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Xhemin cried herself out relentlessly.

She wished she had never said those words to her grandfather. She wished she had never fallen for Darryl and most off all, she wished Huzey was just sleeping soundly at the other room and that she could just sneak into his bed when she felt so sad any moment. But all those were just wishful thinking now.

Her grandfather don't approve of Darryl, as expected of course but she could have talk it through her grandfather if things wasn't as bad as now—all jabbed in a wrong timing and it got out of control. Also, how could she get rid of Darryl now that she had finally admitted to herself that she love him so sincerely and when the Lagdameo heir at the moment was the only thing that was keeping her sane. Darryl was giving her some hope, the hope that she needed at these times.

"I'm so freakin stupid" she said to herself in a muffled voice, dabbing at her face with her sleeve. "And so useless too."

Exhausted, Xhemin curled in her bed and soon enough she fell asleep. Not long, she woke up to a sound of flapping wings at her room's veranda. She was used to this kind of sound because every morning, pigeons flew in and out in there, but there was something different with the one that nested in her veranda now, it was endlessly oohring, as if calling Xhemin's attention. Also, since Xhemin was used to pigeons' company she kind of knew their whether something was wrong with them and this one, she couldn't tell.

Curious, Xhemin dragged her heavy body out of bed toward the veranda. The open glass door made way for the wind to blew the curtains into dancing and Xhemin hurdled her way through the silk. The chillness of the wind welcomed her as if kissing her aching eyes to washed the pain away. It was dark outside but the moon had given Xhemin enough light to find her way.

Xhemin surveyed the place and found a white pigeon trudging in her veranda.

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'A white pigeon' Xhemin surprisingly asked to herself. Never once did she saw a white pigeon nesting in her veranda ever because the one they had in Richmond Ranch were all gray, so she was pretty sure that bird doesn't belong to them.

Apart from its colour, there was something more odd and interesting about the said bird—there was a message note rolled in its right leg.

"Is this one for me?" Xhemin asked the bird as if the animal was capable of answering her. Xhemin couldn't believe what she saw, she blinked a couple of times and even pinched her cheeks to make sure she was wide awake. Doubtful and shaking a little, Xhemin took the note carefully from the tiny leg of bird and when she successfully did, the pigeon flew right away in haste as if it had a lot more errands to do.

Xhemin looked at the note before her. She was aware that pigeons were once used to exchange messages, but that kind medium was done a long time ago and was obsolete now. Besides, who's crazy enough to send a message like this when a text or email was more reliable and convenient?

Slowly, Xhemin opened the thing and was surprised to see only few words scribbled on it.

Acamilla Apparuos

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"What is this?" Xhemin asked, confused. From her veranda, she surveyed their whole backyard wondering whether there was anyone around. When she saw nothing, she looked at the note again.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

'Acamilla Apparous' She muttered the word and wondered what it meant. The set of numbers below it only made the whole set complicated.

Xhemin went inside her room, opened her laptop and typed the word on the search engine. There were several hits that Xhemin found but nothing seemed significant from all of it, not until she stumbled on a certain blog that tells a story about a healing flower— Acamilla Apparous.

"A healing flower?" Xhemin mumbled reading through what she found on the web. However, the blog was anonymous and it seemed that the story is only a fiction. It is not something real, it was something that was only made up by someone.

Xhemin continued her search, but all the net's information were useless. However, she had a weird feeling about the note, its telling her something that she must ought to know and something that would be helpful to Huzey's condition.

But who sent her that note?

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What is the person's intention in sending her something like that?

Was this all a bluff? But if it is, then why would someone bluff her for no reason at all?

Xhemin determined to know what's the note about continued to look for something that would somehow make sense, but morning has come and she found nothing.

'I can't found anything.' Upset, Xhemin pulled herself away from the laptop and went to watch the sunrise in her veranda.

'Acamilla Apparous. What are you?

Are you really a healing plant?

Can you perhaps heal my Huzey?

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Xhemin thought it was rather weird that if the Acamilla Apparous legend is true, then why is it that no one knows about it? Nothing is posted in the net? She can't find anything about it.

Perhaps it is something confidential.

"Confidential" She whispered to the wind while welcoming the rising sun. "If something is confidential then of course it's not in the web!...."

"Stupid Xhemin, stupid!" She chided herself for not thinking well "If Acamilla Apparous is not in the web then it meant its existence was hidden from the public! I had looked in the wrong place! I should have not looked in the web but rather in the…."

…in the black web….in the black market" Her last words made a lump in her throat. She had never once thought about that activity. "But I don't have connections in the black market…"

Thinking through it, the image of the Legendary Moonlight Mirror flashed across Xhemin's mind and a lightbulb ting in her thoughts.

"… I know someone who has..." Without wasting time, Xhemin went back to her laptop, opened her email and sent Darryl a message.

Xhemin Lae: Hey, I was just wondering if you can connect me to your sister, the third miss Dannah Samuelle. I just need her help for something important.

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