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Darryl moved toward the princesses that lined up, the first princess he extended his arms was definitely not Xhemin judging from her height. However, the rest of them had the same height as Xhemin, if she had not grown that much, and also the same body size with her. To add up to the challenge, the gowns they wore and the veil on their heads were all too loose, so Darryl was having hard time looking for Xhemin's familiar curves. Nevertheless, he had one way to know who amongst them was his woman, all he needed was to touch their hands.

Darryl moved from one princess to another and the crowd before him wondered on how he will able to find the healer from amongst the veiled princesses. They themselves could not tell the difference and few of them predicted that the Hero of Somer lands will end up choosing someone else. There was no he could tell the princesses apart from each other with their veils.

Nevertheless, everyone watched as Darryl made his handshakes anticipating what will happen next with great focus. The room was filled with tension and Darryl's comrades prayed that he will find what he was looking for.

When Darryl moved to the seventh princess, he was surprised that she had offered her hand even before he extended his. Nevertheless, Darryl accepted her hand to do a handshake and surprisingly, a familiar silver bracelet hung on her wrist.

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It was Xhemin's bracelet. He had seen her wearing it at the camp and all their encounters after that. He didn't know who gave it to her, but he knew it was rather important to his woman.

Darryl's head formed lines while making a handshake with the seventh princess. Everyone saw this and since Darryl stayed for a while staring at the seventh princess, everyone thought he had found what he was looking for.

Princess Wang who was hiding under her veil let go an evil smile as Darryl was holding her hand. She knew by the way that Darryl held her, its like she will become a married woman before the day ends. Her heart started to beat faster, faster than her luck and everything felt perfect no matter how wrong it started. The hero of Somer lands will be hers and thus no one can mock on her again.

"Cough.cough.cough" The Chieftana broke the tension that was running in everyone's spine. Darryl's attention was even caught by the Chieftana's pretend coughing and when the latter saw how Darryl's hazel eyes fell on hers, she made a word "Are you settled with the seventh princess already? Say the word and she will be yours,"

Of course, the Chieftana knew that it was princess Wang under the veil. They had planned this together yesterday when princess Wang came to her crying about how the Chieftain was to allow her younger sisters to marry even before she could. Seeing how Darryl was stuck with the seventh princess by then, she smiled with victory knowing the plan worked out well.

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"Brother Dee? Is that her?" Enoch who was also watching eagerly asked, as he can't wait anymore for Darryl's announcement. "You may have her as you wish,"

"I wish to…" Darryl said as he dragged his eyes back to the princess that was veiled before him. Princess Wang breath was almost taken away when Darryl spoke and she couldn't wait to show everyone her face, but then Darryl's next words make her heart sank "I wish to continue with the handshakes,"

"Go ahead," Enoch permitted and the Chieftana could do nothing but nod in agreement. So Darryl went on.


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The hero of Somer lands had a voice that reminded Xhemin of a bitter sweet past. She had tried so many times not to think of him anymore and forget him as hard as she could, but Darryl was a beast and the beast had already taken her heart. Thus, no matter where she went and no matter how far they were from each other, his memory haunted him, and her heart always longed for him.

Truth was she wanted to run away, if she only had a chance and that was because she knew within herself, no matter she'll be tied to someone else, no one can anymore retrieve her heart from the beast who had taken it away. So, no matter how many men she marries, her heart would only beat for him.

Too bad, they had no more chance. She had chosen her family and abandon his love and for that, she had to suffer all her life in a strange island and forever be missing her home. One of these she'll find the Acamilla Apparaus and she'll have the voyagers bring it to Huzey while she remains on the island until her last breath.

Soon, it was Xhemin's time to do a handshake with him. She was curious who their guest was as he sounded soo Darryl-like but then its impossible for the Lagdameo heir to become the hero of Somer lands, so she did not entertained such idea. She tried to look at his face, but the veil she wore could only allow her to see through everyone's silhouette and an unclear view of their faces, aside from that, they had been instructed to lower their heads the entire time.

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However, when he stood in front of him, Xhemin heard a familiar sound inside her heart and she started shaking.

Dug. dug. dug. dug .dug

Xhemin didn't know why but it was like standing in front of someone she knew first had. Under her veil, she put her hand in her chest as it seemed like she was losing her breathe.

"It was nice meeting you princess," Darryl extended his hands to her and it took Xhemin a minute before she had accepted his hand. Their palms met and her entire body reacted as if some fireworks had been let loose in her veins—strong, magical and bursting with so much warmth.

Their handshake only lasted few seconds and Darryl retreated away, leaving Xhemin breathless.

Xhemin don't understand why but she wanted to hold him more, feel his warmth even just for few seconds. Tears also suddenly fell from her eyes. Her feelings were mix but it was the same feeling she felt when she left Darryl at the cliff when said her goodbyes. After almost two years, her heart came alive but died few seconds when he the Hero of Somer lands walked away from her touch.

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