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"Grandpa?" Xhemin suddenly flew inside his grandpa's study room, making the doctor and the manager leaped from their seats. Both was surprised by the child's sudden entrance.

How long has she been outside the door?

How the heck they didn't hear her footsteps when she stepped down the stairs?

Did the child hear their whole conversation?

"Something wrong?" Xhemin asked when she saw the two adults in a messed up state, as if there was something off about her sudden appearance. She halted a bit to figure out what could possibly gone wrong and realized she had not knocked on the door. "Oh, I'm sorry I haven't knock. That was soo disrespectful..."

"It's fine…" Dr. Miles, feeling relieved when he realized it was not as what he thought it was, sat back to his seat comfortably. "What is it?

"I'm going to the Montarini's" Xhemin asked. The two adults then suddenly realized the girl has already changed into jodhpurs and riding boots. She is going out for a horse ride.

Xhemin being sharp- eyed as she was, knew that something is bizarre about the two adults, judging from their reactions. However, Mr. Cheng's identity is already uncanny enough for her, so she did not dwell much on that thought.

Aside from that, there are also some weird rules in their household that she did not care much, although sometimes she admits it made her wonder why they existed.

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Number one rule that bothers her is the "No Pictures" rule that her grandpa told her. This rule prohibits her and others from taking a picture of herself. Though she have few pictures in the ranch, all of them are when she was still an infant until she was three.

She used to asked her grandpa about this weird house rule.He explained that it is for her safety. That since he is a great doctor, bad people are interested in his skills. By that, he is afraid the bad people will seek after her to be used against him. Therefore, it's better that she doesn't have any pictures so no one will know how she looked.

Well his grandpa's reasons are pretty convincing, but sometimes she wondered if they are true.

Number two rule that confused her is that she is not allowed to attend any gatherings of the elites. She had been friends with Ziggy and Huzey for long yet whenever there are occasions or parties in their families, her grandpa would not permit her to attend. The reason probably is because Ziggy and Huzey are from the top class of the country and she might not be fit to be there.

However, no matter how much those rules confused her, she completely trusts his grandpa's instincts. She knows that all those rules are for her own good. That is why she had been completely following these strange rules all these years.

She tried to sweep off those thoughts as she approached the stables. Ang, their stable master approached her as soon as he noticed her presence.

"Little Miss, I'm afraid you have to take Meadow instead of Summer." He was talking about her horses.

She told Ang earlier that she would be riding Summer today to the Montarinis.

"Something happened?" She asked.

"Summer seems to be not in a good mood today. I think he is sick." Ang responded as he pulled Meadow out of his pen.

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"Really?" Suddenly she become a worried about her horse. She looked toward his pen but realized Summer is not in there.

"Father is checking out on him right now in the yard. You can check him later when you come back" He explained when he saw her trying to peek on Summer's pen.

"Okay. I hope he is fine." She said as she took Meadow of the stables and mounts onto her.

"Be careful on you way" Ang exclaimed as the horse started to move clattering across the cobblestones.

"I will. Take care of Summer"


Soon, Xhemin was riding Meadow heading past the flock of sheep that are gazing across the valley floor. She was riding parallel to the river and powered up into the first canter, then galloped.

Her Ivory hair flowed behind her in the breeze as she pushed her horse faster and faster. She fancy this kind of feeling; riding on her horse gives her some sense of adventure, exhilaration and deep relaxation. Her mind wandered as she explored the wide prairie together with all the lanes, woods, bridle paths and cinder tracks she passed along the way.

At the almost endpoint of the valley, she slowed down as she caught sight of the Montarini Manor standing gloriously with its French neoclassical proportions and ornate limestone exterior. It was setting around acres of parkland that host exquisite gardens that add up to the Manor's grandeur enclosed by towering stone fence covered by ornamental vines.

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Instead of going right through its courtyard gate entrance that leads to the Manor's front door, she pulled her horse and swung to the east backside of the property. She trailed in the big fence until it reached an off beaten track. She halted in a familiar oak tree, almost thirty meters tall.

She jumps out of her horse and tied her horse safely on one of the tress beside the oak tree that she was eyeing.

She stopped under the big oak tree for a bit and started stretching before she started clambering up. She had climbed this tree a numerous times before so it only took her few minutes to reach one of its strong branches up above. She ceremoniously heaved on the branch and cling to it like she has a monkey-like fervor and clammy hand. Through a lattice of interlocking limbs and twigs she found her way to the French glass architected windows of the manor.

"Prip-prippa-prip-prippa" She signaled in a language only she and her best friend knows as she lounged on a bough above the tree as if it is a sofa.

A minute late, she heard some footsteps and the window opened revealing Huzey. His long hair is on a bun and his hands are covered with paint, so is the painting apron he was wearing.

He must have been painting, she thought. This early?

The boy held up a deep sigh as she saw her smiling wildly. He had told her many times before not go climbing this way but she never listened to him all these years. He extended his hands and carefully helped her into the windows and inside his own bedroom.

When she safely landed on his bedroom floor, he turned back to her and dialed some numbers on the home phone lying on one of the desk.

"Señiorito is there anything you want?" A maiden's voice answered from the other line.

"Bring some tea up in here and strawberry snacks"

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"Yes Señiorito, is there anything else the Little Miss wants?" The maidservant asked knowing that the Diamond Prince would only ask for tea and snack when the Dugmoch's little Miss is around.

For how she always come unannounced is big mystery for the servants always.

"Nothing more" He said before he put the phone down.

The Diamond's prince bedroom is extremely large. It is divided into several rooms and is full of red tapestries and carpets allured with wonderful designs. The one where Xhemin is right now is the bedroom's sitting area.

On the left she could she the luxurious bed adorned with dark red duvets. On the right is a study area or more like a painting area slash sculpting area.

Huzey did not said a word to her but rather position himself on a big canvass leaning on the vast wall. It was extremely big, and Huzey was standing on his feet as he made another stroke with his painting brush.

Xhemin who is overly familiar with the place went to one of the cabinet and pulled a slipper for her. Huzey kept two slippers in this cabinet, one for her and one for Ziggy. She seated herself comfortably in the sofa and pulled out her feet from her boots and put them through the slippers.

As soon as she finished changing to slippers, she looked at Huzey intently as her lips twitched. She leaned on the sofa and crossed her arms.

"Spill it out" She said in annoyance.

Huzey who was surprise with her sudden probing looked at her in an instant. His eyes were questioning her.

"I know something is wrong. Spill it out now"

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