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The conference was held at one of the L Empire's media hall inside of its Corporate Center. Many had seen Darryl roamed around Hampshire the night he came back into the mainland and so the media had been dying to get a word from L Empire to confirm the news and that itself explained why so many reporters and personalities came to witness the conference, hoping all their speculations and questions will be answered. Darryl had been gone for roughly three months and his absence caused much of an upheaval and so everyone wanted to get a word or news about him.

The moment, Manuel came out the medial hall with some of the corporate officers of L Empire, everyone became frantic and the room was filled with flashes from the cameramen who came to document the conference, there were also live broadcast of the conference and almost everyone in the whole nation watched as the broadcast became live.

"I asked everyone to please calm down," One of the corporate officers begged as the room was filled with loud moans from the crowd of media before them, "President Manuel was about to say something and I asked everyone to let him speak before throwing him questions,"

When that same corporate officer stepped out of the podium and gave way to President Manuel, everyone quieted and anticipated his words. The President of L Empire stared at everyone with his proud hazel eyes and started to speak.

"For the last three months, L Empire had been destroyed with the news of our heir's adventure to the forbidden island and many things happened after such event that brought challenges to L Empire…

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 "…I know many of you had been wondering whether it was true that our heir had come back and wanted to personally asked him about many things about his adventure and of his future plans especially that he was about to deliver some commitments with the Ministry of Indigenous people…"

Manuel's voice wore some light of victory in them and he stood in the podium with his pride and confidence. He was about to deliver good news and that good news will be his saving glory. With Darryl's show up today, everyone, including the elders will forget all their caress about L Empire and his mishaps and tomorrow, everything will be back to where they had previously been. L Empire on the top and he as the rightful President of the Lagdameo businesses.

"…Today, I finally announced and confirmed that the Lagdameo heir is back and that L Empire had never been proud of his achievements. To give way to everyone's questions, I give to you the Lagdameo heir…"

Darryl stepped out with his bodyguards as soon as Manuel said the words of welcome. Everyone, although they were already somehow expecting his presence, fell open shock when they saw him.

Darryl made full strides into the center and sat in the table comfortably, very much prepared for everyone's questions. He came wearing a black suit and a well combed hair that erased every trace of the island in his body but unlike before, there were no more sadness in his hazel eyes and that made a huge difference of how he looked, although he was still as gorgeous as everyone could remember.

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"Hello everyone," Darryl greeted, struggling to keep a still face with the flashes of camera that was directed to him.

"The Lagdameo heir is prepared to entertain all your questions," Manuel added from the podium before he stepped out and sat beside Darryl.

Immediately, as Manuel settled a reporter raised a hand to question Darryl. When she was cued to stand up by the corporate officer, she stood and voiced immediately "Was it true that you went to the island to get a consent for the bridge?"

"Yes," Darryl confirmed and everyone, if not scribbling on their papers was busy giving their seatmate some whispers, tackling what they had been recently heard.

"Did you somehow get a consent?" the reporter added immediately.

"Yes," Darryl confirmed again, and another shock befell everyone who was there. Darryl turned to where the representative of the Ministry of Indigenous people was. "That was why we had invited people from the Ministry today to let them know, I had delivered what I promised to give. I have with me the consent of the Chieftain saying he wanted to let me continue the bridge,"

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The reporter without wasting time, added one last question she was allowed to "Mind to tell us what you had done in order to get the Chieftain's approval on this thing? I mean, everyone of us here were aware how the tribe remained hostile toward the mainland from the previous years and it run as somehow unreal for how you are able to convince them,"

"It didn't go easy for me, if that was what you are all assuming," Darryl replied politely but in a confident professional tone. "It took me a great deal to get my way through the island and the thing that convinced the chieftain was because I mar—"

"Please…. the things that happened in the island, we would like it to be kept confidential as these things were meant only for the Lagdameo heir and the Ministry's knowledge" Manuel interjected as Darryl wanted to announce his marriage. He turned to look at Darryl with a threatening gaze and added "Darryl would surely agree with me with this,"

Darryl nodded at his father politely as to not put him to shame. He can always go against him, but not in a way that would put his father into shameful situation by openly disobeying him, so Darryl just let his action pass.

Another reporter who was allowed to question Darryl stood and confronted. "So, with all this information you revealed, we should assume that the bridge will continue beyond the par line, correct?"

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"Yes, you have said right," Darryl confirmed again.

"May I know when it shall begin its construction?"

"As soon as possible" Darryl sighed with this answer and added, "You are all probably aware that my construction team dispersed few months ago and so I am in the process of getting my team back together and clear everything we could and start the construction. I assure you this time, my team will not be stopped the construction again until the bridge will be finish,"

"So, after the bridge will be finished, what's your next step in regard to your commitment to the island?"

"I have to discuss it first to the ministry and let you know as soon as we had agreed," Darryl answered, and the reporter respected that. Just when Darryl confirmed about the continuation of construction, everyone adored him deeper for being as brilliant as they had never seen before. To be a person so brave to enter a forbidden place and successfully came back announcing a peaceful contact, everyone could have never been prouder of the Lagdameo heir's achievement.

However, this time, another reporter stepped out and asked Darryl one more serious question that immediately filled the room with some tension.

"Engineer Lagdameo, before you left, rumors had it that you build a bridge to follow a woman in the island, that's why the bridge was called Puente De Amor. Are the rumors true?"

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