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Darryl cannot cross the sea by water, since that was how fishes do. This render every boats and water transportation unqualified.

He can neither fly by air, because that was how birds do. Therefore, helicopters and jet planes would do him no good at all.

There was only one way to cross the par line then— by a bridge.

Neither the fish, not the birds uses a bridge to cross the par line, do they?

Darryl knew the answer the moment the Cheiftana gave him the question. He knew that the Cheiftana was playing tricks on him but there was one thing she could have missed, the Manggan Island was behind when it comes to technology and infrastructure. She must have never thought that bridges can be built to connect a tiny island to another even they were ocean's apart.(If you are reading this novel outside site, it means it had been stolen. To get full and updated version please visit'-First-Love )

The riddle came easy for him. Problem was, there was no bridge for him to cross, thus he should make one.

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However, building a bridge toward the Manggan Island wasn't an easy task. The Manggan Island was protected not only by the government but by indigenous rights activist, surely, they will rally up against his plans. Not to mention the amount of money it would cost, it would surely dry off his own pocket so he must think of other plans to secure the funding.

Building a bridge is one thing, getting permission to build a bridge is another. To add to the level of difficulty, although the bridge was the answer to his riddle, he wasn't sure the tribesmen would welcome the infrastructure with open arms.

"Dee you are freaking me out" Dian exhaled with exasperation "This is huge. Like really really huge. A lot of people will be against you, the media will feast on you and not to mention that the elders and father might not approve of this"

"I know what I am doing Dian," He said nonchalantly. He had decided to fulfill his legendary masterpiece and all of it will be for her—the woman he longed for the most. "I already anticipated that,"

"Dee? Seriously, I can't make you do this" Dian reasoned with him. A bridge to connect the Manggan island to civilization will surely arose a controversy and that was the last thing she could wished for her brother. His brother's name was tied to L Empire and whatever he does, be if for good or bad will also affect their corporation. With that, Dian knew Darryl had to go through a needles hole to gain the L Empire's support. "I know you are frustrated. I know missed her but you can't risk everything for her! Dee, listen please even if you will be able to build the bridge you cannot still go there! Dee did you know what happened to all people, even missionaries—God there are good people and yet the Manggan tribe killed them without mercy."

"Dian please. I've made up my mind. I can do this," Darryl looked at his sister's upset face. The burden he carries at the moment wasn't an easy one and having a conversation like this with his sister only made it heavier than it already was. This novel is contracted under and if you want to have access to the full and updated version please visit'-First-Love

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"Dee, you can't follow her! For God knows what happened to her, you can't follow her to death!" She hollered as tears rounded up her eye. She cannot believe that Darryl had easily decided on this thing, ignoring all the risk and the possibility of him getting killed.

Was he not aware that all who goes there never returns?

"Dian enough!" Darryl's voice heightened this time "Do you want me spend my whole life with regret? If I won't follow Xhemin then I'll forever hate myself for letting her go, for letting her slip from my own grip. I'll forever wonder what had happened to her and I'll forever….." Darryl's voice was already cracking and he for the first time since Xhemin left, he let go of all the troubles inside of him. He swallowed all his words and settled to finish it without arguing further "….I can't go on like this Dian, it's killing me inside"

Dian gaped open upon Darryl's words. Ever since their grandmother died, she had never seen Darryl in such a messed-up state. All a while she thought he was okay, that even when Xhemin left, he was still that Lagdameo heir everyone was admiring about—strong, perfect, brilliant. However now, as she had seen the raw look of his hazel eyes, she knew he was hurting, and the wound was deep.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you about your suffering…" Dian's tear fell. Her tears didn't mark any pain she had inside, but it shed for her brother's pain that he had been hiding for so long. "If there's anything that I can do…."

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"All I need from you is your understanding" Darryl seemed to have notice how his expression went uncontrollable and so he composed himself right away—back to being the perfect Lagdameo heir. "Just that Dian, all I need is that"

Dian wiped her tears away and just like Darryl did, she put up a face. "What's your plan. Tell me, I'll help with anything I can"

"I'm going to the ministry of indigenous affairs on Monday," Darryl revealed.

"To ask their permission?" Dian asked.

"To get their support," He revealed further to Dian's shock.

"What? And how confident are you that they are going to—"

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"I'll find a way. I need their support so the central government will give their permission" Darryl thought of it already. He knew what he was rooting for and all the consequences that comes with it. He wasn't sure where this plans of him was heading to, but no one can stop him now.

He will build his Legendary masterpiece.

He will pursue his dream.

He will build the bridge to cross the par line.

He will follow her this time.

For love, the beast was very willing to hunt and even become the prey just to get his woman.

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