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Handmaid Lin was right. There were bandits lurking in the river road, however, these people seemed to have been underestimated Xhemin's wit. Or perhaps, because they thought, Xhemin was a regular handmaid then they thought just like handmaid Lin, she will just succumbed onto her fear and never dared to cross the river road. However, Xhemin don't really need to pass the river road to get to the villages, for who told these bandits that there was no other road back there?

Actually, there was really no other road, so Xhemin had to make one in order not to meet the bandits. For a week and half, Xhemin roamed around the woods, finding a safe path she could get to the villages without being noticed. However because they were in deep mountain, Xhemin had to spend extra effort in clearing some bushes, cutting off fallen trees and making rock bridges without being eaten by snakes and any other animals that roamed around the woods. It was easy to think about it—making a new road—but when she executed the plan, it was a tough one. Many times that she had to run away from snakes, get bitten by insects and got chased by a wild animal. However she thought if she can't make a new path in the deep forest then what's the use for her being the number one on survival class at school?

It was her pride after all, that got her too determined to finish the task, and so was her concern for the young princess Song.

Xhemin reached the villages after a long walk. She disguised herself, wearing the clothes of the old physician who was gone, and head to Baruk Tsu's village. She waited for the sun to set, before she went to the Aki Owen's hut.

"Child we must inform Baruk Tsu about this," Aki Owens said, now worried about Princess Song's health and the fact that Xhemin had to visit him with disguise. He thought Xhemin was better off away from the villages but her story today was the complete opposite.

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"Professor, why did someone have to do that with the Little Princess?" Xhemin asked curiously.

"The other princesses are jealous of her because the chieftain's heir love her. The highest princess felt threatened that someday when the chieftain's heir will rise to the seat, she will favor Princess Song more than her" Professor Owen's explained.  

"Then who should we ask help for this?" Xhemin asked worriedly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"We can only pray for it dear." The professor said. "It is the Chieftana who hold the seat now so everyone is on her side. We must be careful not to offend her as she don't like roux blooded. I am very sure she was eyeing our every move now"

"But Professor we cannot just let a child die," Xhemin pleaded "She's too young."

Professor Owens reached out for Xhemin's hand "I'll see what I can do. I'll go and check on her but no one must know I went to your household"

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Xhemin thought about it for a minute, "But how? If you leave they will wonder where you went. And when the Chieftana learns that you are gone she will suspect that you went to check on me"

"I'll asked Baruk Tsu tomorrow a permission to go on the Tres Marias" Professor Owens planned. Every once in a while he go to the deep of the Tres Marias to gather herbs and plants. "I do this all the time so they will not suspect it"

"But you'll get lost on you way to the household, the way is rather too complicated" Xhemin explained.

"I know my way in the deep. I have spent so many years exploring. You said you made a new path didn't you?" Professor Owens inquired.

"Yes I did" Xhemin answered right away.

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"Then the day after tomorrow, fetch me at the east side of the river road. I'll be there before lunch time" The professor told her. "They are guarding the river road because they thought that is the only way up to your household. If we can avoid it then they will not suspect that I went there"

"Okay. If that's the case then I shall go on my way first thing at dawn," The girl told the professor who gave a heavy sigh and Xhemin noticed this, "What is it professor?"

"I'm worried about your grandfather, he must be so devastated when you left" The professor grimaced. If only he can inform Dr. Miles that Xhemin was fine, but that was rather impossible to do. The voyage to Hampshire was only allowed once every two years and he had to wait until then before he can inform Dr. Miles that her granddaughter was fine. For sure, the great doctor would be waiting eagerly at the woods again to trade medicine with them and get some news about Xhemin.

"I know," Xhemin said in a low weak tone "But he know that I must leave or else I'll forever be guilty to what happened to the Diamond Prince"

"You said you were gathering herbs in the woods, have you found the plant you were looking for?"

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"No I didn't. I spent most of my time in riverbanks but didn't find one. I wonder where they grow"

"I wonder too" Professor Owens thought hard "I had been roaming around the Tres Marias for many years now but I haven't seen that plant"

"Was there any place that you were not able to explore round here?" Xhemin asked him.

"I'm not sure. But to be honest, I had memorized every corner of the Tres Marias. I had even managed to make a map from it" The professor answered will pride.

"That's rather odd. I just hope that somehow I can find what I am looking for," Xhemin hoped for it. There was something in her that doubts what she just said but she shoo the thoughts away and encouraged herself to have faith.

Someday Huzey can get back on his feet again.

She shall make everything to make it happen.

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