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It was raining outside the hotel when Sam hit the exit door. She looked at the dark sky above and saw how the lightning played above, hitting with a flash some corners of the dark canvass. Looking at the busy City Smile streets and some people running in the rain with their bags on their heads, Sam thought of walking through the rain to leave the place immediately. She was very sure it would take her some time to get a cab so she'd better walked toward the train station but then, she looked at her feet and saw how it was dangling with a high stilettoes.

"What a shame," She thought and just stayed in one corner outside, away from the droplets and waited until the rain would stop. She took a pair of headset from her purse and wore them. Listening to a good music would be the best thing to do while waiting for the rain to halt.

Not long, Sam already noticed some of the academy's student who were leaving the party and flocked in the exit waiting for their ride. When they spot her standing on the corner, they just nodded at Sam and gave her a smile as if they were very pleased to have seen her. Earlier at the party, Sam displayed an outstanding wit that earned her much respect from these students. When she left, and with everything that had happened, the party become dull and so the guests and students started leaving one by one.

Adeline and Sabina of course was in rage on how the party turned to. Aside from that, Sam had humiliated them in front of everyone that both their pride couldn't take it. Sabina who was deeply damaged on what happened, lost it all and threw the most tantrum at the party which only made more people leave the place. The professors and the hotel staff had a hard time calming her down that the hotel manager had to call security to throw Sabina out of the hotel. The professors on the other hand were left inside to settle whatever damaged Sabina made.

Everyone saw how Sabina was dragged out from the hotel.

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"Don't you know who I am? I am Sabina Xu! You cannot treat me this way!" She screamed at the security personnel at the exit.

"Sabina that's enough, let's just leave…" One of her friends tried to persuade her as her tantrums was already out of hand. Every student who was still at the exit waiting for their ride witnessed how the Xu daughter had gone wild.

"Let me go!" She hissed at her friend and just then, the picture of Sam standing at her back on one corner seemingly oblivious of what was happening came to her view. With rage, she ran toward Sam and pulled the girl's hair without warning.

Sam who was singing inwardly didn't notice the commotion that Sabina did on the exit until a pair of strong hands pulled her shoulder length hair. Her headset flew into the streets as Sabina dragged her. Sam was caught unprepared and so she lost her balance and hurt her ankle because of her high stilettoes.

"You bitch! You ruined everything!" Sabina shouted at her as Sam was trying to find her balance. She was able to shove Sabina's hand right away that the girl fell on her knees hard.

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"What is your problem?" Sam exclaimed at the girl who shut daggers at her. Right then she felt her ankle ache at the shackles of her stilettoes but she tried to stand with a straight back, trying to redeem her composure.

"My problem? After what you had done to me and the youngest sire, you dare to ask me what happened? You ruined us! You seduce him and dared to shame me!" Sabina bellowed bitterly as her friends helped her from her fall.

"This is all your fault. If you didn't get into Sabina and the youngest sire's way then she shouldn't had been messed up like this!" Sabina's friend accused Sam.

"And how did it become my fault that Miss Sabina was dumped by my boss?" Sam gave them an unbelieving look as she tried to fix her hair"Didn't you guys said I am just a lowly body guard?"

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"Don't act innocent Sam, we know you are not just an ordinary body guard" Another friend of Sabina confront her "There were so many girls like you these days who worked as either a secretary or bodyguard on daylight and something else at night"

"For a girl like your status, how could you so be hateful and malicious?" Sam answered questioning the girl's character then she turned to Sabina "Whatever is your problem with the youngest sire Miss Sabina, settle it with him. I cannot speak on his behalf"

Sam then turned to find her headset where it landed. The rain was still raining hard but she was already determined to go because it seemed that these girls wouldn't stop harassing her. As her focus shifted to something else, Sabina who just recently gathered herself and who was still in the verge of her anger ran toward her again. Sam evaded Sabina's charge and so the latter landed on her knees again on the city road this time, under the pouring rain.

"Opps!" Sam said but before she herself could turn her leave, Sabina's friends already threw themselves at her and dragged her into the same city streets. Sam's gown turned wet immediately as the girls tried either to grab her hair, scratch her or tear her dress. Everyone who was at the exit watched how the girl's fight against each other but no one dared to intervene simply because they don't want to get wet.

It took Sam almost two minutes to free herself from the girl's attack, there were four them in total and Sabina was the fifth.

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"Gosh!" Sam gasped as the rain showered upon her. She looked at the girls who recently attacked her whose eyes seemed to have not been satisfied on what they just did. Sam knew they were still going to attack her so she made her stance, ignoring her aching ankle.

"We are not yet done with you" Sabina shouted at her "Let's see if you can still put up a face after this"

Sam only wiped some raindrops from her eyes as she heaved a deep sigh. Looked like she will get home a little late than what she anticipated.

Just a second and the girls advanced to where Sam was again and Sam prepared for more scratches from them. However, the girls paused just a meter away from Sam and their once raging eyes turned terrified. They stepped back shaking, which only made Sam frowned.

Just then, she noticed an umbrella above her as a man stepped at her side.

"Just try one more time," The man's voice trailed, it was devoid of seriousness but was terrifying.

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