly, lowering her head not daring to look at the boy's face, afraid that Huzey will become more furious if she dared too. Not understanding the hostility from someone who had always been gentle on her, tears suddenly welled up from her eyes.

"Leave!" He dismissed her coldly. "I'm okay and I don't need anyone coming here and took some pity"

"But Huzey I don't pity—"

"I said leave!" He didn't give the girl a chance to talk.

"Xhemin dear…" Senior Hans who had been with Huzey for days already knew how his temper fell short. Also knowing how fond his grandson with the girl, he kind to expect this kind to treatment. Huzey is frustrated, and frustration means a lot of things—angry, confused and feeling like a total loser. With the situation he was in right now, he doesn't want to burden Xhemin with the misery of knowing how messed up he was. He wanted to spare her from the trouble that's why as much as possible, he want to go through it all alone.

Senior Hans stood from his seat and went to Xhemin's side at the door. He pressed her shoulders with his right hand before he whispered "Just give your best friend a little time"

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"I'll just leave Senior Hans" Xhemin managed to answer. She wiped the tears away before she turned to leave.

"Don't want any visitors. I've said that already," Huzey declared intending his words to be final.

"Son they are just worried about—"

"Please grandpa…" Huzey insisted and Senior Hans know by the look at his ocean blue eyes that there's nothing more he can say to make him change his mind.


Xhemin was walking blankly at the hospital's hallway after she went out of Huzey's room. She wanted to cry more but it seemed that her tears had gone dry already. She wanted to be there for Huzey, but it seemed that the prince wanted to shut her down. She had made several attempts to see Huzey after his operation but they never allowed her and today when she luckily got a chance, it didn't turn out well.

She was feeling empty. Ever since the accident took place, everything changed drastically and she felt all alone. Huzey didn't want to see her, Ziggy was nowhere to be found and Dr. Miles had been soo busy attending to Huzey that he didn't had enough time to check on her—not that she wanted to take much of his time—it's just that she had no one to share the loneliness that was slowly killing all the life in her.

Why did it have to be like this?

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Was God so mad on her that He had to take Huzey from her?

What did they do to deserve this kind of fate?

Huzey is still alive but she was missing him so terribly and knowing that she wasn't there to comfort him was worst like hell.

Can somebody wake her up from this nightmare?

"Little miss" Someone called on Xhemin that pulled back her thoughts back to her consciousness. It was Sam, and seeing her felt like sparks of hope run though her. Perhaps Sam knew where Ziggy went. It had been weeks when that other best friend had gone missing.

"Sam, did you found Ziggy already?" She asked right away.

Sam nodded.

"Where is he? Bring me to him" She demanded from the girl as some hope fluttered into her.

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"Little miss," Sam sighed deeply before she told the girl. "I think it's best for you to leave him alone these days"

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"Some things had to be gone through alone" Sam added cutting Xhemin entirely "He'll be fine in no time"

"But Sam, don't you think he needs me right now?" She said worriedly. She went to Ziggy's apartment already but her key was missing and no one was answering in the front door and so she thought Ziggy wasn't there.

"I'm sorry little miss but I have to go" Sam evaded Xhemin's insistence in a hurry. She pitied the Little Missus so much but the instructions to her were also clear and that includes making sure Ziggy cut ties with everything that connects him to Huzey and that includes Xhemin of course.

"Sam wait!" She called, but Sam was too far for her to catch up. That bodyguard ran fast as if she was running after someone.

Disappointed on how she failed to locate Ziggy, Xhemin can do nothing but let go of a deep sigh. She thought of leaving the hospital then and so she head through the entrance only to only to find someone waiting for her at the entrance.

It was Darryl.

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