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Darryl waited at the par line as Baruk Tam told him. He had some thoughts that perhaps just like what happened when Enoch asked him to wait, he will again be rejected. Nevertheless, he thought that no matter how many times he will fail on getting an entrance, he should not give up on it easily. He had never experience a series of failure than he had within the past two years and it made him more persistent and determined. His failure had made him stronger than he was and he considered it as a stepping stone to build on. He just hoped that after all of these, he can find his way back to Xhemin's arms again.

"Brother!" A familiar voiced pulled Darryl back to reality and right then he saw Enoch waiving his hands excitedly from an approaching boat. Darryl was at his motorboat, just right at the par line below his bridge. When Enoch's boat was closer, the Chieftain's heir jumped to Darryl's motorboat to welcome him. He held Darryl's head and pressed it into his, a greeting of brotherhood.

"Hello Enoch," Darryl responded warmly. They had not seen each other for long and his heart was glad that the chieftain's heir came to see him as previously, the Chieftana said he don't want to meet him anymore.

"A bridge! It's enormous!" Enoch hollered as he looked above them to see the towering bridge. It was so huge that Enoch could not help but stand in awe of it.

"This is Brother Dee chieftain. He was the one who saved me and the one who saved Enoch too," Baruk Tam introduced Darryl to the chieftain. Prior to coming to where Darryl was, Baruk Tam took the initiative of informing the Chieftain on Darryl's cause, including the Chieftana's riddle and his bridge.

The Chieftain looked at Darryl, his expression was neutral and Darryl immediately bowed at him to give him respect. Although he did nothing wrong, Darryl's shoulders were shivering as the Chieftain's presence kind of intimidated him. The latter, although old, looked so strong and refined and the way he stood spoke of his importance even before one could realize who he was.

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"You had saved two of my future leaders, roux blood. I am in great debt to you" The Chieftain expressed his gratitude. The Chieftain saw Darryl's hazel eyes brightened and his expression became steady. The old man smiled knowing that the boy was considering his audience with great importance. Right then, he felt proud being the tribe's leader.

"I have only done what I thought was right and any human would do," Darryl replied with great respect for him.

"Was it you who build this?" The Chieftain like Enoch stood in awe of such a great infrastructure.

"Yes. It was my answer to the Chieftana's quest," Darryl replied. "But our leaders in the mainland would not allow me to continue beyond the line without your consent,"

"I see," The Chieftain was amazed by this information. He never once thought that his consent was considered by the leaders from the mainland. "I have never spoken to any of your leaders, I bet they are greater than I am,"

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"A leader is not greater than anyone Chieftain. We the people from mainland believes that leaders are people's servants. It acts in for the people's benefit," Darryl voiced out. He was very careful in his words as he knew he was in the presence of the man who can changed his fate.

"That's a great wisdom," The Chieftain replied. "I'd like to speak to you further about your island and your cause but it seemed that our boats is not the right place for us to speak,"

"If you could spare me a little time Chieftain, I'll make preparations for us to be able to speak on a more comfortable space," Darryl suggested. He was thinking of calling a yacht and prepare a decent meal for his guest.

"No need for that. Baruk Tam was having a feast at Somer village, it would be better for us to talk there and join the festive" The Chieftain invited him and Darryl could not believe what he just heard.

"Chieftain, is my presence not—"

"Do not worry about it. As I have heard, the Somer people consider you as their hero. The feast will be more lively if you could join us" The Chieftain cut off Darryl's hesitations. He knew the boy had tried to make entrance a couple of times but was told he was not welcome and so he understood his reservations.

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"Brother Dee, my people is expecting you. Please do not reject our invitation" Baruk Tam intervened. He knew Darryl was having hard time believing that he will be given an entrance right then so he was trying to convince him further.

Darryl bowed again at the Chieftain, "I am very grateful for your offer Chieftain. I am accepting both your invitation"

"Alright" The Chieftain smiled. "Let's go by then. Enoch, have Darryl joined you in your boat,"

"Of course father!" Enoch said and jumped back to his boat before he invited Darryl in. Darryl joined his friend, leaving his motorboat at the par line.

The Manggan boats travelled back to the island with Darryl in it. The Lagdameo heir don't know what things will welcome him at the other side but he was up for new adventure.

"Enoch" Darryl called on the chieftain's heir while they were on their way. Enoch turned to his side when Darryl added. "Is she okay?"

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Enoch only smiled at him. "Don't worry, she's more than fine"

"Who is she?" A voiced caught both of the two boy's attention. It was then that Darryl noticed that aside from Enoch and some servants, a girl was sitting at the far end of the boat. She was adorned with colorful accessories and even her dress was very colorful. Her beauty was neutral yet the way she speaks and the way she bears herself says she was a clever one.

"This is my sister, the highest princess Wang" Enoch introduced the girl to Darryl totally ignoring her question.

 The highest princess asked their father to come to Somer village for the feast and since she was the Highest Princess, the Chieftain thought it was just right for her to come. The Chieftana was grounded in the household because of her misdeeds and so she was not allowed to come to the Somer village and only the three of them, the Chieftain, Enoch and Princess Wang came to head Baruk Tam's invitation.

"Hello Princess Wang," Darryl greeted but did not allowed her hazel eyes to stay at her longer than necessary, instead he dragged it back to Enoch and conversed with him.

Princes Wang, although left out at the corner and could not relate on the boy's conversation, entertained herself by scrutinizing the new comer. Darryl was a fine a gentleman, finer than any one she had ever met and right then the princess craved for something she had never once sought for before.

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