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The Pearl Haven was a heavenly place. Xhemin couldn't help but adore the nature before her as well as the wild plants that welcomed them when they surveyed the place. Pearl haven wasn't a small island at all as it cannot be toured around in a day but compared to the Manggan Island, it looked tiny of course.

What won Xhemin's heart of course was its good soil. The moment she stepped into the green parts of the island, she immediately dug a handful of land on her bare hands and lavished on its healthy texture. Looking further, she saw some lush of limestone peaks almost reaching the clouds. However for Darryl, the thing that captured his interest was the sea and the luminous aquamarine waters that was kissing back and forth in the white dazzling shores.

"We can make a small bridge right there," Darryl said to Baruk Tam as he pointed into that part that faced a cliff in the Somer lands. They rode a small boat to reach the pearl heaven but its distance from the Somer lands was only few kilometers apart that it only took them a matter of five minutes to get there.

"Is that even possible?" Baruk Tam asked. The cliff was narrow and he thought building a foundation down the sea was a bit impossible.

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"I can make one with the right equipment but for the moment, a hanging bridge can be handy," He said to him.

"Well well, everything is up to you now. Anyways, this island is yours already," Baruk Tam told him. He knew Darryl was a capable man and so he trusted his words.

"Brother Dee," Maru called on Darryl. "The healer seemed to be nowhere in sight,"

Darryl immediately turned his head to where Xhemin previously was only to find no one. "I'll go and check on her. Stay here with Baruk Tam and the rest,"

Darryl searched for Xhemin, starting from where she previously stood. He knew she was completely capable of attending to herself but he was just curious onto what got her caught up. It was rather not hard to find her as she left an obvious trail, only showing that she was not conscious of being followed.

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Soon, he found her staring in the open sea in a stiff cliff. Her full attention had been perfectly drawn to what's lying further into the sea that she didn't even notice her husband's presence.

"Hey," Darryl embraced her from behind and the way she reacted, Darryl could tell that she was surprised.

"Was I gone for too long?" Her attention shifted to Darryl who was planting kisses on her neck. It had been days since they got married and the days after that started and ended with Darryl's warmth and kisses. She had been used to his presence already but until then, she couldn't imagine how she ended marrying the man she held dearly. She couldn't believe her fate but she was glad, although not entirely, as the happiness she felt also struck as a guilt. She cannot live happily with the fact that Huzey was dying.

"Uhm," Darryl replied as his kisses turned into small bites in at the back of her neck. Darryl was obsessing on giving her love bites but he made sure to put them on places that she can hide with her clothes or with her hair. "What are you looking at?"

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"Nothing," Xhemin lied and that was the reason why she wasn't looking at him. She was still facing at the ocean, hoping Darryl will not notice the island she was looking at. It was the Devil's lure and standing on where she's at, freely scrutinizing the dreaded place made her feel like she was so close to achieving what she went here for.

Xhemin was still plotting on how to get there when he felt Darryl's hands already cupping her breast, only then she did notice that his kisses on her neck was becoming deep and his bites were already sensual.

"Darryl," Xhemin let go of a moan. Her mind instantly brought her back onto how Darryl kissed every part of her last night and the how intense their lovemaking had been.

"I missed you already," Darryl said and in a split second managed to bring Xhemin on the part of the cliff where a big limestone rock was standing. It was a safe zone and he had her pinned onto it as he ravished her lips.

"Someone might see us," She told him in between their kisses, although she had really no plans on stopping her husband's advances. Not when her insides were already yearning for him. She had her doubts about making love under the sun but it was already too late to think about it, Darryl had managed her way inside her upper dress and was already giving her pleasures far too strong than her hesitations.

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"We will be finished before they find us," He concluded and kneeled on his feet to kiss Xhemin's navel. It didn't took long for him to made his way down and Xhemin gasped and held onto Darryl's hair as his mouth was in between his thighs again, her lower clothing and undergarment was rolled down her knees already. Her knees were trembling just when Darryl's tongue dug deeper on to her, making her aware of skillful he was on making her feel good.

Just with her husband's seeking tongue, Xhemin reached the bliss. She lifted her head savoring the pleasure as she moaned his name over and over. She was breathless when she recovered and when Darryl noticed that her tremors subsided, he smiled playfully before his grip on her tights finally loosened.

He stood back to kiss her once more—far too deep and ravishing this time. He feasted with mouth, making sure to explore every part of it— before he slid his manhood out from his lower clothing. He wanted to inside her again and taste the pleasure on she was capable of giving him.

-Chapter ends here-

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