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"I can't believe I'm not going to see you here in the palace anymore," Princess Song tearfully said as she clung to Xhemin's arms. They princesses and palace officials gathered around the palace front gate to bid Xhemin farewell. After the wedding ritual, they had stayed in the palace for a full week and it was then time for them to go. The hero of Somer Isles was to be bring his wife back to Somer lands and live in harmony with the Somer people.

Darryl belonged to the Somer lands and so his wife will be. That's the rule.

"I'm going to visit you all the time," She told the girl who had grown much love for her over the years. She grew up for the last two years under her care and provision and for that, she was grateful.

"Please do," She answered wiping the wetness in her eyes. "I'm also going to ask father one of these days to allow me to live with you for a while,"

"You should stay here and keep father happy," She reminded her. The princesses were the only source of the Chieftain's happiness and she don't intend to snatch that away from him.

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"I will do as you say," The Little princess replied and give her one last hug. When she let go, Xhemin turned to handmaid Lin who was as teary as the princess.

"I owed you so much healer, please be well," Her previous comrade wished as she said her goodbyes.

"Don't act as if this will be the last time we will be seeing each other" Xhemin cracked a smile. "You know that I'm just on the other side of the island,"

"We are not just used to you not being here," She said bitterly. Despite her words, truth was she was so happy that Xhemin ended with the man she loved. She knew of their story and the least she could wished for him was for them to be together.

Xhemin's handmaid however, especially handmaid Si was so happy for her that the brightness in her face didn't falter even at Xhemin's departure. She just nodded at her happily, ever so willing to let her go. The handmaids in the first princess chambers will remain at their position even when Xhemin was away as the Chieftain wanted that chamber to be treated as if someone was dwelling there, just like how it had always been the last few years even before Xhemin's entrance in the palace.

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Xhemin turned to Darryl who was already waiting for her before his horse. She had bade farewell with Enoch and the Chieftain earlier and Princess Song was the last on her list. Darryl assisted her to mount on her horse and in a span of minutes there were already travelling back to Somer lands.

Along the way, Xhemin noticed how the people's lifestyle become simpler as they approached the Somer lands. Unlike the central village, the place was peaceful with few villagers and dwellings. However, she liked the ambiance more as it reminded her of the Richmond ranch.

"Welcome healer," Maru greeted them as they halted in front of Baruk Tam's house. Darryl was yet to build a house in the Pearl haven so they ought to stay in Baruk Tam's house until then. Of course, Darryl want to bring Xhemin back to the mainland but the Chieftain had not made a word of allowing him to go back, and so he went with the flow. The Chieftain also told him to settle with his wife first and finish the wedding season before they talked again about the bridge and everything else in line.

A wedding season is a tradition in the Manggan people that allows newlywed couple to spend together for few months without working and worry about their daily food. Their expenses for the said months will be shouldered by a sponsor and if none, their Baruk or the Chieftain's treasury. During these times also that people from their village will work together to build them a home where they can live in harmony after the wedding season. Since the population in Manggan Island is not that great, they made sure to support the sanctity of marriage and give convenience to newlywed in order for them to focus on making children.

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"Hello again Maru, "Darryl greeted and Xhemin smiled down at the girl from her horse. Maru was present in their wedding feast but she had to rush back to the Somer lands after that since no one was there to lead the people and Baruk Tam had to stay with newlyweds.

"I had prepared your chambers, you may rest as you please," She told them politely. The elders of Somer village was at her back, joining her at the pleasantries.

"Thank you Maru for your hard work," Baruk Tam told her and his words made an obvious blush on the girl's face. "I brought you presents from the central village, come let's go the hall,"

Maru smiled sweetly. Baruk Tam had grown to appreciate her after the incident but she was still not used to his gentleness even then. Baruk Tam held her hand as he advanced to the hall but he paused along the way to wait for Darryl who was still helping Xhemin unmount her horse.

However, as soon as Xhemin's feet landed on the ground she was deeply shock when Darryl gathered his hands around her back and carried her on his arms.

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"Hey!" Xhemin protested with it yet Darryl ignored her. He smoothly carried her past the elders and advanced his steps to Baruk Tam.

"Mainland's custom," Darryl told at Baruk Tam's surprised face. Even the elders was shock on what he did, it was totally an unexpected act. "The grooms carry their wife like this to the house,"

Baruk Tam's surprised face was replaced with thorough delight.

"Such a grandiose effort!" The little Baruk said. He then turned to Maru whom he held on his hands, "Someday when we get married, I'll carry you like that onto our house,"

-Chapter ends here-

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