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"Young sire Director Zhanglou asked that you work for the family's business" Ellie informed Ziggy while the latter was dressing up but Ziggy seemed to be phlegmatic about the news that he brought.

"What should I say to your father?" Ellie asked when Ziggy did not answer.

"Tell him I studied to become a doctor, not as a businessman" The boy simply said.

"Young sire—"

"Ellie just tell my father to stop meddling in my business," To Ziggy, this conversation was not new. Ever since he graduated from Rivendell, his father insisted that he go back to the capital. However Ziggy knew what his father's intentions was, he wanted him to stop all his connections with the Montarini prince especially now that the Montarini Mining Incorporated had been in a lot of controversy lately.

"But young sire your father said he will suspend all your cards and bank accounts when you insist on staying here in Hampshire" Ellie said and waited for Ziggy's reaction. He had series of conversation like this from the youngest sire but despite all his father's threats the boy never faltered. For the past six months, he had seen so much growth from the boy.

"Tell my father that even if he dried all my accounts and take all my inheritance I will not heed his request." Ziggy restrained his laugh. Not that there was something amusing about his father's threats but then he can't believe he will resort to this petty means. Good thing he came in prepared. Of course before he decided to disobey his father, he had made sure he had enough money on his own to sustain his research. He was afterall the darling of the media for the last nineteen years of his life, the money he gain from it should be enough.

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He knew his father would do everything to make him bow to him. This past few months had been hard for him because of his father's constant meddling. He even went as far as poaching the researchers Ziggy hired to help him with his stem cells research.

Ellie was to say something more but then Dannah Samuelle appeared.

"Youngest sire, shall we go?" Sam blurted out. When she saw that Ellie was there,  she bowed to the bulter "Good morning Butler Ellie?"

"Good morning Sam. Please take a careful care of the youngest sire. I'll shall leave then," Ellie then went, leaving the two—Dannah and Ziggy behind.

Dannah was amazed to see Ziggy fixing himself up. She had seen him do this a couple of time but today was different, Ziggy had become just something else—probably handsomer than he was and more dignified.

"So handsome," She blurted unintentionally.

"Huh?" Ziggy looked as his eyebrows went up.

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Sam realized what she just did, blinked once and turned to the other direction. Good thing the picture of Huzey was there on one of the room's desk, "I mean the prince is handsome"

"He is" Ziggy agreed as the brightness of his face faded. He heave a heavy sighed and turned to look at Sam when he remembered something " Sam what do you think of working for me?"

"Working for you?" Sam turned to Ziggy once again and frowned "Am I not working for you already?"

"You know what I mean," he said dismissing her play-pretends.

Of course she knew what Ziggy means. He wanted to hire as his own, not anymore his father's which means, he wanted her loyalty.


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Sam swallowed a lump on her throat when the words struck on her. "Young sire, your father has not dismissed me yet. I had a contract so I cannot just resign"

"One of these days he will dismiss you," Ziggy was sure of it. Since his father threatened to suspend all his account, he'll probably dismissed Sam and Ellie as his personal attendants. "If that will happen, I'll hire you as my personal assistant"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Okay," Sam settled, wanting to dismiss the conversation right away. Although they still argue sometimes, Sam knew that Ziggy had trusted her and it's the kind of trust she don't deserve.

Ziggy then head for the door and Sam as always, followed him. The youngest sire followed a strict routine ever since he started his research and they faithfully adhere to it. Sam never thought that Ziggy was this organized and dedicated when he wanted to achieve something. Who would ever think that the happy-go-lucky Ziggorioh Montreal had this brilliant side in him? She really did think before that he was to childish compared to the Diamond Prince.

"Young sire," Sam called on him while they were on their way to the garage "I've heard the things that Ellie said. Are you sure you won't go home to the capital? I mean are not afraid of your father?"

 Ziggy without turning to face her answered, " Sam, I know what I'm doing."

On their way to Ziggy's rented place where he conducts his research about the stem cells, Sam read to him his schedule for the day and his to do list. The youngest sire tried to recruit an assistant before but he hadn't found one who satisfied his like so, for the meantime Sam do those tasks for him for additional compensation.

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"Young sire by the way you must complete all the requirements for your petition before the end of the week," Sam reminded him. Ziggy was in the process of asking permission from the Medical Board for him to allow him to take the national doctor's examination. Not everyone was qualified to do this as some students needed to finish medical school first before they take that exam, exemptions were those from Rivendell Academy who has certification of five years training from well renowned doctors—like Ziggy who trained under doctor Miles.

"I only lack Dr. Dugmoch's certification. I'll drop at Hampshire hospital later to get it" Ziggy told her as he halted the car on the parking area in front of his research lab. He took off his seatbelt before he stepped out of the car, so was Sam. Right from there, they walked for few meters before they reached the lab's door only to find that it was already open.

"Why is the door open,?" Sam said before she ran on his feet and checked the place ahead of Ziggy. "What the…"

"What is it?" Ziggy entered worriedly after the girl and a horrific view welcomed him.

His lab was in total chaos. Glasses were broken, apparatus were damaged and hundreds of documents scattered on the floor, most of them were torn apart. Dishearten,  Ziggy went deeper the room to see how far the damaged was and with the look of it, he knew this was not a simple ransacked or prank. The thing was planned and he succeeded well on ruining his research.

Mad as hell as how his effort was wasted, Ziggy couldn't help but kick off something to release his intention. He picked up his lab evaluation and findings that were torn on the floor only to realize that there was no hope for it. He had lost all already.

'Who dared to do this with my research?' Ziggy thought as he closed his eyes not wanting for the girl to hear.

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