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Xhemin was near the par line—the line where the government set as a marking in the ocean to warn fishermen and everyone else that beyond that was not anymore safe. It took her five hours to get there.

Many missionaries and explorers have crossed the par line before and as soon as they did, either the sky rained with poisonous arrows or their boats sunk without reasonable explanations. All who dared to get a contact with the Maggan Tribe never succeeded, except for Professor Owens.

Xhemin prepared to abandon the motorboat and waited for the sun to set, she will used the small bag she had with her as a floating device. During her voyage, she read the instructions Professor Owens scribbled at the back of the book he made her and it gave Xhemin an idea not to use the motorboat to cross the par line or else, the possibility of the Manggan tribe raining arrows in her was huge. It was only now that she learned,  with the realization she had by reading professor Owen's instruction was that—the Manggan Tribe were very watchful of their borders and whenever they see anything crossing the par line, they sent raging arrows to kill intruders. That was the same reason why Xhemin waited for the sunset before she went off board, so that the darkness will hide whatever she was doing.

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The salt water was hot when Xhemin plunged in and without wasting time, she crossed the par line and started swimming as fast as she could toward the Island. In her calculation, it might take her two to three hours to reach the shore however, despite her long voyage, she didn't feel exhausted. The truth was, she was scared what was waiting for her at the other side and of course she feared for her life but the memory of Huzey and Darryl as she booth left them kept her determined. She just wished that if she was to die tonight, she hoped it would be a swift death.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xhemin was able to cross the par line smoothly and nothing weird really happen as she continued swimming further and further. However, just as she though she'll get to the sea shore safe, a loud sound broke the dark sky—something was thrown into the air, exploded and lighted the place where Xhemin was. It was like a firework thrown into the sky and for few seconds it revealed Xhemin's exact location, right then she knew she had been caught. Seconds before the place succumb to darkness again, a series of arrows were thrown to Xhemin's location and the girl had to submerge herself to the water to escape from it. Xhemin stayed underwater until she couldn't hold her breathe anymore but then as soon as she returned to the surface to get some air, an arrow hit right through her!

"Ahhhhpp!" Xhemin screamed in pain as her body floated in the water. She managed to keep her body steady at the surface for a while before she felt so weak. Even if she can't see it, she knew that she bleed, it was so painful and soon her body was paralyzed—she couldn't swim anymore. Before the ocean drowned her, Xhemin saw the sky and the beautiful moon. They were the witness to her death. She thought of her grandfather and how their last conversation turned to. If there's one thing she regret before her death, it was the fact that she wasn't able to apologize and tell him how much she loved him.

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Few seconds more and the arrows stopped raining, the skies succumbed to darkness again and Xhemin's body submerged, deeper and deeper into the ocean.


[News that flooded the country for the past six months]

World News: Rivendell Academy produced new ten graduates. The commencement exercise was held at Somerset Hotel and was attended by famous academic personalities s in the whole world. Some city roads had been shut down to give way for the important foreign guest which according to reports include Primes ministers and presidents of other countries. The inventor, Yugo Echo was also believed to have attended the ceremony and Tim Chang, the number one wealthiest man in the world. Several famous personalities world-wide that was not named was also believed to have attended the ceremony and joined in congratulating the graduates.

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Business News: L Empire introduced new product on the market—Staw serum.

Showbiz News: Ziggorioh Montreal had shut down all his social media accounts following his graduation from Rivendell Academy. Followers had been saddened by the youngest montreal's unannounced hiatus. It was believed that he was undergoing depression brought by the what happened to his bestfriend—the Montarini prince— but other reports disclosed that he had intentionally close all his accounts to focus on his research. It was said that Ziggorioh Montreal was studying stem cells which veteran scientist claims to be an ambitious venture.

Country's News: L Empire's heir—Darryl Lagdameo tops the engineering national exam.

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Business Report: Montarni Mining Incorporated was in another controversy when a writ was filed in court claiming that the corporation had violated several environmental laws. Sources claimed that the mining waste of the said corporation was negligently handled causing several leaks affecting Southern ocean and nearby lakes.

Business News News: L Empire had gain exclusive rights to importation of strawberries. They won the bidding from ten other contending companies. It is believed that the event will increase L Empire's profits for the next ten years with an estimate of ten billion pesos.

Showbiz News: Collet Chan, rise to the top as the number one media influencer after Ziggorioh Montreal hiatus. The number one heiress had been praised and adored by her admirable content and had received several offers in the famous talent company.

Art News: Montarini prince finished the La Agartha. The 100th statute for his underwater museum had been completed and was priced by the Country's Department of Arts ranging from ten million per statute. This accomplishment had proved that the Montarini prince was still the number one artist in the country even with his injury. However, despite completion, there was still no news as to where and when the underwater museum will be created creating speculations that because of the injury, the plan was already abandoned. The Montarini family has not released any statement with regard to the issue.

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