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Mr. Cheng obeyed, but as soon as they entered the room he couldn't help but asked again. "Dr. Miles, does the child knows?"

The room sank in silence. Dr. Miles looked at his associate with an unreadable expression and gave out a deep sigh.

"Not a bit" The old man finally answered as he retreated to his desk.

"How about the Feather Healthcare Corporation? Does she know anything about it?" Mr. Cheng added, being the General Manager, he wants to know what lies ahead in the future for the corporation.

"She soon will… but for now… let her be a child first. I don't want to ruin her days" Dr. Miles who had guessed his associates intention spattered the whole truth.

"Dr. Miles, she is your only heir. Your blood is running through her veins. There is no more Dugmoch left to take over the corporation you tried so hard to put up all these years" He added trying to persuade the good doctor to reconsider his prejudices.

"You are right she is my grandchild. My biological grandchild. And as her grandfather, I am not going to force her to do things she doesn't want to do. If time will come she will know about the Feather Healthcare Corporation and she refuses to take over, then no one should force her to" Dr. Miles reasoned out.

The corporation he built with his only child is very important to him, however his child's only daughter is more important than anything else.

"But Dr. Miles…"

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"General Manager Cheng, I only have one granddaughter. I want her to live a free and happy life. So, let my granddaughter make her own destiny… also, she doesn't have an interest in medicine, but I must say she is very good in botany just like my wife Sarai…" He added, trying to convince his associate to give up the idea.

"The child doesn't have interest in medicine? That's a shame, so their generation won't have a doctor as great as you?" Now, Mr. Cheng is more frustrated than he is earlier.

Dr. Miles' skills as a doctor is without equal, he was hoping he can pass on these skills to his only grandchild. He lazily seated himself just in front of Dr. Miles' desk and started pulling out the documents he brought over.

"As much as it does frustrate me, but I can't force up things on her. The child is very brilliant, she's not easy to tame with. But don't worry, I have found a student who can continue my legacies in the future. So, let my granddaughter be whoever she wants to be" Dr. Miles answered unapologetically as he watched his general manager pulled documents from his suitcase.

"You found an apprentice?"

"A great one. The Rivendell Academy sent me a student to mentor with. He had been training with me for the last five years" The great doctor replied with confidence.

"And who is this student of yours?"

"The youngest Montreal child" Dr. Miles replied. General Manager Cheng has been very loyal to him for long and his concerns are certainly for the better. So, he intends to let him know about his apprentice knowing it will make General Manager Cheng worry less.

"That kid? I heard he was brilliant, but he is prune to making scrapes. Just yesterday in CGC's memorial, he left his father in a serious mess" Mr. Cheng commented recalling yesterday's commotion. He attended the CGC's memorial yesterday and witness it.

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"The kid is just a child, children are prune to making scrapes. But his potential surpasses me, he can be greater than me in the future" The doctor assured him.

"But the Montreal cannot take over Feather Healthcare Corporation. He is not in any way related to you" Mr. Cheng spilled the thing that bothers him the most.

"The corporation will live even without an heir. That's what you are here for." The doctor said calmly, he already made up his mind a long time ago and conversations like this cannot change anything. He pulled one of the pile of documents towards him and scrutinize it.

"But we can't hide her forever. You said it yourself, the child is very brilliant. You can't keep homeschooling her"

"Who said she's homeschooled?" The doctor asked without departing his eyes from the data on the document he is holding.

"Is she not? Then to what institution does she goes to? I'm afraid the institution she goes does not fit the kind of brain she has. She is after all your grandchild, she must have inherited your intelligence" Being with the Dughmoh for years, Mr. Cheng is very familiar of every inch of the family's characteristics.

"She was admitted to the Rivendell Academy" Dr. Miles responded proudly as he put down the documents back to his desk.

"What? How was that possible? For many generations, there was no girl that gets admitted to Rivendell. Everyone even thought Rivendell is a boy's school" The doctor's revelation suddenly increased his interest about the child's capability.

"I know. But she got admitted, the only girl student after so many years." The doctor responded playing safe with his words.

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"How was it possible for her to pass all the tests of Rivendell Academy? They said a girl cannot surpass the extensive physical training in there" He asked in thorough incredulity.

"I don't know. Though I admit I trained her early I but didn't think it was enough to get an admission to Rivendell Academy. But the kid is quite strong, she can even flow a field on her own. This ranch is even her legacy"

Manager Cheng furrowed his brows at the doctor's revelation. All these times he was wondering how the doctor manage to put up a cost-effective ranch, provided that the Dughmoh's never once had a ranch.

"I was wondering how you could manage a successful ranch with the little time that you have. It was the little Miss after all" He gasped as he realized the answer to one of the things that confuses him the most.

"This ranch is her playground. I was even forced to buy the neighboring lands because the old one that we have is not enough for her"

"She is one of a kind indeed. I can't believe we have a girl attendee in Rivendell Academy for this generation" The manager exclaimed, trying to brush of some sweats in his head. He thinks he had too much revelations for today.

In this country, only two elites were known to have attended the Academy, the youngest Montreal and the Diamond Prince. Unknown to everyone, another elite is also admitted, and she is a girl. The only girl after so many decades.

"We did, and she's my granddaughter. Good thing Rivendell Academy upholds the privacy of their school and their students. I don't have to worry of my granddaughter being known"

"Rivendell is home to extraordinary children with extraordinary and sensitive backgrounds. Of course, they have to uphold the privacy of each students that they have" He said with assertion.

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Everybody knows the kind of students Rivendell has. Aside from the fact that most are males, most of them also are sons of the royalties, prime ministers and well-known scientist all around the world.Thus, Rivendell Academy is very careful in protecting their privacy.

"True, and good thing I am known by my first name, Dr. Miles, not Dr. Dugmoch, otherwise it would be to obvious from what family the child belongs" The doctor added.

"I'm still afraid, by the kind of profile she has that time will come it will be too impossible to hide her anymore" The manager said unable to hide his fears.

"I was hoping she marry off one of the foreigner students in Rivendell, so she can find a reason to live abroad. But if destiny will pull her back to the past, I'm hoping it will be at the time she is old enough to protect herself. But as much as I can, I'm going to keep her and the life she has right now" The doctor responded, the only thing he can do right now is hope that everything will be easy for her only grandchild.

"I understa---"

"Grandpa?" Xhemin suddenly flew inside his grandpa's study room, making the doctor and the manager leap from their seats. Both was surprised by the child's sudden entrance.

How long has she been outside the door?

How the heck they didn't hear her footsteps when she step down the stairs?

Did the child hear their whole conversation?

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