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Trucks had filed in the vast parkland of the Montarini Manor as if it was delivering a couple of things, when in fact it wasn't doing delivery of any sort. The trucks was there for one thing, it was meant to transport the La Agarta collection of Huzey. Several trucks had also filed up at the roadside leading to the loch cottage where half of Huzey's collection was placed.

Ziggy parked his motorbike and stormed his way into the Montarini Manor's entrance when he bumped into several men carrying in their arms together one of Huzey's statute.

"What do you think you are doing?" Ziggy confronted them right away.

The men was left astounded to Ziggy's sudden intrusion. "If I am not mistaken you are the Montreal Youngest Sire, aren't you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am," Ziggy replied in abrasive manner. He came in very mad that he was ready to choke whoever lay a hand on Huzey's collection.

"I'm sorry young sire, we are only following orders. Please do not make our job hard for us" They begged Ziggy to let them go freely as they were instructed to deliver the pieces as fast as they could.

"Young sire please. They are merely laborers" Sam went to appease Ziggy when she saw how unreasonable he became "They had nothing to do about these"

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Ziggy's veins was already throbbing at his neck but Sam was right, he can't pushed his anger toward the laborers who were working for a living. Instead of pressuring the laborers further, Ziggy went inside the Manor and looked for whomever was assigned with the taking of the La Agartha.

Upon his entrance, Ziggy saw the officer who was charged with the transportation of the La Agartha. The officer saw Ziggy instantly but didn't acknowledge his presence. He merely looked at the boy from head to foot and gathered his gaze to somewhere else.

"Stop this! You had no right whatsoever with these pieces!" Ziggy bawled, confronting the officer who only gave him a smirk.

"The youngest Montreal sire," He answered with mockery "Was it true that you had a severe depression that you are already losing all your senses?"

"How dare you!" Ziggy balled his hands and was about to hit the man when Sam intervened.

"Young sire he's a government officer, please calm down" She persuaded him "We are the manor, whatever happens here will be taken against Huzey"

"I'm sorry to break it to you Montreal boy that these pieces belong to the government now and you can do nothing about it anymore, the paper had been signed" The officer said flatly and waved to Ziggy the authority paper that was given to him.

"You cannot do this! I am not going to let you take anything—"

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"Ziggy" There was a call from upstairs that halted every motion from the hall. Dragging his eyes to the top of the fabricated stairs, Huzey was there sitting on his wheelchair. He wore a mask to hide off the damaged part of his face.

Everyone dragged their gazes to the diamond prince, even the laborer halted what they were doing to get a glimpse of how the Diamond Prince looked like after his injury. Rumors had it that his once handsome face was all gone now, marred by the explosion.

"Huzey!" Ziggy ran to the stairs to join his friend but the Diamond prince only gave him a cold welcome. Despite such, he was very glad to have seen him as the latter still refused any visits.

"Let them take it," Huzey told him devoid of any expression as if the La Agartha don't mean anything to him. "They had no use to me anyway,"

"But what about the underwater museum? Huzey you had been working on it for the last two years! You can't just gave up on it" Ziggy contented as he kneeled to level up his gaze. Looking at his façade, Ziggy knew how much Huzey had changed. He became more aloof and cold, worst that even he was not anymore welcome to get through him. It seemed that the Diamond Prince had already successfully created a barrier between him and the world, his emotion was so out of reach.

"The museum is no longer feasible we both know that," The prince told him, his ocean blue eyes were somewhere trying to evade Ziggy's eyes.


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"Ziggy just stop…" Huzey told him before he made his wheelchair move. It was automatic and Huzey had maneuvered the thing on his right hand "….Let us not anymore hope for something that was impossible to happen. I already drop that plans, please respect that"

Huzey head to his room, leaving Ziggy behind. He closed the door and locked it, very much determined to end his conversation with his best friend.


A day after the La Agartha taking, ten armed trailer trucks rallied on the national road going to the capital. In them were the hundred pieces of Huzey's statute carefully tucked and sealed on the trailers. These trucks are owned by the government and several military personnel were escorting it.

The road to the capital was long and the statutes had to be travelled overnight. That specific night when the La Agartha was transported, the sky was soo dark because the moon refused to emerge from the sky. Even the stars seemed to have protest together with the moon as they hid past the dark clouds.

It was so quiet in the road. Aside from the truck's engine, no more sound lingered over, even the crickets and night animals were quiet as if they had been anticipating something that would happen tonight.

There in that dark night, a silhouette emerged out from the darkness. No one could tell where it came from but it landed on the top of one of the trucks that was rallying on the road. No one noticed that shadow, not even the military nor did the truck driver notice that some unwelcomed visitor joined their company.

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Soon, a loud sound erupted and all the trucks halted immediately. The military convoy that followed the trucks started inspecting what happened and what the sound was all about.

"What is that?" Someone yelled.

"Men moved!" Someone commanded and the while military convoy scattered of inspecting the place, trying to see what the sound was about.

"Help! Help!" Another sound was heard few minutes after the other and everyone moved to find where the sound was coming from. Not long, a man was found limping at his feet heading towards the direction of the trucks. His head was wounded as if he fell and hit his head somewhere.

"What happened to you?" one of the military asked, pointing a gun to the man. Although the shirt that the man was wearing was familiar the personnel still asked "Who are you?"

"I'm the driver of the third truck, somebody pushed me aside and drove my truck away!" He hollered as he approached the military.

"What?" One of the officer who was doubtful of the person's words turned to count the trucks that lined up in the road.

There was only nine, one truck was indeed missing.

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