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Xhemin stopped under the big oak tree and looked up the tall wall of the Montarini Manor, then she dragged her gaze to the French glass windows of Huzey's room. She climbed up the familiar tree and lounged on a bough near Huzey's window and knocked.

"Prip-prippa-prip-prippa" She called up on him, hoping he would open the window for her. She knew Huzey was already discharged from the hospital yesterday and so was certain the boy was here. However no matter how many times she have called him on their secret language, Huzey didn't opened the window for her.

Huzey was resting on his bed and alone in his room when he heard Xhemin's knock, but instead of answering her call, he didn't respond and just listened to the Little Miss' call. Was yesterday not enough for Xhemin to know that he didn't want to see her?

Sobbing the little miss' called again, "Prip-prippa-prip-prippa."

She repeated the call many times but the Diamond Prince did not heed her. He remained phlegmatic on his bed, determined to ignore his best friend.

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Huzey wasn't angry with Xhemin, the truth was, he liked the girl very much that he didn't want to show his face to her. Not that Xhemin would be afraid of him, as he knew no matter how he looked, Xhemin will always love him as her best friend, and only as his best friend —as his damaged face and feet lost the tiny hope he had of winning the girl's heart. What is he compared to Darryl Lagdameo now? Besides, Huzey thought it would somehow be best for Ziggy and Xhemin to forget about his existence as he couldn't burden them both of worrying and taking care of him their whole life. He had already accepted the fact that there was no more hope for him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xhemin gave up knocking on his window and calling his name, but instead of leaving she leaned on the window and cried her heart out.

"Huzey you must have hate me that much," Her cracking voice was weak. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry…I didn't mean for that to happen to you"

Hearing Xhemin's cry outside his window was like feeling a bitter blasts cut right to Huzey's bones. However, he contained his emotions and swallowed down his urge to call her name. She was in a mess and so was he. They needed each other but Huzey was in an ocean of despair, fighting his own beasts that he couldn't dare to see Xhemin or else he'll drown. So he opted to be silent and just listen to her sobs.

"You know already right? That my foolishness for the Lagdameo heir was probably the reason why you lost your legs…." Xhemin closed her eyes, almost wanting to swallow herself out of guilt. "…I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you…If I can only turn back time….I'll do everything to have not met him….I'm sorry…I'm really sorry Huzey…."

"…I'm sorry…but I want you to know I miss you so much and I really wanted to be there for you even if you don't want me to…I'm so lonely right now and I really really wanted to see you…" Xhemin sobbed for few minutes, pouring her heart out, until no more tears came, but the despair and guilt remained.

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Huzey moved his body to face his window where Xhemin was. His face creased and his fist closed so tight. Feeling his motionless feet, he cursed himself for being useless and stupid, he can't even manage to go to her.

When Xhemin's tears dried, she started uttering words again for him to hear "...I've learn something today. I've learned about a healing plant they call Acamilla Apparous. They say it can generate dead cells so I'm pretty sure it can help you get back on your feet again…"

"…so I'll go and get some….for you…I'll be away for some time….so I came here to say goodbye…I hope when I came back to see… you can forgive me…"

It took a long pause before the words registered in Huzey's mind. He didn't knew what to feel about the girl's revelation and farewell but her voice seemed like she will be leaving forever and never come back. A sudden panic rose into Huzey's when the thought of Xhemin going away alone struck into his system.

"Xhemin!" He called but the girl didn't answer anymore. "Xhemin!"

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Worried about the things she said, Huzey tried to move his body aiming to go to the window where the girl was. While trying, he fell from his bed and winced with the physical pain that came with it. Aching, he crawled to the window shouting the girl's name but she was gone.

"Seniorito!" A maidservant who heard the commotion came and was welcomed with the view of the prince on the floor. She rushed to his side and helped the boy "Seniorito what happened?"

Huzey hysterically instructed pointing to something "Open the window!"

Confused, the maidservant opened the French glass window but nothing was there except from the oak tree that was standing still. There was no trace of  Xhemin.

"Xhemin!" Huzey shouted her name and right then a painful feeling of longing came to him as if it will be the last time he will be hearing the girl's voice.

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"Do you want me to call the Little Miss for you?" The maidservant suggested when she realized the prince was looking for Xhemin.

"No!" Huzey snapped, "Call Ziggy instead, right now. Hurry!"

"Hold on Seniorito," The maidservant told him and dialed something on their home phone. She lingered on the phone for a while before she announced, "Seniorito, no one is answering in the young sire's apartment"

"Get me my phone" Huzey answered right away.

Where is Xhemin going?

What is that Acamilla Apparous she was talking about?

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