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Enoch and Darryl was at the par line.

It was early in the morning and as planned, Darryl brought Enoch back to where he found him. They both stared at the sun rising from the east waiting for the right time.

"Brother thank you for saving my life," Enoch uttered before he bids farewell. In his life, he will forever be grateful for the Lagdameo heir for giving him a chance to come back home safety. He owed his second life to him and would do anything just to compensate for him.

"If you found someone in need, I know you'll do the same," Darryl replied, eyes still at the sun, patiently anticipating the beauty of the new morning light. Birds flew to and fro and Darryl could only be jealous on how the tiny creatures can freely crossed the borders without being hurt.

For the past few weeks that Enoch stayed at Darryl's place, he had developed a sense of trust toward him that made him consider the boy as his own blood. Apart from the fact that Lagdameo heir saved his life, he had seen how brilliant and dedicated he was. Also, it was the love Darryl had for the healer that he kind of adored the most about him, someday, he wished to have that same kind of love.

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"Would you be okay going back this way?" Darryl moved his head toward Enoch's direction "I'm afraid your people will mistake you as an intruder and they might send arrows for you when they see you crossing the par line"

"No one will see me as I crossed the par line" Enoch uttered "Do you know how our family become the leaders?"

"I'm all ears," Darryl replied immediately very much interested to hear one more story about the life in the other side of the par line.

"We the Manggen People are Sea gypsies. We had a very special relationship with the sea water," Enoch started. Darryl had heard these words from him before, but all of Enoch's story begins with this line so he still listened to him with interest despite the cliché. "Our family was the best water breathers amongst the rest"

"Water breathers?" Darryl continued to listen to Enoch, carefully tucking his words to his memory one by one.

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"Yes, we breathe longer in water than the average people" Enoch explained "Do you believe that?"

"Well, I can believe that. Science can explain it since as you said, you are sea gypsies. Your genes must have adjusted to your lifestyle. Since you are always at the sea, you tend to breathe more than the average people does" Darryl hypothesized. There were so many things that had kept him in awe every time Enoch tells him stories about his lifestyle.

"Perhaps" Enoch heaved a sigh "Unlike the healer and anyone else from your big island, I can breathe longer in water. The moment I dive in here, it can hold my breath, until I'm near the sea shore"

"Will you be safe by then?" Darryl confirmed.

"No" Enoch replied "The Gunta's will surely fire arrows at me. It will be too late for them to realize that it was I they have shot and not some intruders"

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"Then like my woman, you are still taking a risk in crossing the par line," Darryl's expression become grim. He was worried that like Xhemin, Enoch will be hurt by his journey home "I can't lose two people for the same reason"

Enoch smiled at him, aware of Darryl's concern "Unlike the healer, I am very familiar with the island. I know a place where the Gunta's will not be able to see me. It is some secret passage voyagers like I kept as a secure place to pass through whenever we come back home. It is also guarded but they don't throw arrows in there, thus before anyone can hurt me they will already realize that it was I"

"Keep safe then, and stay alive for your tribe," Darryl gave him farewell words.

"If I am the chieftain I will allow you passage" Enoch told Darryl these words before but he would like to repeat it one more time "But I am not the chieftain yet so I cannot decide for you. I am very sorry"

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"I understand Enoch." Darryl placed an arm on his shoulder "All I wish is for you to reach your home safe. You family must have been worried"

"Brother" Enoch like Darryl did, place his other free arm on Darryl's shoulders "You had saved my life. I promised that when I get home safe, I'll ask the council to give you an audience so you can ask their permission. All you need to do is wait for me here" Enoch firmly promised Darryl these words.

"I'll wait for you then," Darryl agreed with so much hope. When Enoch told him about how very unwelcoming the Manggen Tribe was will strangers, he knew his chances of following Xhemin was small. Nevertheless, he pleaded with Enoch to help him as he knew that Xhemin was hurt while crossing the par line. He needed to see her, he needed to see himself that she was alright.

"I promised to you brother I will come back for you. I will do my best to bring the council with me. Surely, in behalf of my father, they will come to thank you for your kind heart" Enoch assured him. If only he can changed their beliefs and ways for his new found brother, but then some things cannot be changed by just a blink of an eye. He was not the chieftain yet, so no matter how much he trusted Darryl, he cannot bring him to the island and secure his safety.

For now, the only thing he can do for him was to help him asked permission. Although it was quiet impossible, but Enoch was hoping they can make exceptions for him like how they allowed Xhemin and Aki Owens to stay.

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