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The view in the central village was very much different from the Somer lands. Darryl then realized how poor the previous village he was in as the central village although not advance like the cities in the mainland, was quiet a busy and a busty place compared to Somer Lands. However, he liked the Somer lands more as it had some province vibe like Woodbridge and Hampshire, unlike this new village which reminded him of the capital, minus hundred years back perhaps.

Their horses were welcomed by some servants and the Chieftana at the main gate. Darryl of course greeted her, but she was trying to avoid his eyes and she looked more messed up than she was previously, so Darryl did not linger on her more because it seemed that his presence only makes her more uncomfortable.

The Chieftain informed Darryl that he had already made arrangement for him to meet the princesses but since they just came from a trip, he was asked to rest for a couple of hours and of course to dress up for the occasion. Although Darryl was very adamant to see Xhemin right away, he thought he also needed some rest and some hot bath since the road drove him exhausted and not to mention the dust his skin had gathered from the trip, they needed to be cleaned up.

Darryl rested then for a while until servants came to help him bathe and prepare for what the Chieftain had for him. When it was time, Darryl was escorted to the great hall and he sat next to Enoch at the right side of the Chieftain's seat. A lot of people gathered in the hall, the council members and some important personalities in the Manggan Island was also there.

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Of course, everyone was curious as to who he was and the Baruk's had flooded Baruk Tam questions about him and he answered them all with pride. The council members could not even believe his story and how he had a change of heart with his perspective with the roux bloods. Nevertheless, nothing had kept every person in the hall from not believing Baruk Tam's stories as the evidence was huge and clear—and was sitting comfortably with the Chieftain's heir.

"Tribesmen of Manggan Island, to strengthen the brotherhood the future Chieftain and the hero of Somer lands have, I hereby bestow to him one of our princesses as a bride. She will be his wife and will be under his responsibility and protection," The Chieftain stared and since everyone was already aware of what the occasion was for, they were not surprised anymore.

The Chieftain then gave the floor to the Chieftana who was tasked to prepare all the princesses for this occasion. Darryl was to choose a bride of his own choice and so the Chieftain, although he knew who amongst his daughter the Somer hero will choose, still wanted to flaunt all his daughters, perhaps Darryl will change his mind when he sees the choices he had. He had so many daughters, their beauty varies from one another and he don't really mind giving them away to him. He can even marry as many as he wished.

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The Chieftana stood from her seat and stepped down the center isle where the Chieftain was sitting. She positioned herself in one corner and held a deep breath. She had to do some risks today for princess Wang's sake and so she made herself ready.

"Bring the princesses in," She commanded and what happened next made everyone stood on their seats.

The princesses came in one by one, their dress was all the same— embraided with the same style and cut in one color. What was rather intriguing with all of this was that they all wore a veil on their head down to their waist. Their faces were covered away from everyone's intrusion.

"What is this mother?" Enoch's eyes travelled from Chieftana to all the princesses that lined in front of them.

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"These are all the princess whose age was ripe for marrying," She said. She had only chosen the princesses that was of age and she had dressed them up thoroughly to present them to the great hall. In addition to the instruction that was relayed to her, she had made them wore a veil to hide their faces.

"Chieftana what do you think you are doing?" The Chieftain chastised her immediately. "Are you shaming me in front of my guest? Let the princesses take off their veils"

"No, my husband please. I am just doing what is right" She dared to defy him. She knew the Chieftain will be angry with her, but he was already angry with her previously and treated her as if she was nothing, so she had nothing to lose anymore. However, her daughter, princess Wang, who was her only hope was in a dire situation and so she needed to help her.

"Doing what is right?" The Chieftain laughed at her pretenses "Fine, explain yourself. Let see if your reason this time is indeed a righteous act,"

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"If you are to let the hero of Somer lands chose openly and he chose not the Highest princess, Princess Wang will be skipped at and you know how shameful that will be to her," She started her explanation. "That's why I let the princesses wear a veil so the hero of Somer lands will chose blindly. Whoever he chooses, be it the Highest Princess or someone else, at least people cannot attribute the fault to her"

The Chieftana's words hit something in her husband's heart but he was already determined to give Darryl what he wanted "I have already given my word to the hero of Somer lands"

"Are your words more important than your own daughter?" The Chieftana pleaded trying to use the Chieftain's love to his daughters. She knew even so that Princess Wang was not a favorite, her husband loved their children to a great extent.

"Yes, a Chieftain's word is more important than his child. You should know that by now since your people had me give up a child once out of duty," He reminded her one of her greatest misdeeds.

"Please Chieftain, let us not look at the past. Princess Wang had nothing to do with it. She is the highest Princess, please give her the respect that she deserves. Do this for her own sake, she had done nothing to be treated this way!" The Chieftana begged fervently. Knowing that she had a little chance of convincing her husband, she turned to Darryl's side "If you are indeed the hero of Somer lands, you should do such a noble act of not shaming a child that had done nothing wrong,"

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