The Genius' First Love

Chapter 217: 217

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Ziggy had ignored all the incoming calls he had but the moment the ring tone "priprippa-prippa" rang with the recorded sound of Huzey's voice, he kind of awakened from his sobriety. He looked for his phone, which was hidden behind the litters and books that scattered in his library. As soon as he found it, he hastily pressed the button to answer the call.

"Huzey? How are you? I'll come to the hospital now—what?—you are home already? Nobody told me…" Huzey's words from the other line came as a surprise to him "…Xhemin? Xhemin was just at the Richmond ranch the last time I check…"

"…When did I last check on her? I think that was…" Ziggy thought about it not aware that a couple of days had already passed "… I guess yesterday?....." His last words came as a question not for Huzey but for him. Since when did he last saw Xhemin?

"…Huzey calm down… what happened?...." Ziggy panicked when Huzey became hysterical on the other line "…Don't worry I'll go and look for her…"

Just as the call ended, Ziggy became aware of his surroundings and frowned. []What had happened to him? He was so preoccupied with his research and had lost track of time. He went out of his library immediately and found Sam on the living room.

With awe, the face of his bodyguard turned to Ziggy, " Wow young sire, this was the first time you left your library—"

"Sam did Xhemin came to look for me?" He asked her immediately.

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"Not that I know off," She lied. Of course Xhemin came to look for him but because he was out of his mind the last few days, he probably missed the fact.

Suddenly Ziggy smelt something off. "What was that smell?"

"What smell young sire?" Sam wondered. It seemed that Ziggy had come back to life and that meant her lazy days were over. Now that the young sire had recovered from whatever that emotional turmoil he had been, it will be hard to contain him and cut him off completely from the Montarini's.

"Since when did I take a bath?" Ziggy asked when he realized he was smelling his own self.

Sam chuckled inside, "Since last week,"

"Sh*t!" Ziggy cursed but then there was more important thing he needed to do now than showering. He went to his room, grabbed some keys and ran fast to his garage. He had turned the engine of his motorbike already when Sam caught up with him.

"Where are we going young sire?" Sam asked and without permission, rode at the back of Ziggy's motorbike. Ziggy was already used to Sam following him all around so he didn't mind her riding at his back this time. Besides, he had no time to argue with her then.

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"I'm going to find Xhemin," Ziggy declared before he drove his motorbike and hit the road in a full speed.

It only took the two—Ziggy and Sam— few minutes to reach the Richmond Ranch and Ziggy ran to the Little Miss' bedroom as soon as he parked his motorbike. Her room was unlocked so all he did was pushed it open.[]

"Lil' thug?" Ziggy searched every corner of Xhemin's room—from the veranda to her closet—but found no one. "Where are you little thug?"

"Young sire…" Sam called Ziggy's attention.

Ziggy turned his head to Sam who was sitting on Xhemin's desk. "What?"

"Look at these…." Sam pointed to Xhemin's computer and Ziggy moved to look at the screen. He saw the last page that Xhemin went on the web, it was the map of Manggan Island. On Xhemin's desk also scattered the printed file of the information she received from the Lagdameo's third miss about the healing plant.

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"What are all these?" After looking at the screen, Ziggy picked up the documents Xhemin left one by one and read them "Don't tell me this is what she's up to?"

"Young sire I don't really know," Sam answered Ziggy. "But I don't think she'll go to Manggan Island.  That's a foolish thing to do,"

"And Xhemin was one heck of a foolish person sometimes," Ziggy retorted and hastily marched out Xhemin's room without waiting for Sam. Downstairs he met Ang who was busy doing his chores.

"Ang, where's the Little Miss?"

"She came home a while ago and left again," Ang told him, not aware of Xhemin's plan of running away.

"Did you know where she went?"

"I'm sorry young sire but I don't. But she left with a bag so I thought perhaps she's going to your apartment to stay there for a while since…." Ang paused a bit "… since she had an argument with Dr. Miles last night"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Argument?" Ziggy whose panic become pronounce din his face asked the boy. Right then, Ang relayed the things that occurred in the ranch when Ziggy wasn't around.

Hearing  Ang's words, Ziggy gasped in devastation. Without wasting time, he head straight to the doorway.

Ang followed him, "Young sire, did something happen to the Little Miss?"

Dannah Samulle was left alone in the room, astounded to how things went to. She thought Xhemin's interest for the healing plant ended when she sent her the information containing the details of it. Didn't her research say that the Acamilla Apparaus was gone?

And by the way, where did Xhemin knew all these information?

Who told her about the Acamilla Apparaus?

Is Xhemin seriously going to the Manggan Island?

Sam pulled her own phone from her pocket and dialled some numbers. Just one second and the other line opened.

"Dee, I think you need to find your woman," She started before she told Darryl about Xhemin running away.

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