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Sam's shoot daggers at Ziggy when she found him doing something at the kitchen.

"Are you the one who took off my gown?" Sam crossed her arms and was very much into the mood of confronting her pervert boss.

"Would you rather prefer Ellie to do it?" Ziggy answered without turning his head to Sam. He was already expecting this from her so he was kind of prepared.

Sam though that Ziggy somehow has a point. It was more awkward for the situation if indeed Ellie was the one to do it for her. Although Ellie already knew that she was a girl, the Montreal Butler still treated her the same way as if nothing had changed and to think about him changing her clothes was—never mind.

"What did you do to me?" Sam's words were breathed in a threatening mode that if her question will be answered positively, then Ziggy will be dead before an hour ends.

"What I did?" Ziggy mimicked her without giving her a slightest care as if all his attention was focused on what he was doing "Well, I changed your clothes. I checked your temperature….. What else did I do? Hmmmm… I think I became your personal doctor overnight…"

Sam knew that Ziggy was trying to sway her anger but she was too pissed at the moment. Besides, she don't really know how to approach Ziggy after what happened. So she decided to just flush an angry mood to wash the awkwardness away.

"…you should pay me…" Ziggy added when he noticed that Sam quieted. "…you know my father had frozen my bank accounts so I need all the fees I could get…"

"How dare you!" Sam exclaimed.

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Ignoring her words, Ziggy continued "I'm just reminding you that my fee is expensive"

"You are not even a doctor yet! You don't have a license!" Sam tried to dismiss his folly. If the youngest Montreal sire thought he can get away with easily, well, Sam thinks otherwise.

"God! Sam you are so noisy!" Ziggy started yelling at her too, just like what she was doing. "Can't you see I'm cooking?"

"You can't cook!" Sam pointed.

"I learned how…" he defended.


"Last night!"

"Young sire don't fool me around!" Sam's voice heightened than it previously was.

"Why are you yelling?" Ziggy confronted her unreasonable approach.

"Because you are yelling too!"

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"Fine!...." Ziggy decided to retreat and get back to what he was doing "Sit at the table. I made you a special breakfast"

"What?" Sam couldn't believe what he just said. But then, Ziggy was indeed busy with a lot of things in the kitchen as if he was preparing a bountiful meal.

Although she was doubtful with Ziggy's words as her boss cannot even cook a decent meal for himself, Sam decided to shut up and sat at the table and await whatever that special breakfast Ziggy had for her.

After few minutes and after the smoke alarm had beeped, Ziggy halted whatever he was doing and brought a plate to Sam.

It was a fried egg—burned friend egg to be precise and a bowl of yogurt.

Sam couldn't believe it. She looked at the kitchen's mess and wondered how on earth a fried egg made a mess like that?

She looked at Ziggy with so much disbelief "You said you made me a special breakfast..."

"….is this a special breakfast to you?" Sam arched a brow at him.

Ziggy heaved a deep sigh, went to get something in the kitchen and put in front of Sam the yogurt's packaging. There was a word "SPECIAL BREAKFAST YOUGURT" written on it.

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Sam almost choked.

'Very clever young sire'

Sam was left speechless with Ziggy's foolish cooking but decided to eat the yogurt anyway, just the yogurt because the egg might make her lose her appetite.

Ziggy who wanted to evade Sam's anger decided to turn the television on. He hoped to find something on the television that can lighten up both their mood. Some rom-com shows probably or some action movie that Sam likes.

Pressing the button to change channel, Ziggy's attention got stuck on the news report that flashed before his screen.

"The court had rule in favor of the government with the Montarini environmental case. The court declare that the said corporation was indeed negligent on handling their mining waste.  As part of the ruling, the Montarni Mining Incorporated was to pay damages amounting to five hundred million US dollars. Senior Han's Montarini who is the current president and some corporate officers were held severally liable on the case and were tied together with the corporation to pay for the damages"

Sam instantaneously halted her eating and turned to the television, then dragged her eyes worriedly to Ziggy whose expression turned dim. His hands were shaking and Sam knew how deeply affected he was with what he just heard.

"Young sire—"

"Shhhhh…" Ziggy cut her in, telling her to lower her voice as he listened to the news further.

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"In order to save the corporation and his grandfather from paying the hefty amount of damages, the Montarini Prince offered to sell off his La Agartha Statute collection to the government which the latter agreed. Today the transfer of rights document had been signed in court giving the government full ownership of the La Agartha masterpiece. It had been said the said statutes will be transported to the capital as soon as possible…"

Ziggy didn't wait for the news to end. Immediately and in succession— he went to his room, took a jacket, find his keys and put his helmet on. When he stepped into his garage, he already found Sam waiting for him. He jived into his motorbike and Sam joined him. It only took him five full minutes of maneuvering to hit the road of Hampshire, traversing the road to the Montarini Manor.

This couldn't be.

Their dreams.

They swore to fulfill their dreams together—He, Huzey and Xhemin.

The La Agartha was meant for the water museum.

The La Agartha was Huzey's.

No one, not even the government can shut off his best friend's dreams like that.

He can't allow it.

He just can't.

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