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Ziggy was at the cliff and stared at the same horizon Xhemin saw six months ago before she left. That day, he searched for Xhemin everywhere only to find the Lagdameo heir in the loch. When he asked him what happened, he wasn't talking but only stared at the hugeness of the sea, that's when Ziggy knew he wasn't able to stop Xhemin.

At his rage, he punched that Lagdamoe coach on the face. If he was the one who caught Xhemin leaving, he would do everything to stop her so he diverted his frustration to Darryl, who only allowed him to punch him until he bleed. He didn't tried to evade Ziggy's attack nor did he defended himself—it was like he was numb and he needed Ziggy's punch to give him an utter affirmation that he was still alive.

They were both left in despair when Xhemin left. Ziggy blamed himself for leaving Xhemin alone after Huzey's accident. He should have been with her. Now, he was all alone to tender for himself and for Huzey and that made him clung on to his own strength since then.

"Youngest sire," Dannah Samuelle called on to him. For the last six months, this was the place where Ziggy went to whenever he wasn't emotionally well.

"You are back," He said tonelessly. He turned to give Sam a welcome smile but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

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Sam was used to seeing Ziggy like this and she had seen the worst. She knew how he missed his two bestfriends and their life in Richmond Ranch but there was nothing she can do about it.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"What is that?" Sam referred to the paper that Ziggy was holding on his left hand.

"Oh this one," He raised the paper levelling Sam's gaze. "It's a letter she left for me. I found it in the my room in Richmond ranch the day she left."

Dannah remembered that day too. She was on the phone calling Darryl when the youngest sire left without waiting for her. He was in a hurry and she knew she went looking for the girl. He went back to the Richmond Ranch few hours after with a messed up face and a bloodied hand.

"What does it say?" Sam asked as he joined Ziggy on admiring the horizon.

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"That I should never give up on Huzey" He said in a melancholic voice. Whenever Ziggy talked about his two bestfriends, Dannah knew he was missing them both. Xhemin left and Huzey, although he answers some of Ziggy's call, he still refused to be visited by anyone. Dannah, as she knew herself, was not good at words so instead of cheering Ziggy up, she just stay and wait up on him until he'll be fine.

"Sam?" Ziggy said after a moment of silence between them.

"Yes?" She looked up at him.

"Thank you," He said to her as he locked the girl's eyes to his. "Thank you for being there for me"

Right then, another guilty pang crept in to Dannah's veins.

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Darryl stood at his own motorboat looking at the par line. The first time that he went here, he saw the empty motorboat that Xhemin used to get to the island. He wondered what could have happen to her—Was she alright? Did she reach borders safely? Did she saw what she was looking for?

There were so many question he had that were left unanswered, but there was only thing that Darryl was certain at the moment—he missed her, deeply.

He stayed there for few hours watching the island from  afar, until the sun threatened to set. When he decided to leave, he took the pack of strawberries he had. It was wrapped tightly on a plastic container and he made sure it wasn't so heavy—just weight enough for the plastic container to float.

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He threw the plastic containers containing strawberries in the water, hoping somehow that at the other side, Xhemin would find them. He knew how she loved such fruit and was certain that she will always long for how delicious it taste. Nobody also knew whether strawberries grow in the island and if there was no single strawberry fruit in there, Xhemin would surely be sad.

He watched the containers being trampled and swayed by the waves further and further. He didn't knew how many plastic containers he freed right then, but he was hoping that in case the girl will see it, she will remember how much she meant to him.

After offering a prayer for his love, Darryl prepared to leave the sea. However, even before he can pack up completely, something caught his attention.

"What is that?" Darryl thought and he frowned when he noticed something was floating in the water. "Is that a body of a human right there?

Without wasting his time, Darryl drove his motorboat to where the floating body was, good thing he don't need to cross the par line to get it as the body was swept by the waves toward his side. He pulled the body up to his boat and noticed that several arrows were pinned on that person's body. The person was bleeding tremendously but Darryl was hoping that he can still save whomsoever did he found.

It was a body of a youngster with a deep black hair and dark complexion. Darryl pulled the person's hair out of his face to find out who it was. When he saw the face, he was thunderstruck.

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