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A day after Ziggy's ordeal

Around 10 on a Friday night, Sam drove her own motorbike into a small town near Hampshire—the place cannot be considered as a town actually, but more like a community composed only with round  twenty plus buildings and most of them were clubs, inns and some abandoned constructions. Sam parked her motorbike just beside a busy club next to what looked like a small hotel whose top floor was rented exclusively by her comrades. She wasn't afraid of being observe or being followed since that would be impossible to happen here. Everyone who goes in an out this small community are being guarded, every corner of it was watched by their men camouflaging and blending in as usual people on the street.

She walked straight to the door and approached the reception "Room 401, mint"

The girl who was standing at the reception gave Sam a look before she gave her an access card. Sam took it and went to the stairs. Since the hotel had only four floors up, the owner didn't mind to put up an elevator, besides he was only a small time businessman and who can't afford one.

Dannah walked pass through several men in the hallway and they only give the girl a dirty look but never dared to talk nor just acknowledge her presence. When she reached room 401, she swiped her access card only to find that it wasn't working and that she had to knock.

The door flew open revealing Lumus, one of her uncle's trusted men. He had a big built, bald head that was inked and had ten police records. "She's here" he announced and gave way to the new comer.

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"Hello sweetie," Franco Lagdameo was on a huge sofa in the centre of the room, his men gather around him as they play cards. When she came, everyone dispersed, leaving Franco alone as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from the table, took one stick and breathe it.

Sam pulled a small enveloped out of her inside jacket and gave it to Lumus, who later turned it to his uncle. Franco opened it and dug through what's inside before he smirked with satisfaction.

"Very well. Good job sweetie," Franco praised her niece. Sam was always his favourite as he was the only Lagdameo youngster who was not afraid of him. Darryl too wasn't afraid of him but that Lagdameo heir was just too perfect and dignified for his like, he preferred Dannah more because her invisible bruises and scars matched his.

"Is that all you need Mr. F?" Dannah asked the man addressing him with the same alias everyone in the syndicate called him.

"What's with the Acamilla Apparaus?" Franco asked, curios why his niece took interest of the plant that had long been gone. He was aware of her black web activities and it just interest him.

"I thought of finding it just like what I did to the Moonlight Mirror" She lied.

"You want to have a collection of lost things," Franco let go of a loud guffaw which later was replaced by loud coughing as the smoke from his cigarette choked something in his throat. "Silly child. You are just like me…"

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Dannah didn't answer and just waited for her uncle to clear his throat "Ah, next time you can just ask me directly I'll have someone find it for you. Although I doubt that plant still exist and if anyone can find it. As you know, the master thief was very hard to track, not one in the underground community had successfully know his identity nor so find the things that he stole. Besides he had long been gone, he must have retired from being the master thief, married and had a good life. Perhaps he is dead by now since in my estimate he's already in his eighties or nineties."

"That's what I thought too" She answered. "However, thanks for the offer but I rather find it myself Mr. F."

"Okay if that is what you like…" Franco said giving way to her niece's wishes "By the way, how was the youngest Montreal"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Somebody ransacked his laboratory yesterday. Everything was damaged" Dannah reported which came as a surprise to Franco. Just then Dannah knew it wasn't him who did it.


"More like destroyed it. Nothing was stolen but everything was damaged"

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"Interesting" Franco uttered as he frowned.

"He had disagreements with his father so I guess it was his father who did it" Dannah added.

"No, no. I don't think Director Zhanglou would do such a thing. I know that man; he banked a great deal on his children and uses it in his business dealing. If there's someone who wanted for Ziggorio Montreal to succeed it—will be him. If that youngest sire will succeed in his stem cells research, the Montreal Winery will sure get more advantage in the business industry"

Dannah thought that his uncle's words made sense. But who else did Ziggy offended to cause this ruckus in his laboratory?

"Well, sweetie. I want you to look at it this further and find out who else could have possibly do this. We might be able to use this information in the future" His uncle started pressing instructions to Dannah.

"I will uncle" She said.

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"But you know what, that Ziggorioh Montreal looked rather too ambitious for me. Even though he is from Rivendell, something things just cannot happen…" Her uncle added as if amused what he thought was a foolish attempt of the Montreal heir "…The Montarini prince has no more hope. He should already accept that before the truth would drive him crazy..."

Looking through his niece "What do you think about this move Dannah?"

"I think that we should not underestimate the Montreal heir's capability," She said trying to impress her uncle. Of course he had always taught her not to be complacent even on the most petty job, so she breathe this principle when he asked her opinion.

"Good… Good Dannah…"Franco let go of a loud laugh, seemingly entertained on how Dannah was growing as how he taught her. " Now, I want you to report everything about this experiment of him. Let's see how far he can go with this"

"Yes, Mr. F" Dannah said before she left the place.

The thoughts that lingered on her after the conversation she had with her uncle only made her heart heavy. There was an obvious part of her that was guilty but she dismissed the feeling, saying that she don't have to pity the boy—this was just part of her job—all for business and nothing else.

She doesn't care about the youngest sire, doesn't she?

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