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"Young sire?" Sam was real surprised to see Ziggy already at her side. He came with a dashing aura that gathered everyone's attention to him. He stood beside her with an umbrella that kept them both away from the rain. Even though it was raining hard, Ziggy's presence warmed the place.

"Five versus one" Ziggy's grey eyes brightened as he tapped Sam's head and pulled some of her hair away from her beautiful face. "I've never been so proud,"

"This is your fault," Sam blamed the boy and gave him a hard look which she regret instantly because Ziggy's grey eyes and deep dimple combined— only give her chills— more chills than the rain ever did.

"It's not my fault if my face could launch a thousand ships," Ziggy teased. When he left his laboratory this afternoon, he noticed that the sky was dark and he remembered that the weather forecast did say it was going to shower tonight. Knowing that Sam might have hard time getting a ride, he decided to travel all the way from Hampshire to City Smile to fetch her. He knew about the party of course but didn't really thought much about it because Sam wasn't very welcoming with his nosiness.

"Whatever," Sam only rolled an eye at him before she bent a little to examine her hurting foot. She then decided to take off her stilettoes.

"Ellie, hold this" Ziggy passed his umbrella to the Montreal Butler who accepted it right away and without a word, the youngest sire picked up Sam's body and carried the girl on his arms. It was too fast that both Sam and Ellie was caught on shock with the youngest sire's actions.

Ellie's jaw dropped, so was everyone else.

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[What the hell was the youngest sire doing? Wasn't she just a bodyguard?]

[Yes she is, or probably was, because seeing them right now, I don't know what to think anymore]

[I cannot accept the fact that his bodyguard was his new flavor of the month!]

Sam on the other hand, squirmed and tried to dismiss Ziggy's actions. "Put me down youngest sire,"

"No I don't want to," Ziggy said and moved to bring Sam inside the car. Ellie who was having hard time holding his own umbrella and the one the youngest sire gave him, still managed to open the door at the backseat so Ziggy won't have trouble placing his own bodyguard.

"What are you doing?" Sam confronted him awkwardly. Her faced glowed red and Ziggy could only smirk at Sam's annual reaction.

"I didn't know you were capable of blushing…," He grinned and Sam could only shut her mouth at his words.

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"….I want to play the knight in shining armor tonight," He teased her further as his deep dimple become pronounced on his face that instantly made Sam's heart flutter, she didn't know what to do or say anymore.

After securing the girl inside the car, Ziggy took his umbrella from Ellie before he made long strides to the get into the driver's seat, but before he could completely join Sam, Sabina's friends called his attention.

"Youngest sire, perhaps you didn't noticed" One of them dared to talk, "Sabina is hurt"

Ziggy frowned as if he was having hard time understanding what the girl was saying. He dragged his eyes to the girls that were trying to pick themselves up from the ground after Sam thrusted them away. "Sabina who?"

His reaction made everyone whispered amongst the crowd. Didn't Sabina tell everyone that they were getting steady? But Ziggy seemed to have forgotten the girl's name already.

[So it's true that the youngest sire and Sabina were done a long time ago?]

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[I guess so but why did Sabina's friends were claiming they were getting steady?]

[That XU daughter was one big of a liar!]

Sabina's face cannot be painted with all rocks that had been thrown to her. She tried so much to avoid Ziggy's eyes as she fixed herself. Why did everything turned unexpectedly like this tonight?

"Youngest sire, how could you be so ungentleman to someone you had dated for a long time," The girl who had been acting pitiful added. She then went to Sabina and carefully helped her as if the later wasn't capable to standing up for herself.

"Why would I be a gentleman to someone who hurt my employee?" Ziggy replied in a grim expression. "And besides, I don't remember dating anyone else for a long time…"

Ziggy's didn't want to say more words so her turned to Ellie and charged him "Ellie, make sure they spend a night in jail or days"

"Yes youngest sire," Ellie replied and moved away from the car. Just after a minute, Ziggy's car hit the road while Ellie was left at the scene shaking his head.

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The road back to Hampshire was long and because of the rain, Ziggy had to focus his eyes on the road while Sam didn't utter a word to him. Wondering what the girl had been up to, Ziggy looked at her through the mirror and saw how Sam was sleeping soundly at the back. Her shoulder length hair was in a mess but she looked baby like and peaceful, Ziggy could only smile while getting a glimpse of her.

After an hour, Ziggy completely halted his car on his apartment's garage but even when he had turned the engine off, Sam seemed to be oblivious about the fact that they had arrived already.

"Sam?" Ziggy called and scrutinized the girl from the front seat. He noticed that she slightly opened her eyes but then closed it back again slowly, as if her eyelids were so heavy.

"Are you okay?" Ziggy called again but Sam didn't responded so the youngest Montreal sire tried to wake her up by tapping her hand.

"Oh Sh*t!" Ziggy panicked when he felt how Sam's skin felt so hot. Only then that he remembered that Sam's gown was soaking wet and she had worn that dress on their whole ride back to Hampshire.

Without wasting time and in quick succession, Ziggy stepped out the car, opened the back seat and carefully carried the girl back again on his arms.

He walked straight to Sam's room and laid her body down to her bed. Ziggy then turned quickly to the bathroom and prepared for a hot bath. He spent some time filling the tub with water and heated it. When everything was ready he went back to Sam and saw the girl's motionless body at her bed—her skin was glowing red and her gown even though wet, accentuated every curves of her body especially at her chest, which the gown's low cut neckline only made her two mounts obvious and appalling.

Ziggy swallowed as he felt some tingling sensation running to his stomach and down below. Dismissing the unusual feeling, he went back to the bathroom and walked to and fro cursing his own self.

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