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Everyone was flabbergasted by what they have heard about their new classmate. What does Sabina mean then when she said she was backed up by the youngest Montreal sire? Is she his new flavor of the month?

"Ow hello dear miss, Sabina" Sam dragged her gaze to the girl who was sitting at the back. Her long curls was hanging on her shoulders and as she as usual, looked pretty as she was. "Where are we the last time?"

Sabina swallowed something in her mouth as Sam spoke. The girl was trying to let her remember the horrible humiliating incident that happened on her last date with the youngest sire. Damn this bitch was!

"Sabina what do you mean? I thought you and the youngest sire was getting steady that's why he wasn't dating anyone else now?" The girl beside Sabina asked. Everyone's knowledge in Hampshire was that the last girl that Ziggy picked up was Sabina and since their last date, Sabina couldn't dare to tell everyone that she was already dumped by Ziggy so she let everyone believed that they were still dating.

"We still are!" Sabina, red in anger, shouted at the girl "That's just his bodyguard, idiot!"

"Bodyguard?" Luce, the boy with blonde hair gasped in incredulity "Really? Perhaps bodyguard by day and something else at night,"

"Of course not!" Sabina strongly disagreed "She's just his bodyguard. Besides, the youngest sire don't dates girl like her! Can't you see she's a commoner?"

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"Am I?" Sam gave Sabina a challenging look and a subtle smirk that only infuriated Sabina more. However, the Xu daughter don't want to get caught lying so she opted not to deal with Sam any longer. She'll find other ways to get even with her, not today, but soon.

"The youngest sire's bodyguard is enrolled in a business class? My…my… what an interesting fact. What is your name by the Miss?" One of the boys who teased them earlier asked Sam but the girl's mood didn't falter.

"Leave it. This is only a six month class so we don't need to be close" That was Sam's last words before she turned her focus to her phone.

Gosh! This elite children was making her day worst!


Darryl was strolling around the forest Mansion's garden when he saw the water fountain that served as the grand highlight on this part of the property. He smiled as the memory of him playing with the water crossed his mind and somehow the burden he carried in his heart, weigh a little lighter.

He turned to the bench near the fountain and found a newspaper folded in half. Someone must have been reading that earlier and left it. He took the newspaper, tore one page and started making a paper boat. He made full strides to the fountain and with the intention of letting his self-made paper toy float.

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"I have found you," Someone called his attention and he tilted his head toward the person. It was Enoch, the boy he found at the par line. After their last conversation, the boy's treatment toward his nurses and him, become gentler. That time, he was very afraid when he woke up in an unfamiliar place and thought that the doctors and nurses were his nemesis. It was when Darryl came that he understood that he was his savior and that he meant no harm at all.

"Are you well?" Darryl acknowledged his presence and dropped the paper boat on the fountain.

"I am recovering well" he replied "I request an audience from you, if you may"

Ever since the boy started communicating with him in English, Darryl noticed that his way of words were a little weird, too formal and too dignified for his age. They had made several conversations before but still the boy only give him few information about himself, as if it was natural from him to be not too trusting to strangers.

"What is it?" Darryl asked as he gave the boy his full attention.

"Your doctor said I will be able to recover fully soon. I would like to ask you to bring me back to the line"

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Darryl already expected this from the boy and he was willing to do so. After all, all he wanted was to help the boy.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I am going to reward you for saving my life and will forever be thankful if you could get me back home"

"Can I ask you something?" Darryl asked ignoring the boy's reward proposal.

"Say it"

"Are you from the Island?"

The boy didn't answer him as if his mouth was tied up, not allowed to give any information about the island. The Manggan tribe was very unwelcoming to intruders and Darryl understood this.

"I am not interested in your Island if that was what you are thinking" Darryl started his pleading and was hoping that somehow the boy will take some interest. "I am interested in something else. As you see, my woman went to your island few months ago and I am very desperate to know if she was able to get there alive"

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"Your woman?" Enoch asked as if something hit him. The words Darryl uttered was something he wasn't expecting. Of course he was aware of that intrusion that happened six month ago made by the healer. When he left the island for a voyage, the last thing he heard was that she was under Aki Owen's care and was still recovering.

"Yes. She had a the most beautiful ink eyes, tanned skin and—"

"Hair as black as midnight" Enoch continued Darryl's words. When he heard him, something in Darryl's heart ached and his face fell. "I believe it was the healer you are referring to" Enoch added. "All these time, I had wondered why you were in the par line the day you found me. It was only now that I understood. I'm sorry I had been distrustful where in fact, the reason why you were there was because you were longing for her"

The Lagdameo heir tried to compose his words but suddenly, the memory of Xhemin made a lump on his throat that he was unable to say anything.

"How was she?" After a long try, that was the only words Darryl was able to say.

"She was hurt. When I left, she was still being treated"

Enoch's revelation only rose panic from within Darryl's stem. Worriedness flashed across his eyes as he cupped his fist, helpless as to Xhemin's fate.

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