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"Windshire bound C train," droned a crackly speaker as Dannah Samuelle boarded the train. "Next stop, City Smile"

She entered, with her wet uncombed shoulder length hair, crisply ironed blouse with unfinished button, high heels and a blazer hanging in one of her arms. One look and you could tell that she was probably one of those regular girls whose running late for work in the City Smile.

However in reality, Sam wasn't running late for work. She was running late for class, a class that the youngest Montreal Sire had enrolled her forcefully. Ziggorioh, who was looking forward to hiring the girl as his personal secretary thought of enrolling Sam in one of the prestigious business class in city Smile,. To make the story short, Sam was on her first day of class and was still in the process of protesting the uniform Ziggy brought for her.

"Fuck that floppy boss dared to get me a girl's uniform!" Sam exclaimed as she finger-brushed her hair.

"Mommy she said the F word," A little girl's voice echoed over as everyone's eyes shot Sam a curios stare. The girl's mother pulled the little girl away from Sam as a jolt of her protective instinct and Sam remorsefully bit her lips and pretended nothing happened.

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A minute more and all eyes returned to where they had been, most where to the newspapers that was brought in folded. Sam tried to put a lipstick on and some blushes as the subway rattled to a halt at each station, gathering more passengers on, making it hard for Sam to continue her face painting skills, as she called it. This probably was one of the reason why she preferred to dress up as a man all the time, as she don't end up spending more of your time making her cheeks and lips red.

As the train reached City smile, Sam ran half running and walking, strode past all the passengers with expertise as if she wasn't wearing a heeled shoe and went her way to academy. It wasn't the most prestigious one, as most of the prestigious schools were in the capital but it was the most expensive one that was near Hampshire. Sam dropped first at the administration office to get her class details and head her way to her first class.

Sam was already in the front door when she noticed the unfinished button of her blouse, so she fixed them while she entered. Her entrance was welcomed either with an apathy, a smirked and slanted brows.

"Looks like we've got a new classmate here," A blonde boy with deep dimples approached Sam and was about to put his shoulder around hers.

Sam shoved it right away, without looking at the boy she said in a hard tone "watched it"

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"Wowohhh…." Every male who was in the room teased "...looked like the new girl didn't fall into your charms Luce…"

"Perhaps she'll change her mind if she knows if I'm a Sorrano," The boy's smile widened as he proudly announced his last name.

Sam didn't flinch as she gathered herself into an empty table. She was on the process of wearing her blazer that was hanging around one of her arms when she said "Haven't heard"

Sam lied. Of course she had heard of the last name, it was one of the upper class families in Hampshire. When Ziggy told her where he got her enrolled, Sam was already expecting that she'll be indulging with some of the prominent families in Hampshire since City Smile was the nearest city where they can enrol their children to decent schools. There were few colleges in Hampshire but since it was only a town, the colleges were meant for commoners which these families refused to send their children too.

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However, these prominent families Sam had in mind were only C class socialites—meaning they are rich but not superrich enough to be able to mingle and associate with the Lagdameos and the rest of the A class society. In other words since these families were businessmen in the suburbs, it means they don't earn themselves more millions than those who were in the capital.

"Your name?" One of the ladies with a well-manicured nails demanded Sam. She was tapping on her desktop and was expecting  Sam to comply right away, which of course she didn't. The girl raised a brow at Sam's apathy toward her question and so with a louder tone she asked again "I said your name is?"

"None of your business unless you say please" Sam who was now settled in her chair answered. She pulled out her phone from her bag with the intention of texting her boss a long message of protest with the uniform he sent her.

"Don't you know me?" The same girl was lashing out on her as if her pride had been severely hurt.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Sure, I don't" Sam told her without giving her a glance. She had woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and was not in the mood for being patient "And I don't care same as I don't care about your fake lashes"

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"hey hey.." The boy with deep dimples intervened trying to defend the well-manicured girl " You're just new you should at least be—"

"Cut off the drama" Sam cut him off "And don't forget it's you who started it"

"Wow, your confidence is something. I just hope that confidence had some strong foundation," The boy replied with ridicule trying to mean that Sam must know her place. "You know,  one should base their arrogance to something…"

"She does have a strong foundation," A familiar voice interfered from behind all of them. The moment she spoke, Sam already knew who she was. It was Sabina Xu, her boss ex-girlfriend.

'fate couldn't be this cruel', Sam thought.

"She had the youngest Montreal sire at her back." Sabina Xu added, her voice hinted out some disgust.

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