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The reporter's questions triggered something in Manuel, and he chose to answer it instead to Darryl even though the question was not meant for him.

"This we asked that the Lagdameo heir should not answer," Manuel said with an expression so dimmed. He turned to Darryl giving him a fair warning not to answer. However, Manuel's angry expression made an upheaval amongst the crowd and they wanted to confirm the rumors further because of it.

"Is the President angry because all of it was true? Did you really risk your life and build a bridge for a woman" Another reporter shouted from the end of the room "Please Engineer, we wanted to know"

"Yes, we wanted to know whether the bridge was named Puente De Amor for reasons of the Lagdameo heir chasing a woman,"

"Please tell us who the woman is! Is she and the rumored Lagdameo woman the same?

"Is this love affair forbidden by L Empire?"

The media became aggressive and daring with their questions. Since the room turned into chaos, the reporters threw off questions demandingly without permission from the corporate officer and all of them tried to reach for Darryl in the center. Good thing, Darryl's guards immediately block them off and called for the building's security to control the crowd.

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"Is it true that L Empire had been defeated by a local farmer? Engineer Darryl, what is your stand on this?"

"Are the Lagdameo elders still satisfied with President Manuel's performance? Are the rumors about the ousting true?"

"Do you know about the violence that took place when you were gone?"

"Enough!" Manuel lost it all. For the first time in history, Manuel had showed anger in front of the media. Whether it was because of the stress that he had constantly experienced lately or something else, he was certainly not well enough to face more confrontation than Darryl was.

"Everyone I have a more important announcement to make" Darryl said in the midst of the chaos and while every media practitioners and reporters were trying to squeeze themselves off the guard's arms to reach him.

"With all that had happened for the last three months that I was gone, I personally took responsibility for all and apologize for it. I assure you that I will make up for whatever had happened and make amends. With this, I announced hereby today that I the Lagdameo heir, Darryl Lemmuel Lagdameo is ready to step into L Empire's Presidency immediately,"

Darryl's announcement came as another huge shock to everyone and they all halted whatever they were doing and gaped open with what they have heard. It was a very unexpected announcement as Darryl had an agreement with his father previously which everyone was aware of.

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Manuel himself almost lost his balance and started shaking when he heard his own son's words. Did his own son just oust him from L Empire's Presidency? Was this the one that Darryl had been planning to do while he was locked up in his room?

Running through all the details, Manuel's questions were all answered. Darryl knew how the elders became very dissatisfied with his performance lately and so he took this opportunity since he knew no one amongst the elders will take his side. Weren't they even looking for reasons to oust him?

Now that Darryl announced his willingness, of course all the elders will have no protest, especially that he had just proven how great he was with his dealings with the Manggan Tribe.

"Ha..ha..ha..ha..," Manuel laughed bitterly as if what he had heard was a joke.

He could not just believe it. Every Lagdameo had taken their chances on ousting him, but never would he thought that it was his own son would successfully be able to do it.

He was very willing to let Darryl stepped into the Presidency but now wasn't the right time for it as per his own volition. He thought that just like the previous L Empire's president, he could still enjoy this position until the time he retires and passed the burden to Darryl by then. Not now of course as he was still very capable of managing L Empire and was still too young to retire. Not to mention the fact that he was still enjoying the power he has as L Empire's president.

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He looked at Darryl's hazel eyes that resembled his with much resentment, but Darryl only gave him a polite bow.

"It is time for you to rest father," Darryl said as he was giving his curtsy "Let me take the burden from your shoulder. I promised I will not disappoint you,"

Manuel balled his hands into a tight grip, still shaking, "This…this…this is…"

"This is what L Empire agreed after some careful consideration and the reason why we conducted this conference today" A familiar voice halted Manuel's public protest and an old handsome man, with another smoldering expression came into picture.

"Father," Manuel turned to the man immediately and bowed at him. Darryl and everyone else followed Manuel's gesture. The old man was Samuelle Lagdameo, one of the Lagdameo elders and Manuel's father.

Samuelle Lagdameo's reputation preceded him and everyone feared him more than any Lagdameo out there. With the elder's circle, his voice was always taken seriously as well as the entire L Empire, as if he was more than L Empire's President.

"I came here to personally overlook this matter and make sure Darryl make proper announcements," The old man said. Darryl had managed to reveal this matter to him and so the old man, who was always betting on the Lagdameo heir, went to make sure Manuel will abide on plans.

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"With this, I therefore announce that the Lagdameo heir, my grandson Darryl will become the next president of L empire. I hope everyone will welcome him with much respect and warmth just like how the business industry had treated all the previous L Empire's president," Samuelle Lagdameo announced further as he stepped into the podium "The transition will start immediately and the handling over will take place in L Empire's corporate center in London which is the last destination of Darryl's tour before he stepped into office,"

Manuel was not able to say a word and was forced to accept defeat right then. Darryl had outsmarted him again this time and he was ultimately caught off guard with everything that took place.


In the midst of the bewildered crowd and hungry media, whose interest now was shifted into the details of transition, Samuelle and Darryl left the media hall immediately and went to the Corporate center's rooftop where a chauffeur had been waiting. This will be their ride to the airport where a private jet was waiting to take them out of country.

Darryl was to go with Samuelle for a tour overseas to visit each of L Empire's businesses abroad. As the previous president did, a new incoming president of L Empire had to go and make himself accustomed with all their business and immersed in it for a couple of days or weeks. With all their businesses abroad, this tour would usually take months to finished and on their last stop, which was their branch in London, Darryl will then officially become L Empire's president.

"Darryl, your sister had packed your personal belongings. We shall waste no time from now on and make sure to do your best. The future of L Empire is in your hands now,"

"Yes grandfather," Darryl answered but before he stepped into the chauffeur, his gaze turned toward the South and whispered, "Please wait for me milady,"

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