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"Chieftana!" The Chieftain exclaimed with a clenched fist. His patience was already running out for his wife. Perhaps he was too easy with her previously and allowed to let her do whatever she wishes and now that he had put a leash on her she was still trying to fight back, even if she was to end up choking her own self.

"Can't you see what you are doing roux blood? You are going to turn this family apart and that is the main reason why I am against roux blood coming to this island" She persisted on confronting Darryl ignoring the Chieftain's words.

"Look my tribesmen, this is what happens when roux bloods mingled with us. Our traditions and ways will be taken for granted, our own bloods—like princess Wang and Tang will be set aside and what's next? Perhaps our homes and lands will be taken away from us!" The Chieftana insisted as she turned to face the people who was giving them audience. Then she turned back to Darryl "You! roux blood! prove to us right now that you really meant no harm. Do not set aside our Highest Princess right for your own selfish intentions!"

"Guntas!" The Chieftain stood from his seat right then, his expression was dim and blood lust. He was trying so hard to control himself but he's afraid his own patience might fall short and he might end up hurting his own wife, so he opted to dismiss her. "Take the Chieftana away right now!"

The Guntas headed the Chieftain's instruction right away. The previous warm ambiance was gone, replaced with bursting tension. The crowd thought that what the Chieftain was doing with her own wife was too much, but then she dared defy him in front of an important guest.

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The Guntas held the Chieftana and the view was rather harsh—a fragile woman being dragged away. Of course, the Nan people who was there protested such treatment.

"Chieftain, can you treat a mother like this just because she wanted to protect her child's interest? Don't you think this is to much" Elder Nan came to the Chieftana's rescue "Her reasons were right. It would be shameful for the Highest Princess to be skipped,"

"That's right. Please Chieftain reconsider this thing thoroughly," Another man from the Nan tribe intervened.

"She clearly disobeyed him and put him to shame. This issue is not only limited to Princess Wang's situation," Baruk Tsu defended the Chieftain.

Darryl saw how everything turned chaotic with what the Chieftana did. He had never intended to cause a commotion like this, but it seemed that he had underestimated the Chieftana's capabilities. Seeing the heap in front of him, he realized that she clearly was a smart woman as everyone described her to be.

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"Chieftain, please this is not anymore necessary" Darryl politely extended his thoughts to him and the latter turned to his side to acknowledge his words.

"I apologize for this child. However, I want to honor my words that I gave to you so please let me handle this for a minute," He told him.

"No Chieftain. I'm fine with it. Let the Chieftana do whatever she likes. Besides I want my wedding to be free from any complications," Darryl cautiously insisted. Truth was, he just wanted the chaos to end. He doesn't want to make enemies with anyone right then as both Xhemin and his life are at stake at the moment. They were in strange island and its not safe to have enemies there.

"You mean, you want to heed the Chieftana's request?" He said bewildered by Darryl's suggestion.

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"Yes. I'll take it as a challenge," Darryl said with an expression devoid of any fear and doubt. Right then everyone calmed down and they became intrigued about the boy's capabilities. Baruk Tam had revealed to those who asked him previously that Darryl came to follow the healer and so they were all aware that he clearly asked the Chieftain to marry the healer. But with what the Chieftana did, will he able to know which one amongst the veiled princesses was the healer?

"Besides, I came here to make peace and not to cause a war." Darryl added then he dragged his eyes to the woman who was being held by the Guntas. "Chieftana, you had not been fair with me when I asked for your permission, but I am not like you, so I will heed your request this time"

"Very well," The Chieftana answered as her eyes sparked with victory. She then squeezed herself out from the Guntas hands "Let me go!"

The Chieftain cued to the Gunta to let the Chieftana go and so she was freed.

"Go ahead and chose the princess you want to marry. Take all your time if you want," She said relieved that everything went easy. She had expected more drama and chaos but then it seemed that like previously, this intruder was too easy to handle.

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"There's just one request I want," Darryl told her, digging his hazel eyes to her.

"What is it?"

"At the other side, the mainland, we do a handshake when me meet someone new," Darryl narrated, "I want to get a handshake with the princesses before I chose,"

The Chieftana chuckled inwardly. Surely the heavens were on their side as Darryl requested something that she intended him to do. She wanted him to come closer to the princesses as Princess Wang requested and so she could do her own plans to lure him into choosing her.

"Go ahead," The Chieftana smoothly agreed and this alarmed something in Darryl. It's like she had prepared something more from him aside from letting all the princess wear a veil. "You are free to do a handshake with all the princesses right here as long as you cannot see their faces,"

"Thank you," Darryl extended his gratitude and so he stood from his seat and went down to where the princesses lined up. There were fifteen of them, all wore the same clothing and wore the same fragrance. The Chieftana made sure they all looked alike and that there was nothing left to make Darryl identify who among them was the healer, except of course for something Princess Wang wore on her wrist.

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