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"We are really impressed on your proposition and the benefits both the government and the Manggan tribe can get with the bridge you wanted to build Mr. Lagdameo," The chairman of the Ministry of Indigenous affairs started. They were in a conference meeting conducted to give way to Darryl's request of audience for his plans of building the Puente De Amor.

There were twenty-five people in the room, all were members of the board and they were here to agree on the matter to whether or not support's Darryl's cause. They have heard the Lagdameo heir and his outstanding accomplishments that was toppled by his ranking number one on the recent national exams, yet they were still undecided to his proposition. Although everyone believed on the Lagdameo heir's capability, the safety of both the tribe and Darryl himself was holding them back. Aside from the fact that the Manggan tribe was a hostile a tribe, their exposure to the civilization may not be good for both their psychological and physical health as they had been isolated for all they could remember.This novel is contracted under and if you want to have access to the full and updated version please visit'-First-Love

"Chairman, tell the boy directly and let us not waste time" One of the board pushed on. He was Mr. Sanyang and the department he represented were the coast guards that were assigned to watch the par line.  Of course he was aware of who Darryl was and knew for the fact that he was not yet the President of L Empire, so he cannot do anything against anyone now. "Young master Lagdameo, we are aware of your accomplishments and capabilities… but building a bridge toward the Manggan Island is just not possible. I wonder why you had even come to think of that idea"

"Mr. Sanyang please…" The chairman chided him. The board was divided against the matter as many wanted to support Darryl but the other half strongly disapproves.

"Mr. Chairman, for years the Manngan tribe had remained untouched. Let's just leave it the way it was before for everyone else safety," Another board member who agreed to Mr. Sanyang's point blurted out. He thought that the conference was just a waste of time since Darryl knew himself that what he was proposing was an impossible task.

"Let us give the boy a chance, besides the role of the Ministry of Indigenous affairs was to promote the safety, health and rights of our indigenous people. The bridge might be our first step for making the tribe come open to us," An old lady who was sitting beside the chairman spoke gently.

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"You are just giving this boy false hope," Mr. Sanyang insisted. "This conference was on the news yesterday and the whole country probably was mocking us right now, for giving Mr. Lagdameo an audience to such an ambitious notion. Next months, a lot of youngster will probably line up at our office asking permission for silly things,"

"Mr. Sanyang!" The chairman's voice heightened this time, "May I remind you that we are on formal gathering. Let us compose ourselves fully."

The chairman turned to looked at Darryl again to continue what he was supposed to say but he noticed that Darryl's eyes remained nonchalant on the other board member's words and had been fully focusing his attention to him only. Curios to Darryl's apathy he inquired "Is there something more you wished to tell us Mr. Lagdameo?"

"Nothing really," Darryl eyes glowed but everyone had no idea what was running in his mind "But right now, listening to Mr. Sanyang words and reading the other members reaction, I come to the conclusion that you are not aware of the fact that the Manggan tribe had already been infiltrated by people from our side"

Darryl words brought mixed reactions from the board.

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"Impossible!" Mr. Sanyang exclaimed "Mr. Lagdameo I am warning you not to ruin my reputation on this. I had been assigned to handle the coast guards in the southern Hampshire for years and I can attest to the fact that no one had successfully crossed the par line alive!"

"Then you are wrong," Darryl replied and his king pin aura filled the place that Mr. Sanyang refused to acknowledge. He feared the boy's nonchalant reaction to his fury yet he was too proud to entertain the information Darryl let loose.

"I had great respects to your achievement Mr. Lagdameo, but what you are doing right now is blatant disrespect to my service" Mr. Sanyang refuted Darryl's claims and turned to plead to the one sitting on the middle "Mr. Chairman, I ask you right now to dismiss this boy right away! He was clearly making fun of us and our job,"

"I can assure you that my information is true," Darryl turned to the Chairman too. "There were even two of them"

"Lies! I cannot believe you will become the successor of L Empire" Mr. Sanyang lost his cool and pointed a finger with much disgust to the Lagdameo heir "I myself had taken the bodies of those the Manngan tribe killed when crossing the par line. Your ambitious venture cannot ruin the reputation I put up for years"

"Mr. Sanyang! Get a hold of yourself or I'll have you dismissed!" The chairman reprimanded him. He didn't expect this sudden outburst from Mr. Sanyang yet he understood where his anger was coming from. The Lagdameo heir's claim had put the man's reputation at risk as he was assigned to guard the par line.

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In the midst of the rising tension, the Chairman turned to Darryl to asked "Mr. Lagdameo if your claims were true the who were these people?"

"Missionaries perhaps" The same lady who spoke earlier hollered, astounded to Darryl's revelation "For years only missionaries had dared to cross the par line in the name of religion"

"They are not," Darryl answered politely. His hazel eyes glowed brightly knowing that his plans were running according to how he wanted it to be. "But their identities would make you understand why they went and successfully infiltrated the island,"

Curios, the chairman asked immediately "Then who are they?"

"I cannot tell you the names," Darryl replied.

"You cannot tell us the names?" Mr. Sanyang laughed at what he considered an obvious falsehood. "You dare to tell us that someone went there yet you cannot tell the names? How convenient!"

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"I cannot tell the names but I can tell you their identity," Darryl added ignoring Mr. Sanyang's sarcasm "And their identities will already give you a hint why I cannot mention their names,"

"Then will take what we can get," The chairman replied, fully intrigued.

"They are both from Rivendell Academy," Darryl fixed his gaze to the old Chairman as he divulged the fact "The first one was a professor, the other one was a student. I guess some of you had probably heard about her already" If you are reading this novel outside site, it means it had been stolen. To get full and updated version please visit'-First-Love

"Her?" One of the board stated. "Did I heard the word right?"

"Yes, you heard it right" Darryl confirmed "She's a girl. The only girl in Rivendell that the media was feasting on after the camp"

"So the news are true?" The same lady asked as bewilderment drown her own expression.

"Yes," Darryl smiled for the first time that day. He knew that he cannot get the board's permission right away and certainly not today. Nevertheless, he knew he had given an information that they cannot take lightly. Certainly, if luck will join his cause, he can get permission earlier than he expected.

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