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Xhemin couldn't wait to read whatever information the Lagdameo's third miss had for her. Her eyes never departed from her screen as the files were downloading. Soon, she buried herself with the printed output of it.

Indeed, Acamilla Apparous is a plant. A healing plant, or as believed to be by an old small tribe in the western lands. This tribe used to be only tribe which the invaders wasn't able to infiltrate during the colonization era because their men were not only strong, they heal easily when wounded in battle. It was claimed that the tribesmen lived longer than average people and that was because they grow the Acamilla Apparous, a certain plant that only the people of this tribe are able to grow. However even until now, no one was able to locate the exact location where these tribe lived as they vanished from earth without a trace.

In the 1960's a certain businessman claimed to have owned the only Acamilla Apparous in the world claiming he inherited it from his grandfather who belong to the tribe. He grew several Acamilla Apparous and subjected the plant into a research and claimed its juice contained a substance that can regenerate dead cells in a system. However his research was stopped when they figure out that they cannot grow Acamilla Apparous — the plant he had was the only Acamilla Apparous left in the whole world and subjecting it to further research will make it fade away. Afraid to lose the only Acamilla Apparous that he had, he halted his research and find a way to grow the plant first which they continually failed.

After a decade of trying, the operation for growing Camilla halted when the Master thief stole the last Acamilla Apparous plant and no one heard of the said plant after that.

Xhemin bit her lips with the information she had in hand. The master thief stole the last Acamilla Apparous in the 1970's? Almost four decade had already past, the flower could have faded away by now.

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Besides, all were just claim, no scientific research had proven the fact.

Xhemin heaved a heavy sigh. Somehow she had hope for it to be possible and it kind of was, but there was no hope into it since no one can ever tell if Acamilla Apparous still exists. Even the master thief himself was gone, no one was able to capture him and knew his identity and he stopped stealing things years before Xhemin was born that people thought and believed he or she must have died already.

Xhemin typed a 'thank you' email for the third Miss. Even though her search for the Acamilla Apparous was a fail, the third miss have helped her a lot.

'Such a bummer.' She thought and reached for the note that was given to her by the pigeon. Why would someone send her a note if something that do not exist already?

Acamilla Apparuos

6.566644 122.049998

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Scrutinizing the note again, Xhemin realized she had forgotten to check what the numbers are.

"Are the numbers….?" Xhemin's brow arched as she wondered what could these numbers meant, but they looked like some representation of something "….geographical location?....."

"Is the note telling me where to find the plant?"

Without wasting time, Xhemin went to play with the numbers in her computer, trying to see if it points to something. She tried to search for it in an online map and she couldn't believe what she had found "O my God!"

The numbers points to somewhere she knew, but impossible to reach.

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"The Manggan Island!" She gasped in incredulity. Right then, she remembered what happened few months ago when she stalked her grandpa into the forest and how she met the some voyagers of the Manggan Tribe. She also remembered that Professor Owens gave her a book about plants that he discovered in there.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Without wasting time, Xhemin looked for the book and when she did, she turned it page by page to see whether the professor recorded some Acamilla Apparuos. There was none.

However at the last pages of the book, Professor Owens also drew some plants that he was yet to study and Xhemin realized something looked like the Acamilla Apparuos.

"Name, unknown" She read the only label the professor had with that plant. She compared it with the pictures Dannah sent her and she realized they kind of match. "Could it be possible that there's an Acamilla Apparuos in the island?..."

"…regardless, someone had to go and see…"She thought. But who's crazy enough to go to Manggan Island? Everyone who attempted to go there never comes back. Also, if you're lucky enough to make it there alive, they bound your life to the island and you can never freely come back like Professor Owens.

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"…Professor Owens said there are so many plants that grow there that are not here. Perhaps Acamilla Apparuos are one of those plants…"

From where she hid the book, Xhemin found the sun stone that the professor gave. That will be her ticket so she will be given entrance, didn't Professor Owen said the healer was welcome to come anytime?

 However, if she goes, that means she cannot come back in the civilization. Like Professor Owens, the possibilities are— she had to stay there forever. She cannot anymore comeback.

When she decides to leaves, she will not only be leaving Hampshire. She has to leave her family, her grandpa, Ziggy and Huzey. She had to leave her life here and start a new one there and also, she had to leave the Lagdameo heir behind.

Her life in exchange for Huzey's life.

Was she willing to make that sacrifice for Huzey?

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