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"What do you mean they pulled out?" Doctor Miles was surprised with Senior Han's news. The latter came to see the old doctor Miles early in the morning. That was also the reason why he came home last night, he had a meeting with the old man today and they thought it would be best to talk about it at home rather than discuss business matters in the hospital.

"They did," Senior Hans said calmly although like Doctor Miles, the news came as a shock to him when he first heard it, "They even said they are willing to pay the bond"

"But why? The venture was good and the forecasted profits are high." Dr. Miles can't help but wonder. "Besides, the mining explosion has nothing to do with the venture. Even Montarini Mining Inc. was suffering from loss, the corporation was still standing strong…I couldn't understand why they opted to this kind of proposition…"

Senior Hans heaved a heavy sighed and looked at Senior Hans weakly, "I suspect they have been poached,"

"I can't believe they can be bought just like that" Dr. Miles was shaking his head "How despicable that family are!"

"They could have used the explosion to scare the investors away," Senior Hans concluded leaning his back at his seat, frustrated.

"Go on with the venture, let me invest on—"

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"No, you can't Miles. That's too risky" Senior Hans cut in, "You'll be dragged into the limelight. That's the last thing I could wish for you and Xhemin. It's not safe…. Besides I have other plans"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"But Hans, this thing is big. Now that the Huzey got into an accident, everyone will be questioning the future of Montarini Mining Inc."

"My grandson is not dead, I still have an heir thanks to you," Senior Hans tone did not waver.

"But he is not gonna live long," Doctor Miles said, although after few second he wished he had not reminded the old man of that.

There was a long silence before Senior Hans spoke again "Is there really no hope?"

"I am doing my best," Dr. Miles assured and opted to change the topic, "But the venture is very impo—"

"I am an old man Miles," Senior Hans cut him. "I wish to just take care of Huzey while I still have time. I have no more strength to run a company,"

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"Please don't say that," His friend retorted sympathetically "Huzey will not wish for this to happen,"

Xhemin wished too that she had not heard those words. She went to get some water after her readings about the Acamilla Apparous and unintentionally heard the adults talking.

'Did grandfather just say Huzey is not gonna live long?' She thought and soon tears rounded at her eyes while she was at Dr. Miles office door.

She knew it was impolite to listen to adult's conversation but she can't dare to make herself leave.

"Who do you think it was?" Senior Hans asked the old doctor who was caressing his forehead in frustration. "The one who's behind the explosion"

"I don't wanna accuse, but the evidences points to one family only" Doctor Miles closed his eyes not wanting to think about it. He had read the investigation report and confirmed that the explosion was staged.

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"Are the evidences strong enough to go after them at court?" Senior Hans asked.

Dr. Miles looked at Senior Hans with honesty "No. We know how this family works. They attacked in a very clean way"

"And… and how did Xhemin take this news?" Worriedly, Senior Hans inquired. The old doctor discussed to him earlier about Xhemin's love affair with the Lagdameo heir.

The old doctor replied bitterly "She doesn't know,"

"Don't tell her," Senior Hans sighed heavily "She'll take this badly. We don't want any more of our grandchildren be hurt"

Xhemin's eyes grew big on what she had heard. What do they mean? She covered her mouth to keep the sound of her crying contained.

"Don't worry. I won't subject my own granddaughter in that kind of dilemma. Huzey's accident was already too much for her," Dr. Miles concluded "For how could I tell the child that her lover's family was the reason of all this?"

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"Is that true?" Xhemin barged in unannounced which make the two adults rose from their seats.

"Xhemin what did I tell you about—"

"Is it true grandfather?" Her tears were falling terribly, wetting her soft checks.

The two adults didn't say a word but stared only at the girl with sympathy and by the look of their faces, she knew the answer to her question was positive.

Shaking, Xhemin voiced out, "Did I do this to Huzey?"

"Of course not!" Senior Hans dismissed her question and went to comfort her "You have nothing to do with this child,"

"Xhemin listen to me…" Dr. Miles tried to sway her beliefs but Xhemin was in the state of total despair that she cannot anymore take it all.

"No more! I don't want… I don't…" Xhemin tried to pick up words to stay but everything just crumbled to pieces. She took in all the blame even though it was hard for her heart to contain it all. Devastated by what she had found, she pulled her body away from Senior Han's embrace and run to the doorway.

"Xhemin!" Dr. Miles tried to catch up with her but the girl in a quick succession ran to their barn, managed to grab Summer, mounted it and ran away with her horse and her tears.

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