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Darryl never let go of Xhemin's mouth not even when he stood on his feet and carried his wife back to bedroom where their bed was waiting. His arms was around her while her legs was wrapped on his waist.

When Xhemin felt the smooth covers of their bed, she tore her mouth away from his and Darryl groaned with disappointment, thinking he had made her afraid with his unbridled passion. But Xhemin wasn't afraid, she was however in a state of awe and wonder, completely enticed to take off her husband's clothing when she saw him in disheveled clothes—caused by the passion they shared at the bathroom. Darryl's dishevelment was sexy as hell, sending another tingle of arousal through Xhemin's blood.

Darryl saw the anticipation in Xhemin's eyes, so with his hazel eyes fixed on hers and while his wife pushed her elbows up, openly staring at him, he pulled his shirt over his head and every other layers he had to reveal his primal male underneath and stood squarely before her, flaunting himself with nothing.

Xhemin's eyes widened at the sight. As smoking hot as Darryl was with clothes on, there was nothing like the sight of him purely nude. He was nothing like as how he had imagined him to be and that drove Xhemin to some pleasure greater than she ever thought she could.

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Seeing how she reacted, Darryl grinned in a purely male pride "Don't act as if this was the first time you had seen me in flesh,"

Xhemin blushed and tore her eyes away, "I have never seen you for the last two years. Let alone see you entirely with nothing…"

She swallowed hard at the thought of how Darryl's body was all different now.

Nevertheless, before she could finished her words, Darryl's lips was on her again as he joined her in bed. His kiss this time was rough and sweet, and his urgency made her melt against him helplessly.

Almost breathless, Xhemin could only gasped her husband's name.

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"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" Darryl whispered huskily as he brushed light kisses against her ear. His breath caught up as he held Xhemin's nakedness in his arms, lavishly feeling all her warmth against his skin.

Darryl's begin to cup Xhemin's breast again while his mouth was ravishing her neck. In matter of minutes, Darryl's hand made its way down and when it reached the roundest part of Xhemin's thigh, she fought an impulse to moan. Darryl's slid right between her legs and Xhemin's head fell back and she let a sound that she had never once allowed in her lips to pass before. She clung to him, moaning desperately as her body clenched around his probing fingers rubbed against her fragile flesh.

Xhemin yielded helpless to the hot, searing need her husband was building in her expertly. As if his fingers weren't enough, Darryl's mouth descent to where his hands feasted. Xhemin wanted to protest, as she feel utterly embarrassed at the thought of her husband kissing her in her most intimate part but it was already too late. Darryl's was already in between her tight, his tongue already made its first light stroke that drove Xhemin mad. Darryl kissing him right there made her feel so beautiful and so woman like. Each stroke of Darryl's tongue in her womanhood although gentle were however tormenting, so her body shivered with much pleasure that momentarily paralyzed her and sent her into a dream dazed she had never been once been.

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Darryl made its way back to Xhemin's mouth and kissed her again hot and deep, filled with raw hunger. In return, Xhemin curved her hand around his nape and kissed him with equal force. Darryl groaned with pleasure and pressed his body more into her, bringing her into vibrant contact with his rigid erection.

"Touch me," Darryl told his wife, in voice like rough velvet. He wanted her desperately and as much as he wanted to fill his hunger and need, he however does not want to end it right away. It took him a long time to feel her touch again and even though it might sound selfish and foolish, he intended to lavish with the feeling he had been denied for two long years.

Xhemin was already drowned with too much pleasure that she had no more strength to rein the unfamiliar wantonness within her. Darryl's voice came as another enticing words that she was completely vulnerable at the moment and so she end up caressing his husband in places her hands never once set in. She had completely surrendered to him and to her curiosity that in a span of seconds, her hands reached to his manhood that strained toward her. It was silky, thick and hot, not to mention it was as lengthy hard.

Darryl stifled a groan at Xhemin's touch. His breathing was harsh and rapid when he spoke once again begging her to say yes. "Tell me that you wanted this milady, please"

Xhemin swallowed convulsively. It was too late for her not to want it as Darryl had already drove her into madness.

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"I want it. I want you," She said desperate for more of his touch. Gazing into Darryl's scorching eyes, she lifted her trembling fingers to touch his face and Darryl's raging desires increased with it.

"Oh, milady," Darryl murmured, capturing her mouth again in another sensual deep kiss as he gently parted her thighs, slipping deep inside her wet warmth, that was more than ready for him.

Shivers of delight and fear were racing through Xhemin's body when she felt his manhood seeking entrance. When Darryl inched his throbbing shaft into her, Xhemin let go of a swallowed little cry and when Darryl drove full length into her, breaching her barrier, she screamed of so much pain. It was so painful that she ended up entwining her fingers into her husband's hair, as everything in her was achingly tightening.

-Chapter ends here-

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