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[Remember to refresh and reread previous chaps]

Xhemin thought that Darryl was too large for her, like a cork that didn't fit a bottle. Even so, she could not believe the pleasure he was giving her after the pain. It was like a sweet torture. Having him inside felt heavenly and it drew her back to a place that reminded her of the mutual love they felt for each other. He was her missing piece, and although she lost something to him tonight, she however felt so complete.

This is love.

And the sensations they were drunk tonight was the taste of their mad love.

Darryl nudged forward again and whispered. "Is it still painful?" He landed another kiss on ears before his eyes met hers again. "How does it feel?"

It felt so large. Too intrusive. Too much and too close.

Xhemin just couldn't find the exact word to describe it but she was so sure it was something she had never once felt.

 "It right." Xhemin cleared her throat before she begged him in a whisper although she did not know exactly what she was asking for "Please Darryl,"

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Darryl know what she wanted and he wanted it so badly too that he was so damned willing to give her as much as she wanted.

Darryl get lost on Xhemin's plea that he began to steadily quicken his rhythm of his driving strokes. His response was carnal as his body surged into motion that Xhemin couldn't help but gasped and familiarize herself with his pounding urgent rhythm.

"Xhemin," Darryl murmured hotly as he hungrily devoured her lips again not breaking the movements in between their legs. The pleasure intensified when Xhemin willingly curled his two legs in his waist and matched his fierce driving thrust.

Soon, Xhemin felt like she was coming closer and closer to something she had never been before. With Darryl's quickened thrust, they reached the end with a force that tore a long scream in their throats. Darryl hold perfectly still, to increase both their pleasure as his heart thundered against his ribs and as his warmth spurted inside her abundantly.

"I love you," Darryl sealed their love making with his words, breathless. And when Xhemin's tremors subsided, he took her lips again for long sweet kiss.

The glory of their wedding night exhausted Xhemin to the fullest that only in a span of few minutes being cradled under Darryl's arms, she fell into a deep slumber.

Having her wife in his arms gently snoring, Darryl smiled with satisfaction as he feasted on her beautiful face.

[This novel is currently on going in English version, if you are reading this novel in another language, it means you are reading a stolen outdated version. Please email the author at [email protected] so she can provide you details and an access to the full and updated version as well as the bonus words for each chapter]

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Xhemin woke up, utterly embarrassed of the memory of what happened the other night. She was alone in bed naked and in sore while Darryl was nowhere in sight.

The sun was already so bright outside and the birds were singing their morning melodies as if celebration new beginnings yet Xhemin was too afraid to go out and be confronted by her handmaids for what occurred the other night. Of course they will know what happened as the moment she stepped out of bed, one of them will come to check the beddings to confirm if the marriage had been consummated.

Xhemin cupped her head, fully embarrassed when she recalled how it started. She started it, didn't she? She had no idea where she drew the guts to step out of the bathroom's pool entirely in front of the Lagdameo heir.

Damn! Was she out of her mind?

The madness she did ended with bloodstained sheets.

"Are you okay?" Her husband's voice brought another set of chills at the back of Xhemin's neck. She instantly pulled the sheets to cover her nakedness, away from her husband's intrusion.

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Xhemin saw Darryl, patting a towel on her wet hair as he stepped out of the bathroom. What made the sight more splendid was the fact that he had nothing but his abs, his muscles and… Xhemin didn't dare to look anymore below and tore her gaze right away.

"My god, Darryl!" She hollered as her face glowed instantly red "Can you at least wear something to cover—"

"You have seen everything already," Darryl cut her off with a playful grin "There's nothing to hide anymore"

"Ahh!" Xhemin just cupped her head and screamed frustrated. Why did no one warn her that marriage life can be this hard? If only she knew marriage with him included seeing him in his naked splendor every morning then she could have thought about it twice.

Seeing his gorgeous face was already jaw dropping? What more seeing all of him? That's totally nerve-wrecking-exhausting-hard-task!

[If you are reading this novel outside site, then you are reading an outdated version. To get full and updated version please visit'-First-Love ]

"Hey…" Darryl went to sit with her, worried that she had been hurt.

Xhemin jolted when she felt her husband's skin brushing on hers again. She dragged herself to the bed's headboard, a little away from him and pressed the sheets hard to her chest as if someone was going to snatch it all away.

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"Darryl… just get dressed okay?" she chastised on him and this reaction from her made Darryl's brow crossed against each other. She glared at his face and added, "Go away!"

Her last words made a pang on Darryl's inside but instead of going away, she pulled Xhemin into his embrace and locked her on it.

Xhemin's body shook as Darryl's warmth surrounded her again. The fresh smell of his newly bathed husband made its way into her nose, intoxicating her and aroused something inside her stomach.

"Are you still sore?" Darryl whispered and the word made another set of blush in Xhemin's cheeks.

"What are….you…doing?" Instead of answering his question, she asked in cracked up voice while Darryl started kissing her hair down to her ears, cheeks and down again to her neck.

"You don't intend to stop me, don't you?" He whispered huskily as he gently pulled Xhemin's hand away from the sheets that was covering her chest, it fell until her bosom and flaunted her two ripe breast. Darryl instantly covered the other with his mouth while he cupped the other with his hands.

"Darryl—" Xhemin wanted to chastise him but instead a moan escaped from her lips. Darryl pushed her to lie down as he was still feasting on her two mounds.

"Milady," Darryl dragged her eyes and locked it back to her drowning ink eyes. "I want to make love with you again…"

"…I promised it will be better than last night,"

Xhemin didn't anymore replied but instead, braced herself for another lovemaking and just as her husband promised, it ended far glorious than their first.

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