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Dannah Samuelle was staring herself in the mirror. Her green eyes looked back at her intently, as if trying to scrutinize her own face. She just finished taking a bath which she missed out doing last night because she had to attend to Ziggy who was having another panic attack.

The young sire had lost it. Several days of not sleeping and eating, he collapsed last night and Dannah had to get a private doctor to attend on him. She was already tempted a couple of times of calling Dr. Miles or Xhemin's help but her boss, Director Zhanglou Montreal forbid it. As his employee, her loyalty must be at the former, although most of the time she was having trouble understanding his reasons.

Why take advantage of Ziggy's depression and lock him away from his friends?

The elites.

Their reasons are stupid most of the times.

And she, a mere bodyguard who needed to complete her mission to get a rank, must obey Director Zhanglou Montreal's commands or else she be fired out and if that would happen— her mission will fail.

This was her first mission—to infiltrate the Montreal's to spy on them. And she badly needed to complete this mission so she can prove herself to their uncle and perhaps convinced him to let her join his underground syndicate—the underground alter-ego of L Empire.

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The L Empire despises her uncle Franco dirty business and his way of living before, but after sometime when his activity had contributed much to L Empire's success,  the elders kind of tolerated it despite a strong disapproval from the other Lagdameo's.

She had seen girls working for him and that was when she realized that when it comes to their dirty business, girls can be useful and thought she wanted to be one. That was why since then, she tried so hard to win his uncle's favor and allowed her to train under him without the knowledge of her own parents.

Dannah thought that if she can lead their underground community, then perhaps she will have her worth in the family. Someday when she's good enough, her father and grandfather will took notice of her not just because they hate her eyes, but because she's an asset to them.

This is the reason why she's here in the first place, acting as the youngest Montreal's bodyguard. Not that she liked it, but she needed to. This was the mission given to her and she must do her duty, even if she loathe the boy so much, or else all her efforts getting into her uncle Franco's business will go to waste.

To sum up all her dilemma at the moment, her conscience was haunting her down knowing that what Ziggy needed right now was his friends, yet she don't want to disobey Director Montreal's orders to avoid complication on her job as she was specifically asked to isolate Ziggy away—away from the predicament of the Montarinis.

"Why care about him anyway?" Dannah chided herself. As far as she could remember, she hated the boy, but seeing him in distress right now, it seemed like there's a tingling pain that lingered in her heart. "It's not my business anymore. My job is to watch over him which I am faithfully doing. Period!..."

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"…If I'm going to help him, Director Montreal will sure fire me. And if he fires me, uncle will be upset of me and he'll send somebody else to spy on them" She mumbled as went to get some clean clothes.

Her uncle Franco believe that in order to keep the L Empire in the top, they must watch over their competitors that was why he sent someone to spy on them. [This-nove-is-owned-by-Zijay-qui-and-contracted-under-webnovel-dot-com-896] Apart from CGC, the Montreal's and the Montarini's are on the line so they also kept an eye on them purely for business reasons.

His uncle further believed that heirs were significant to predict the business moves in the industry. Ziggorioh Montreal for example who was most likely to succeed the Montreal's Winery being the most successful Montreal heir—his character, the way he thinks and the way he believes will determine his future decisions in the business industry. This was the reason why her uncle always send someone to spy the heirs, like what she was doing at the moment.

As Dannah's was still busy thinking things through, her phone rang. She hastily answered it when she saw her brother's name on the screen.

"Hey Dee," She spoke though the line.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Hey baby," Darryl answered "Can you help me with something?"

"What is it?"

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"Someone needs your help" Darryl told her, he sounded like he was in a hurry. Perhaps he was in the middle of doing some business stuff but needed to call her.

Dannah's brows arched, "Someone you like?"

"Yeah…" Darryl replied not even denying the fact which made Dannah twitch her lip.

'The famous Lagdameo heir has fallen.' She thought.

 "…I'll connect her through the pho—"

"Through my private email" Dannah cut in right away. She can't talk to Xhemin on phone. She already know by the tone of Darryl's voice that it was Xhemin who needed help.[This-nove-is-owned-by-Zijay-qui-and-contracted-under-webnovel-dot-com-897] Also, his brother had never contact her about someone else ordeal before and for him to ask her now only tells he that person had a strong influence on him.

And she knew that Xhemin will easily recognized her voice. Having to talk to her on the phone will be a big risk.

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"Message me her email address, I'll email her right now."

"Okay. Thanks" That was Darryl last words before Dannah dropped the call.

Dannah wondered what Xhemin needed from her that she had to ask Darryl for a contact.

As far as she could remember, Xhemin is a friend of the Lagdameo's second miss Dian, not her.

She had never met Xhemin personally as the Dannah Samuelle so why would Xhemin asked for her?

Did she found out something about her in relation to her being Sam?

Curios as to the fact, Dannah opened her computer and sent Xhemin a message. Hoping that it was nothing serious, Darryl tried to calm her tensing nerves. Did Xhemin already knew about Sam and Dannah being one?

Soon, she received a reply and she heaved a big sigh of relief when she found out that Xhemin needed something else from her and not to confront her. However,  unlike how Xhemin reacted when she encountered the word 'Acamilla Apparous', Dannah didn't flinched.

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