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"Xhem?" He was surprised to see her, especially that he had never thought she was already bearing a child. "Is that you?"

"My prince…I'm home…" Xhemin gasped at Huzey's grave as if she had not heard Ziggy's call and tears streamed down her pretty messed up face. "Why did you not wait for me?"

"Xhem…" Ziggy ran to welcome her, but the girl made her way past through him and kneeled on Huzey's grave, not minding the damp mud that dirtied her dress and Ziggy's presence. Seeing how devasted she was, the Youngest sire, lost every possible word he could tell her and when his words didn't make it, his tears did, and he sobbed again as she did.

"How dare you bury him without me," Xhemin said softly seemingly confronting whoever buried her prince without giving her a chance to say goodbye. She had risked their life—her baby and hers—just to bid the Diamond Prince farewell and yet everyone already buried him, "I want to see him, I want to see his face,"

Xhemin's grief drowned her and her longing for Huzey lost all the rationality in her. The only thing that was left was the need to see the prince for one last time before he faded away. With that, she carelessly her dug his grave with her two bare hands aggressively, wanting to see the coffin where her prince laid.

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"Xhem stop it, please stop that," Ziggy embrace her from the back and locked her muddied hands in his to stop her from digging further. He tried to hold her back, to calm her, even though he can't even manage his tears and he still had small injuries because of fire that happened in his laboratory.

"No! I want to see him," She wailed like a child, her pain all out and screamed frustratedly under Ziggy's embrace. "Let me see him please,"

"Huzey want us to remember him the way he was," He reasoned with her, "He don't want us to see his damaged face… please… please…just let it be…let him rest… let him have a peaceful rest,"

"Ziggy I can't… I want to see him please… let me…" Xhemin cried as if her brain was being shredded from the inside and as if by the sheer force of her grief, Huzey's death would be undone. Seeing Huzey's grave hurt more than anything else, she was like dying and all her veins were being twitched mercilessly. It was so painful.

Just after a while, Xhemin's constant painful sob turned into something else. The pain inside her heart managed to travel to her chest and down to her stomach and she felt like she was losing her breath. Her head suddenly turned as the world before her blurred. Her heartache turned into real pain this time and before she could utter a word, she lost her consciousness and fainted.

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"Xhem?" Ziggy saw how the little miss turned motionless and panic instantly rose to his neck. Without uttering more words, he immediately carried the girl in his arms and left the cemetery.


Xhemin woke up with the flapping of pigeon's wings and even before she could open her eyes, she knew she was at Richmond Ranch. She was home.

Ziggy had taken her to Hampshire hospital when she fainted and did all the necessary check ups on her. She was just deeply exhausted, and fatigue overtook her so what she needed was a full body rest. Dr. Miles knew Xhemin didn't like staying in the hospital, so Ziggy and he decided to bring her home. The little miss had woken up several times of the last twenty-four hours, but she was in a dreamy state so didn't probably was not aware of it.

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Knowing that she was somewhere very safe, she slowly rose from her bed and felt the big lump on her stomach. It had grown bigger and bigger as each morning she woke up and although she could feel that child insider her kicking and alive, she felt so dead within.

Xhemin sat there for a while, hugging her stuff toy Cryzer, while staring blankly in the window. Soon, she felt very thirsty and so she dragged herself down to their kitchen.

There was no one around but there were some food left sitting on the table for her to eat. However, she doesn't feel like eating anything, so she turned to drink some water and planned to lock herself in her room again. However, while sipping on a glass of water, her attention was caught to the newspaper sitting on one side of their countertop.



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Shock on what she had seen, Xhemin immediately grab the newspaper and read on. Her hands shook tremendously while she gets through the details, angry and annoyed on every word that was published on the paper.

"Just ignore it," Ziggy emerged holding a basket of freshly picked strawberries and forcing a smile on his face. He had gone through their strawberry field to help Ang with another harvest.

"Ziggy what are all these?" Xhemin hollered at him as she flipped the newspaper to get to another page. When she cannot take all the information anymore, she turned to look at him and saw the minor burns he got from the explosion. "What happened to you?"

Ziggy wanted to lie about it as to not add another set of stress onto the Little Miss but Xhemin was one heck of a nosy cat, so he knew sooner or later she will eventually find out and would probably nag at him for keeping her blind about it.

"Fire in my lab," He said and pulled a chair for her to seat on their dining table. He knew she'll wake up soon, so he had prepared a food for her in the table already, "Sit and eat,"

"Not until you'll tell me what's going on," She demanded, her deep ink eyes were glowing with much intrigue.

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