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The meeting in the great hall of the Chieftain's household was the kind of gathering no one would like to attend, except the Nan people who was desperately insisting on making this happen. Few days ago, the tragedy that befell Baruk Tam broke out and everyone was saddened by it. Baruk Tam was a good Baruk, despite his age, he had proven worthy of the title and yet he had not escaped the Devil child's cursed.

"We already know that this is going to happen. It had already been prophesied by before," Chieftana voiced out, breaking the coldness that was sinking in the hall. The other Baruks were quiet and refused to say a single word as if they were not in the mood to talk about the matter that was before them. This of course irritated the Chieftana and she tried so hard to kept the conversation going on.

"We should give the Somer people enough time to mourn for their Baruk and packed their things up," Baruk Tsu pleaded with them. He thought that it was so harsh for the Nan people to insist on getting the Somer lands few days after Baruk Tam's death. "This is hard for them,"

"The Somer people had already been given relocation even before this tragedy happened. I think they had already packed up their things before then," Elder Nan said.

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The Nan leaders had waited years and years to get back the lands that was given to the Somer people and they cannot wait anymore to have it. The Somer lands were considered the best lands during the first Chieftana's time and that was why it was given to the Highest Gunta then. It was rich with natural resources, great rivers and falls. Aside from that, aside from the main village, the Somer people also owned several beautiful small island called Somer Isles. That was what the Nan people were after. Since the Somer people were poor, they had yet to explore the Somer Isles which the Nan people would love to do so.

"Please elder Nan, let them leave at their own pace. Their Baruk had just recently died," Baruk Tsu implored once again hoping the Nan people can spare a little mercy and bit of concern for the Somer people. Although they were the poorest, Baruk Tsu considered them equal with all the other tribesmen and so they should be treated humanely.

"And my people had waited long enough!" Elder Nan's annoyance only aggravated with Baruk Tsu's plea. "Besides Baruk Tsu, you are not the Baruk of Somer village so please stop asking in behalf of them,"

"They don't have any Baruk to protect them of their rights," Baruk Tsu defended.

"They have no right against these lands, it belonged to the Nan people. All of you are aware of that!" Elder Nan hollered angrily "And my people—"

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"Enough!" The Chieftain chided, tired of the unnecessary debate that took place. "Can we at least talk first how did Baruk Tam died without me knowing?"

The Chieftana's back shivered when she heard him. She turned to the Chieftain who was sitting beside her with pretense "My dear, we are so occupied about the red moon and the morning after that was a busy one. Please do not be mad if the news came pretty late. Everyone was exhausted and it's very unreasonable to take the blame to the messengers,"

"Even if the news was relayed immediately, Baruk Tam cannot still survive. We do not have antidote for snake bites anymore and the Somer elders were aware of that already. Probably they just gave up right then and did not send any messengers anymore," Elder Nan supported the Chieftana's words.

"Poor boy. Baruk Tam. I cannot believe he died this early," She said as she flushed a regretful and concerned look. Truth was the Baruk's drama was exhausting her, all she wanted was for the Chieftain to honor the agreement that the Somer lands shall be returned to the Nan people immediately.

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"Who died early?" Someone called out from the entrance and everyone was appalled as to see Baruk Tam walking and looking healthy than he was before.

"Baruk Tam?" Elder Nan's knees weakened when he saw the boy. He could not believe that he was still alive and so was everyone else. Right then the concern and conversation about the Somer lands faded into the thin air and changed into whispers about Baruk Tam's miraculous survival.

Baruk Tam ignored their surprised faces and went immediately to the center to give his respects to the Chieftain.

"Baruk how was your health? They said you were bitten by a snake," The Chieftain, who recovered from his shock easily asked the boy. He was so amazed to see the boy healthy and well and he could not be happier with such news.

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"I'm not the type who would die by just a snake bite," The boy answered with pride and his answer brought a laugh at the Chieftain's face.

"My, my, my little Baruk. You had no idea how you made me soo relieved and happy today" The Chieftain told him. "If you are not dead then can you tell me what is your business here in the central village?"

"Chieftain, we are celebrating my comeback. Please come and be my guest together with the Chieftain's heir" Baruk Tam asked him politely hoping he will get a positive response. He wanted to have a private chat with the Chieftain that was why he invited him. There were so many ears in the central village and so he knew it was not safe to conversed with him there. At least in the Somer lands, no prying ears would dare to go against him.

"Of course, of course my little boy," The chieftain gladly agreed. It was such a long time that he had visited the Somer village as painful memories took place right there. However, the joy brought by the fact that Baruk Tam was alive overshadowed his fear and so he gave in to his request. "I'll come as you requested."

"Thank you my Cheiftain," Baruk Tam bowed and left the central village immediately to prepare a feast.

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